Princess Ashlyn's Birthday Trip - That's 2 For 2! September 2010 PTR (Started my TR!)

While taking a break from packing and looking around the DIS, I think it started to hit me how close we are to leaving. So I'm panicking a little because there is still so much to do! :eek: Yep, that smilie is pretty much how I feel right now! :rotfl: I am also so super excited now. I passed that pre-trip lull! :thumbsup2 I know I shouldn't freak out about having everything ready because we've had everything planned out forever. We hit a snag in regards to Ashlyn's doctor appointment a couple of days ago and were running around trying to get that fixed, but everything is A-OK now! I think that kinda set us in the running-around-like-crazy-people mode, though. :lmao: By the end of all this, when we're finally on the plane, we'll just all be crazy and happy like this... :dance3:

Well, getting that off my chest helped me calm down a little. Ashlyn wakes up from her nap soon so I better get a little more packing done and will be back later! Thanks for listening! :wave:
Alright, this time tomorrow is VERY soon! I always think that packing is exciting and fun, and then I start doing it and I realize that it is very much neither of those things!

You're telling me! :lmao: I don't mind the getting everything together part, it's the trying to find room for everything part that gets me!
I'm a little worried that Ashlyn will get scared since she's old enough to realize that some things are scary. Every other time we went on, she would hold onto me a little tighter when the lights go out in the stretching room, but she was fine throughout the rest of the ride. Here's hoping that both Ashlyn and Kya will end up liking it! :wizard:

pixiedust: Some for you...

pixiedust: and some for me. :goodvibes
We leave for Florida tomorrow and our vacation officially begins! :hyper: We won't be on Disney property until Wednesday, but I am so filled with excitement and energy today! I always look forward to a little break from the island. :)

2 Days: (I know, we leave tomorrow, but our countdown is just a tad off... oh well! It made sense when we put it together and how we wanted to do the countdown chain. ANYWAY... :rotfl:) Aaron is probably only going to work half the day today since we have to turn in our luggage and stuff like that this afternoon/evening. Ashlyn has dance class today and we'll have our friend over who is going to check in on our cat come over to see where the cat food and all that stuff is. I always worry about our cat when we're gone. :( There's no real reason for me to, but she's our baby. :cat: Anyway, sorry for the rambling... I tend to do that when I'm excited (or worried or nervous or something :rotfl:). When all the luggage is turned in and we're starting to relax for the evening (can that happen the day before you leave for vacation? :laughing:) we are going to watch the Disney planning DVD. :woohoo: Always fun!

Thing #2 that we are looking forward to is...



Oh man, I :love: this ride! Always have! pirate: It might be #1 on my list of favorite rides, actually. I love the movies, too. This is a must-do anytime we're at Disney. I even love that musty smell and anytime I smell something similar I can almost hear the cannons and "Yo Ho, Yo Ho!" Actually, I also think of the banjo playing and fireflies that are at the beginning of the one at DL since that's what I grew up with. :goodvibes Can't wait!!!

So, I'm contemplating posting my last thing we're looking forward to tonight since I'm going to be all over the place with excitement and nervousness (I have a fear of flying) so I may not be able to put together a fully coherent post in the morning. :lmao:
Yeah, the disneyland POTC is much better. But that's okay. It's all the same, if you don't think about it too much!

I can not believe you leave tomorrow! You are going to be very busy today! I can't wait to hear the last thing on your countdown!
yayy for leaving TOMORROW!!! I think I might just have to break out our Disney planning DVD soon. It gets us pretty pumped (well, it gets me super pumped...maybe Conner will dance with me :rotfl2:)

I know what smell your talking about in POTC!!! The Polynesian has it too, and so does the land...well they have their own smells, not so much musty, but definitely distinguisable:cloud9:

Have fun!!!!!!!!!
Yeah, the disneyland POTC is much better. But that's okay. It's all the same, if you don't think about it too much!

I can not believe you leave tomorrow! You are going to be very busy today! I can't wait to hear the last thing on your countdown!

