Princess Weekend 2022

Interesting! I've done many many races over the years where I stayed at Boardwalk and I've never had a shared bus going TO the race, only on the way back. Even this race weekend, had our own BW bus all 3 days. But I'm also a first bus person. I wonder if they start combining them later as there are less runners? Or with all the bus nonsense this race, maybe someone screwed up and the bus wasn't even supposed to go to BW and was supposed to be just Swolphin.

Their messup was in combining pickups.

And no they don't combine them later normally; there are MORE runners the later it gets, not fewer, from experience.

I was thinking with a lot of the bus problems would it help if rundisney asked what resort we were staying in.

Agreed. I assume they have some computer program that compares names, but that's an inexact science. I'm sure I'm not the only one to do this, but between us and my cousin's family we had two resorts represented, and there would have been no way for them to know this.
I stayed at OKW in 2018 for MW and for the first two races they didn’t combine OKW/SS, but then for the HM (from memory) they sent our OKW loaded bus to SS. It didn’t make much logistical sense and we had a heck of a time getting past the other buses at SS once they realized we shouldn’t be at the back of the line of buses.

That’s the only time I remember sharing a pre-race bus. Might have happened at POP/AoA on accident once as well. Memory fuzzy though.
Did anybody else get a survey about the race weekend? They asked about transportation as one of the questions, but I didn't have any trouble. I'll bet they are getting an earful from other people though. @Novatrix did you get to chime in?
I am WAY behind in posting about the weekend, but here's how it went for me:

DH and I got up at 3:30 on Saturday, and were on the road at 4:01. We drove straight to the expo, and picked up my bib and shirt. We went through the official merchandise, even though I knew there wouldn't be much left. I was surprised that there was much more than when we went for MW. They did not have the Corksicle that I wanted, but I expected that. I had asked if someone we know who was going the first day could get me one, but she was unwilling to go in once she saw the line. We bought a couple of pins, and headed for Pop.

Our room wasn't ready, so we parked the car, and took the Skyliner to lunch at Ale and Compass. We had a terrific lunch, then walked around for a bit before heading for the HH meetup. We really enjoyed getting to meet everyone there. The last couple of times we've tried to make a meetup, it hasn't worked out, so this was a treat!

After that meetup, we went to the Ale and Compass Lounge for a meetup with DH's former boss and her daughters (she was the one who didn't want to wait in the official merchandise line on day one). She is, however, the person who first got me interested in Princess weekend, in 2013. They had been there for yoga, and the 5k and 10k, so we got to chat about how their trip had been to that point, and catch up a bit.

Our room was ready, and we got back to Pop and had cheese pizza at the food court before getting to our room and preparing for Sunday's early alarm.

DH never runs on the Princess weekend races. He likes to be a spectator for those, while I do the running. I put on my Mulan as Ping outfit (soldier training outfit), and we had a long line of buses waiting at Pop. We were there early, and had an easy time of getting to the race, and plenty of time for the pre-race meetup, which was great. I was in S3, and DH headed for Main St. after we parted. He had an easier time getting there than I did--just after we passed the Contemporary, and just before swinging around to enter MK, I took a hard fall. I'm not sure exactly what happened, but there was a woman walking, and talking on her phone in front of me. I tried to go around her, and there was a bit of uneven pavement, and, well, it wasn't pretty. Several kind runners stopped to see if I was okay and one went after my water bottle that had rolled away. I thought I was okay. I had scrapes on my hands and elbow, and a bruise on my knee, but no blood. What I didn't realize until I picked myself up and started running again, was that I had jammed my shoulder when my right hand hit the ground that hard. It's still sore, but is getting a bit better each day, I think.

Nevertheless, I was almost to MK, and the chance to run down Main Street again! That's my favorite part. It wasn't as dark as I'd hoped, since the race started late, but it wasn't bad. DH was waiting at Casey's, as promised, to cheer for me.

By mile 9-10, I was walking a bit more, but still running a reasonable amount. That part of the course didn't have as much support as MW, when all the cars passing were honking and waving. It was a bit of a motivation suck through there this time. DH was waiting for me at mile 12, and I saw him, but he missed me. I was yelling his name, but he was not looking where I was. When he realized that I had to be past, he went to the finish line, and met me there. I skipped the character photos this time because most of the lines were so long (I did consider stopping for Mickey and Donald just inside Epcot, but didn't. Their line was much shorter, and I wonder if they were a bit too hidden in their spot.)

