Pray for baby "J"

What wonderful news! He is such a little trooper and fighter for sure.

Just wondering if he is at Columbia/Morgan Stanley Childrens now? My friends dd is there awaiting a heart transplant.

Continued prayers for Baby J and the family.

This goes with the above post..ooops!
So glad he's doing well - I'm keeping the whole family in my prayers. :goodvibes
Our friends said that he was at NY presbyterian for his SHORT picu stay. Prayers for your friends daughter.

This is columbia, they call it so many different things. Its so good to hear that prayers were answered and Baby J. is on his way home. I actually thought of him when I saw somethig on tv about neuroblastoma. Its from another hosp. around here in NY and they did a study of regular treatment versus that plus immunotherapy I think and the immunotherapy rate was 20% better than just the conventional therapy.

I am glad Baby J. is home sweet home with his family. PTL.
This is columbia, they call it so many different things. Its so good to hear that prayers were answered and Baby J. is on his way home. I actually thought of him when I saw somethig on tv about neuroblastoma. Its from another hosp. around here in NY and they did a study of regular treatment versus that plus immunotherapy I think and the immunotherapy rate was 20% better than just the conventional therapy.

I am glad Baby J. is home sweet home with his family. PTL.

I thought I had heard them refer to it as columbia before also but was not sure if it was the same place. I know they have been talking about some newer treatments to try after he finishes his chemo. These are supposed to lower the chance of the cancer coming back but I am not sure exactly which types of things they are looking at. There is so much info out there but they are treating this thing like it is a job so they are very well informed on what will be best for their sweet little guy!
Good pathology reports after surgery, of 40 removed lymph nodes only 1 came back positive for Neuroblastoma. They think ther will only be two more rounds of chemo and his stem cell transplant. They can almost see the light at the end of the tunnel and are so thankful!
That is such great news about Baby J!! I can't even imagine him having all those lymph nodes out. I had 47 out and 6 were cancerous and they told me that was a good count, so his count is fantastic!! I pray his chemo wont have too many side effects for him and that the stem cell transplant would go well. Lifting this precious little boy and his family up in prayer.
Sorry for no update in awhile. We had our trip to disney and right before that we found out we are expecting i have been tired and sick and busy! Baby J is doing great he recently finished his last round of induction chemo and made it through all rounds without a single fever or infection. The doctors are amazed by how well he has handles it all. Yesterday he had the first of many tests to prepare for the stem cell transplant and we are anxiously awaiting the results of his scan. In the first scan his whole beely lit up from the cancer so now his parents are hoping to see anice dark tummy with no signs of neuroblastoma. It will be alot of waiting and testing for the next two weeks leading up to his stem cell transplant. When I have and idea of how the test results are looking I will update again. thank you for your continued prayers for this sweet little angel baby!
How is Baby J doing? Has he had the stem cell transplant yet? Praying everything is going good.
Well Baby J had his stem cell transplant and was home two weeks after. This made his hospital stay for this visit a total of 3 weeks and the family had been told he would be there for at least a month. SO in true form he was ahead of what everyone thought he should be. He is eating well now and feeling much more like himslef. All his levels are back within normal range. He will still have different treatments continuing through spring 2010 but this last round was the hardest and one of the most important. He is home for now until his radiation treatment that I believe will be in about a month. Thank you for your thoughts and continued pray for this angel...or as his mama calls him, " The toughest toddler in town".


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