prayers please for another granddaughter


DIS Veteran
Nov 9, 2005
I can't believe it! We have one granddaughter, Gracee in the hospital with jaundice that is out of control.

Now we have another granddaughter, Hannah in the same hospital with a serious infection either in the kidney or blood. The drs are treating it aggressively since she is only 2 months old. The drs are waiting to see the cultures from blood, urine and spinal fluid to say exactly where the infection is. They said after the cultures are grown out in 24 hours they will eliminate any meds they need to but they can't wait the 24 hours to find out where the infection is without antibotics in the meantime.

SO the two cousins are in the hospital together and the family is asking "what is going on". I keep reminding them it could be worse. We could have more of the grandkids in the hospital.

Please keep us in your prayers. Thank you!
Prayers going her way , keep us updated when you can.
OMG! Most certainly prayers for your family. I know at a scary time it must be a little comforting to have them both at the same hospital.:grouphug:
:hug: Prayers for peace and strength for your family during this difficult time. Praying for little Grace and Hannah.
Oh, Kimis, I'm so sorry this is happening. I'll keep them, and you, in my prayers. Please give updates when you can.
Thank you all for your prayers. Hannah is a very sick little baby. They are doing more test today. They did rule out meningitis. Thank the Lord! They are waiting to see the cultures to know if the infection is in the kidney or blood. In the meantime they are filling her with antibotics but they don't seem to be working to fastly yet. Today they will do an ultrasound and the IVP. It is so sad to hear a two month old moan. Hopefully we will get some positive news today. Thanks again.
Update on Hannah.....So far she has a serious kidney infection. The drs are running all kinds of tests to see what is causing it. Tomorrow if there is no bacteria in the urine they will do the IVP test so we are praying for no bactieria urine. She is so miserable she just moans. I have been in the day care business for 34 years and raised my own kids (one sickly) and never heard a baby moan. It breaks my heart. Please continue your prayers for her. Thank you all so much!
Oh dear, shall be thinking of your little ones.

Big hugs to you all, it is terrible to watch a sick baby and feel so helpless.

Here is the latest update on Hannah. She will come home from the hospital a week from today or tomorrow. The dye test showed that she has the urine reflux condition (medical name to hard to spell lol), She has a level 3 in the right kidney (this would be high average) and a level 4 in the left kidney (this is rare very high). The drs put in a pic yesterday after an hour an a half of trying only to have to readjust it later because it was put too high in the chest. She will have monthly dr appts for 12 months, with re testing at 6 months and 12 months, then yearly and daily antibotics until she is 6. The dr said he has only seen 5 other kids as serious as Hannah but of those five only one required surgery at the end of the first year. They won't do surgery until they are one.

The good news is that this will end by the age of six and if we all do what the drs have said she won't have any kidney disease. The drs said they have sent many parents home and the parents don't give the antibotics or do the dr appts and tests and their children end up with serious disease or even dialysis. I feel that is abuse/neglect when a child doesn;t get the meds and tests. Just a side note.

On a sad note it is painful for her. The dr said it feels like gas. They can't give tylonel for pain because the first sign she has an infection is a fever and the tylonel would cover the fever up--by the time the infection would be found damage would already be done.

Thank you all for your prayers. Please keep praying for Hannah and her parents. My son and dil live 90 miles from the hospital so my son doens't get to come up as often. I work 12 hours a day so I can do night shifts but we are praying for ladies to sit with Hannah so my daughter in law can come and see their older daughter. Also we are praying the insurance company lets them stay where they are and not make them move to a less expensive faciltiy. Thank you all again. We appreciate all the prayers.
Thank you for the update! You and your grandchildren and whole family are in my prayers. At least knowing gives you a sense of how to proceed and exactly what to pray for. I pray she will not suffer pain, how hard that is for us adults when we love our children so!
Hi. I've been following your updates. I had a feeling it was going to turn out to be VUR. My DD was diagnosed at 3 with it. She had a high fever and was hallucinating. She was admitted to the hospital with what turned out to be a kidney infection. She had the VCUG test, and we found out she had the reflux. She was a grade 2 and grade 4. 4 is very high (5 is the highest). We began treatment with a ped. urologist and repeat testing. She stayed on the preventitive antibiotics until she was 6. She thankfully did not have any breakthrough infections. After testing every year she remained a grade 2 & 4. At 6 if you don't outgrow it you won't. So last April my daughter had the surgery. Recovery was a little rough. The surgery was a success. She now just goes yearly for kidney ultrasounds, and follow-up with the doc. If you have any questions let me know. There is also an i-village message board for kidney reflux. There is a ton of info on there. I'm glad she'll be home soon.

We just got back from seeing Hannah. Now her pic line has caused her artery (spelled wrong) to be inflamed. It is hard and warm so they are keeping warm towels on it and watching it. She is getting better and even starting to "coo". Hopefully this pic line won't be a setback. Thanks again for your prayers.
Poor little pet, it is so upsetting to see them in pain.
Have been thinking of you all during this difficult time.

Big hugs to you all:grouphug:

Kimis.. omg.. that broke my heart.. Please know they are in my prayers....please God these babies better..
My daughter also had VUR. She wasn't quite 3 months old when she was diagnosed, so I know how helpless you feel with a 2 month old! It is horrible.

She had a level 2 and a level 3, but has outgrown both! We did the daily dose of antibiotics and luckily she had out grown it by the age of 1. She has a little bit of kidney damage to one of her kidneys, but the doctor said it is nothing to worry about.

I will say everytime she had even a low grade fever during the year she was on antibiotics they had to cath her and take a sample to test to make sure it wasn't a UTI.

I also had my older daughter tested on the recommendation of the pediatric uriologist, because it can be hereditary. Luckily, she got a clean bill of health!

I will be praying for your granddaughter and family!
Continuing my prayers for the children and you and your family. I hope things continue to improve.


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