I've done Princess four times now--the half in 2013, the first challenge in 2014, the 10k in 2018, and the half this year. I thought the vibe was a little different this year, especially in how there wasn't much energy in the start groups. S3 was pretty subdued this year. It was a good race, though, and I was glad to get to do it. I like the medal and the shirt, and had a good time, despite the fall.

We didn't go to the parks that day, but had a relaxing afternoon, and then had a fun day in Epcot on Monday, and spent Tuesday morning at DS before driving home Tuesday afternoon. It was a great trip! It felt a bit indulgent, after having just been there for MW a few weeks before, and another trip last May. We are not planning on SS weekend, but look forward to reading about it on the threads, and will almost certainly be back for MW in January!
Did anybody else get a survey about the race weekend? They asked about transportation as one of the questions, but I didn't have any trouble. I'll bet they are getting an earful from other people though. @Novatrix did you get to chime in?
I got that survey, and another one looking for people to join a virtual focus group. The weird part was it said the deadline to complete that one was February 25 and the groups would happen March 7-10, but I just got it yesterday. It let me complete the survey anyway, but I doubt anything will come of it. I think it would’ve been a unique experience though!
I hope everyone had fun! I'm getting caught up on all the posts. Everything has been a total blur with family stuff and work since Princess...I'm just now getting a chance to reflect on the weekend. I had so much fun. I've booked a room for next year and I cannot wait to get my running shoes back on.

My only real goal was to finish feeling less wrecked than my first half in 2020, but I had also told a friend that I wanted to turn a better time as well, but that I'd be happy if that was "even by only 30 seconds" in light of my injury. My IT band nearly sank my battleship. It started having issues out of the blue during the last long training run. I was in so much pain during the race, but I finished. I told myself to get through MK and then we could quit, but I slapped some biofreeze on it at that aid station on the backside of MK and kept going. Even with the pain, I still had a great time. My hydration was perfect. The heat didn't bother me at all. I felt pretty darn good afterwards and would have had a full park day if ol left knee wasn't being such a jerk. I got fancied up, got my medal pictures in front of the castle, and had a celebratory dinner over at Storybook dining with my bestie and my husband. This whole time I thought I had finished a whole 30 minutes faster than 2020...patting myself on the back for being faster even with a bum knee.
But I was mistaken about the 30mins. I was looking at my finisher certs just now and I realized that I beat my 31 *seconds* 😭😆 I can't IS above 30 seconds!

I loved the yoga and got some wonderful park time in during the trip. I didn't experience any of the transport nightmare that others did (I was on the first bus from POFQ), but I was texting the whole time with my other dear friend who's a Perfect and was stuck waiting at Boardwalk for over an hour and baaarely made it. She hadn't gotten to her corral by the time the chairs were sent off. But make it she did, and of course she finished like an hour ahead of me. LoL.

I went to the expo twice, once on Thursday to get my bib...saw the line for merch and asked no less than 5 staff if there was a way for me to go in to collect my pre-purchased merch. I was told no ( this is not true, apparently). I came back Friday to collect that walking right in, and got the pink half marathon tank with Mulan...but regret not getting a hoodie. None of the primo stuff was left of course. C'est la vie!

With a few days rest, my knee felt mostly back to normal but still messed up. I got a cortisone shot in my knee this past Monday and I can slowly resume activity at this point. Fingers crossed that does the trick, otherwise it's MRI and probably something worse.
Update: apparently I partially dislocated my kneecap AND broke part of my medial tibia on the course… now I feel a lot better regarding my DNF knowing it wasn’t all in my head…

Oh my goodness!!! How did you find out? Normal doc? Orthopedist?

Nothing like that, but I'm still waiting on my giant blister to work itself out. On Monday after the Half it was so puffed up and big it was translucent, and it went under the nail. Now it's weird and hard. I figure in about a month all that skin is going to come off, because that's the healing trajectory things like that have with me.

Reminds me I never sent my email to complain about our bus adventures.. not that it would do any good..

Let's be sure to do it. The driver needed better training and the people stopping him needed better training. I mean, we were RIGHT THERE the first time we entered Epcot, just not *exactly* where we needed to be. Someone could have met us and walked us in.
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