Post your best organizational, space saving and trip making secrets here!!

Create a "personal medical record" for each member of the family. Use an index card or something that can be slipped into a wallet. List any medications, allergies, doctor's names and phone numbers, pre-existing medical conditions, etc.... Then if there is an emergency, you have everything at your fingertips. Most people in a crisis situation have a very hard time remembering the details of things like what the dosage on your DH's blood pressure medication is.
This was posted on another dis board from a teacher. She said if you have to take your child oout of school this is the kind of letter teachers like. Hope it helps. Keep the ideas coming. Were already trying to plan next trip!
To Whom it May Concern,

I am writing to let you know that __________ will be absent from __/__ to __/__. We will be taking a family vacation to Disney World. I apologize that he will be missing classtime for this trip, but for personal reasons we were not able to take it during a school vacation week.

In addition to quality family time and fun in the parks, we look forwarded to taking advantage of all of the educational opportunities that exist in Disney. However, we are aware that he will be missing valuable lessons and activities in your classroom during his absence. Please let us know how you would like this to be addressed. We are willing to work with you to make sure he is able to catch up on the missed work in whichever way you best see fit.

I look forward to speaking with you regarding this matter.
mom2dzb - bless you! My dh wants one of these, was looking at junk shops (oops I mean souvineer shops) all last vacation with me saying YIKES to $4! NOw I see what he gets for christmas!
Whosemom said:
mom2dzb - bless you! My dh wants one of these, was looking at junk shops (oops I mean souvineer shops) all last vacation with me saying YIKES to $4! NOw I see what he gets for christmas!

You're welcome. :thumbsup2
I have yet to get to the wonderful World, but looking forward to our first trip(in 6mos)! One thing I'm already doing to prepare, is watch out for those great money and/or time saving items. For example, I'm also an avid lurker on the Budget thread. I've been signing up for those freebies of laundry detergent. I have three FREE samples so far. I'm not sure how much laundry we'll do, but if we decide we want to do a load or two, we'll have the detergent and not have to worry about a bottle opening on the plane!!

BTW, thanks for all the great tips! I love it, keep 'em coming!! :woohoo:
Don't hate me for saying this...but my #1 best organizing, space saving, trip making secret that I can not live without is my Blackberry!

It holds all my ADR conf numbers, as well as phone numbers to my hotel, and car rental company. It holds my flight reservation number, my flight numbers, my frequent flyer number. It hold directions from mapquest. It has an internet browser so I can look something up real quick if I need to (like directions while I'm on the road)

It's a cell phone, and I can use it with my daughters cell phone to text or call while in the parks, but at different locations.

It has email, so I can check in with friends, family and the dog kennel back home without having to find a computer.

It can hold my TGM touring plans, so there is no need to carry a bulky book, or even loose papers with a plan on them.

I think I could probably get away with my blackberry, debit card, and room card and not need anything else while in the parks. It's my best kept secret;)
You are all WONDERFUL!!!! :cheer2: I am of to the store today to get a few items for our upcoming May trip. Ok who am I kidding I want to buy everything now. LOL
I have everything we need to know for our trip on a calendar I made on the computer. I print one out and have it on the fridge and when something changes I go back into the computer and edit it. We put where we are going each day, where dinner is , what time, conf #'s, WDW reservation and ADR numbers, resort number, airline number and flight info and what we prepurchased. I make sure every little piece of information I may need is on it. When we leave I then make several copies, on for the purse one for the suitcase and one to keep in the hotel safe.

I also make a complete list of what we need to take for everyone right down to the tweezers. Each person has a list and each person has a suitcase. I make a pile for each person as I pack their bag and check everything off the list as it goes into the suitcase. By the time the day arrives to depart the only thing I have left to put in the suitcase is the toiletries that can't be prepacked

On our last trip I saved myself a lot of aggravation by shipping home all the purchases we made that we didn't use. Whenever we bought something we had it sent to the hotel. I picked up anything we might want to use for the rest of the trip and left the rest in the hotel gift shop. The last night of our trip I took all my reciepts (they require this to ship) and had the resort ship it all home. It was great because I insured everything so if our ornaments broke for example they would be replaced. I was worried about trying to pack those and knew if they broke in my bag I was out of luck. When we got the box it was kind of like Christmas and it was fun to reminice about the trip as we opened the box.
I love this thread, and i haven't seen this one:

I pack sunblock by the stick not the spray, lotion or whatever, it doesn't leak everywhere, is more compact, little waste and doesn't get into it...i find it in the camping/hunting section when it's not in normal suncare items

My dh and I both take a variety of vitamins, including calcium, etc. That used to mean several large bottles rattling around in the suitcase. Now this is what I do -- go to a local pharmacy and ask for several perscription bottles. Usually they will give them to you free. Pack a days' supply of supplements per bottle, and I print out labels with name and supplement name. Its so much easier that way. You just take out your bottle for the day and that's it, no rummaging around for this and that bottle. Just throw the empties away when used.

I like this idea, but i've switched to the small ziploc jewelry bags, i pick up a package of 100 for 1.30. i just take a sharpie and write the name and day on it. i also pack tylenol, dramamine, pepto this way in individual packets so i have more room in the fanny pack......

It is all about being in someone else's shoes isn't it. I too had a similar experience. Our DS2 was a runner and we purchased the "leash" for him and had him downtown during an event. A lot of side glances and some comments, but then a lady came up to us and glowed :goodvibes about what good parents we were and how small children can get lost so easily etc etc.. I don't think we noticed any other sides glances the rest of the day (not because they stopped, just because we didn't care). So let me just say good for you and wish you a fun trip too.

hooray for the leash, it's unbelieveable that some people would opt for less safety for their child when another option is available and then be rude to those who do...kudos to you.....

do you think they make a leash that will hang on to a teenager??? She's wandering around in a dream world i'm afraid she'll get

hooray for the leash, it's unbelieveable that some people would opt for less safety for their child when another option is available and then be rude to those who do...kudos to you.....

do you think they make a leash that will hang on to a teenager??? She's wandering around in a dream world i'm afraid she'll get


We use this for our DS (going to be 4) becasue he wants to walk without holding our hands, but we don't wandering off too far. The best line one time was when we were on the Atlantic City Boardwalk and some guy said to my husband "waking your kid?' (Sarcastically of course and no kids around him) and my husband turned to him and said Damn, I forgot the pooper scooper :rotfl2: Guy paused, then just walked away.
We bring disposable styrofoam cups w/lids. We transfer the contents of our refillable mugs to the styrofoam cups and take them to the parks. We can enjoy our coffee and when we are finished we pitch the cups. It is much nicer than carrying our refillable mugs with us all day.


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