Post surgery exhaustion?

I broke my kneecap 11 months ago. Knees take a lot out of you as you heal.

I had my gallbladder out in March so I had 2 surgeries in 6 months

This has been one of my most difficult years. I'm in my mid 50s.

And by all accounts, I recovered pretty quickly and easily and am generally healthy and eat well and take vitamins.

But this week of work has kicked my tail and now it gets dark about 7:15 here.

I have been sleeping so hard and been ready for bed as soon as I get home from work this week (also been fighting a 2 week kidney infection, on a 2nd round of antibiotics)

So give yourself grace and the downtime and rest it's asking for. All the 'stuff' will be there when you are ready to tackle it again.

You don't want to run yourself down and be susceptible to other random illnesses, especially heading into cold and flu season.


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