Prayer and pixie dust requests--Updated May 2

God bless and God heal all these dear people.

Please pray for all those suffering and in pain from the senseless atrocity that has hit our wonderful United States of America.

Please pray for all the poor souls that slowly died by burning to death, crushed to death, falling to death.

Please pray for all the survivors suffering the awful pain of burns, broken bones and shock.

Please pray for all the wives, husbands, daughters, sons, mothers, wifes, grandmothers, grandfathers, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, cousins, friends of all the poor souls that were murdered and injured and missing.

Please pray for all the firemen that ran into the tower of fire to save others' lives at the risk and loss of their own.
They say they are just doing their job and that they are not heros, but they are. they are heroic angels.

Please pray for all the policemen, emergency personnel, civilians that ran to the tower of fire to help others at the expense of their own lives.

As I watch the television news today, please pray for all the poor family members that are roaming the streets of New York by foot, looking for their missing loved ones. My heart is breaking.

Please pray for those poor family members that can't reach New York to be closer to look and be with their loved ones because all airline flights are down.

Please pray for all Americans that are watching and have watched these horrific, terrorist scenes and need to be consoled, comforted, hugged, loved, healed.

Please pray for all the children, mothers, fathers that are falsely being spewed with vomite of hate because of ethnicity, means of worship, clothing, speech or habits.

Christianity, Judaism, and Islam all love and worship God. But a very few weak-minded people falsely hide and falsely twist and falsely represent a faith and vomit hate and want to blame and hurt and hate everyone that looks different from them, that worships different from them. There are also weak minded people that want to believe this vomit.

What would you have done if you were an American of Japanese ethnicity during World War II and was sent to special camps?

What would you do if you lived in Germany preceding and during World War II and saw people of certain ethnicity were treated differently, enslaved, tortured, murdered?

What would you do if you saw where people were not allowed to eat at the same food counter, sit only in the back of the bus, threatened, tortured, hated by many people. What if you had laws that only allowed you to drink at certain water fountains, go to certain restrooms, work certain jobs?

Who did you first think blew up te Oklakoma building.

Pray for all the children at school today that may be falsely accused of being a terrorist because of their ethnicity, the color of their skin, their faith, their language. What are you going to do when you see this injustice? Will you be a stand-up guy?
Or will you be weak-minded, and follow the bully?

Please pray for us all.

Sincerely, RaySharpton
God Bless everyone who has been touched by this tragedy and all those who are doing so much to help.
I'm praying for all who need prayers, as you did for my "baby" sister.

God Bless all of you
Hi Kermit!
Just wanted to say "thanks" to one and all for the prayers for my mom's back. She is better--although the ride home may have been a little rough. We wondered about even going on this trip because of her back but each week she seemed better and better. She is not fine but much better and I think you can take her off now. I know she appreciated all the prayers and thoughts from each of you. Thanks again,
this is so great! I love this board! adding my prayers with yours! Matthew 18:20 I believe in the power of prayer and praying together! god bless! goofy4mickey
A prayer for all our DIS friends and their extended family's.
Is there a scorecard anywhere on the status of the original benefactees or will a generic prayer do?
My prayers for all of those in need of them at this time.
I wanted to say Thank You to you too Kermit. I miss so many threads, this is like an answer to a prayer. :) Thank you.
I would appreciate your prayers and "happy thoughts" this week. I will be having surgery on Wednesday and will be off work for 6 weeks. So much for this holiday season, LOL.

Thank you in advance for your thoughts and prayers.


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