I haven't been to DL since they put in Jack Sparrow. *swoon* But I do like the beginning of DL's better. It's been awhile since I've been to DL so I can't remember all of the differences! Especially since I didn't see WDW's before Jack Sparrow.

I'm definitely going to put my last countdown item up tonight. The more I think about it and am honest with myself, I know it's just not realistic to think I'll get to it tomorrow morning before having to get to the airport!

yayy for leaving TOMORROW!!! I think I might just have to break out our Disney planning DVD soon. It gets us pretty pumped (well, it gets me super pumped...maybe Conner will dance with me :rotfl2:)

I know what smell your talking about in POTC!!! The Polynesian has it too, and so does the land...well they have their own smells, not so much musty, but definitely distinguisable:cloud9:

Have fun!!!!!!!!!

Thank you!!! The Disney planning DVD totally gets me pumped up, too! I think Aaron would be just fine not watching it, but he knows I love it so he likes watching it for that reason.

I love coming across smells in my every day life that remind me of Disney because then you are just transported back. :goodvibes I've never been to Poly but hope to one day!!
I'm so excited for you! :hyper:

I'm excited about POTC too- I vaguely remember it from my day at the MK. I, of course, remember the song very well! In fact I started singing it in my head as soon as I saw it on your countdown. :laughing:

I'm glad my pixiedust made you smile. :)
I'm so excited for you! :hyper:

I'm excited about POTC too- I vaguely remember it from my day at the MK. I, of course, remember the song very well! In fact I started singing it in my head as soon as I saw it on your countdown. :laughing:

I'm glad my pixiedust made you smile. :)

I get that song stuck in my head really easily, too. :laughing: It's okay, though, it always puts me in a good mood! We always seem to randomly reference the ride or movies. Like when Aaron came home from his school in Virginia, he brought home a bottle of good rum (we don't drink very often but we can't get decent rum here... weird since it's in the Caribbean! :confused3) and even though we've barely touched it, whenever he asks if I want a glass of rum and coke or something, one of us always says "Why is the rum gone?" like Jack in what I believe was the first movie. :lmao:
I couldn't wait any longer to finish up my countdown. :laughing: We got back from dance class not that long ago and we're both so hot so we're just relaxing. I figured now was a good time since I'll be super busy here shortly. I'm really hoping Aaron gets to come home soon and is able to stay home! Anyway, so....

1 Day: WE'LL BE LEAVING!!!! Tomorrow morning we'll be catching the ferry over to the other side of the island to catch the plane! :woohoo: I can't believe it's finally here! :hyper:

Our countdown was in no particular order, but here we are at the end. Thing #1 that we are looking forward to is...



We've gone to WDW three times before this trip. The first time was so last minute (we literally decided to go on our plane ride to Florida!) that we just grabbed a hotel off property. The other two times we stayed at Pop Century. While we absolutely love Pop, we really wanted to try something new. Aaron and I looked at all the options and POFQ sounded perfect for us. I've heard a lot of great reviews so I'm really psyched to check it out! It looks beautiful! :goodvibes

Well everyone, there's always the chance that I will be able to get on the DIS before we leave, but I'm not going to count on it. So if I can't, have a wonderful week and I will "see" you when we get back! :hug:
Hope you have a great trip! Enjoy staying at that beautiful resort! I can't wait to hear about it when you get back!
I loved your countdown! I can't wait to see and do all those things you counted down to.
I love those princess hair clips you made and your autograph book too.
Have a great trip!!
I can't wait to hear all about it!:cool1:
Thank you everyone! We had a wonderful time! We got back on Saturday but we all caught a little something and are still not 100%. :( But I will let you all know when I start my TR! :)
Thank you everyone! We had a wonderful time! We got back on Saturday but we all caught a little something and are still not 100%. :( But I will let you all know when I start my TR! :)

Hope ya'll get better soon!! Glad you made it home & can't wait to read your TR!!! :goodvibes


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