Popcorn kernel stuck in my throat! UPDATE ~ It's Gone!! p. 8


"Are you seeing an increase in lateral forces?" "S
Feb 22, 2006
What should I do?? It's been there since Saturday evening. It happens to me ALL the time but it's usually gone by the next day. Now it's been almost 2 days and I'm starting to get nervous! I can't see it, it feels like it's really down there. I don't want it to cause an infection or anything and it's really uncomfortable! I've tried gargling, drinking soda, obviously I've eaten a lot since then....

I'm thinking about going to Urgent Care but what will they be able to do really? Should I go or give it a couple more days?
A piece of popcorn would have softened and dissolved by now. If you frequently get food stuck in your throat that would be a good reason to go see your doctor or an ENT.
Maybe your throat is just scratched from the popcorn and you are feeling pain from that.

I would get it checked out since it should have dislodged by now if it truly is something stuck.

and stop eating popcorn! :goodvibes
Could you stick your finger down your throat to scratch it off? It will make you gag but it may solve the problem.
That happened to me. I think it was the shell that was stuck in my throat. I tried everything. Drank and ate anything I thought would dislodge it. After the third day I decided I was going to ask one of the GI guys (I work in a hospital) to scope me and get it out. Woke up that morning and it was gone.

Haven't ate popcorn since.
That happened to me. I think it was the shell that was stuck in my throat. I tried everything. Drank and ate anything I thought would dislodge it. After the third day I decided I was going to ask one of the GI guys (I work in a hospital) to scope me and get it out. Woke up that morning and it was gone.

Haven't ate popcorn since.

Trust me, I am never eating popcorn again! It doesn't really hurt but it's all I can think about! So you think I should go to Urgent Care and they'll be able to "scope me." (Haha, I don't really know what that means!)
I had this happen with a popcorn kernel, the seed. I finally coughed it out after 5 days. My friend who is nurse told me to watch for fever. She thought it may have been in my lung. Can you call the nurse at your dr office?
Good luck!
Trust me, I am never eating popcorn again! It doesn't really hurt but it's all I can think about! So you think I should go to Urgent Care and they'll be able to "scope me." (Haha, I don't really know what that means!)[/QUOTE]

Better you don't know.
You may want to check with your PCP to see an ENT or go to urgent care. I had problems swallowing and did not think I needed to see anyone. I ended up with a piece of steak caught in my throat. After having it scoped out, a pin hole puncture was found and I spent a week in the hospital not able to eat anything while it healed. If you frequently have things caught in your throat and/or difficulty with swallowing, you could have acid reflux which causes small ulcers to form on your throat, causing food to stick. Simple fix after being diagnosied is medication daily. Good luck!
I forgot to mention that if you go to urgent care, they may be able to give you something that relaxes the muscles in the thoat allowing it to slide down instead of having to have your throat scoped which means that they put a tube down your throat to look and retrieve what ever is stuck.
I think I might go...

Like I said, it doesn't really hurt but I'm really nervous about it being there.

I tried everything! I almost induced vomiting in the shower this morning trying to heave it up!
Eat a bunch of very rough bread-like the Artisan breads-or Italian bread-the pieces should 'catch " the kernel
I hate those shells. Usually they are gone within the first day and if it just feels like it's there it is usually just a scratch but I can usually tell if it's *really* there. I'd go have it checked out if it's still there. It would drive me crazy.
I thought I did this once before too. I even had my doctor look at it. He found nothing and said that it had likely been abraded by the shell giving me that sensation. If it is stuck there, a shell will deteriorate over time.
Eat a bunch of very rough bread-like the Artisan breads-or Italian bread-the pieces should 'catch " the kernel

I was just going to say the same thing. Italian bread usually pushes down anything that gets stuck in my throat.

I hope you get relief soon. :hug:
Let us know what happens. Maybe if you go to immediate care they can get it loose using one of those kernel sanders.:joker:
I got one out of my ex's mouth once using a flashlight and pair of tweezers.


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