Poor service because of the DDP?

Disney Padawan

Imagining Imagineering. RCT3 Coaster Designe
Jun 19, 2007
Have you ever received slow or bad service at a WDW restaurant because you were under the DDP?

I ask this question because I've already heard this from 2 other posters. One stated that their waiter started out "perfect" and as soon as he asked if they were on the plan, everything changed. (no refills, no dishes being picked up, it's like he disappeared.) Meanwhile, the people next to them, were treated like gold, because they weren't on the plan. Might this have to do with tips being included?

Anyway, I was just curious if this has ever happened to any of you? Maybe if Disney reads this, it may provoke a positive change. Thanks for posting. :)
I hate to say it but I too have experienced it. I think DDP can be a great value for some families if used wisely but the service at the sit-down restaurants deteriorates. I feel the servers think that they are going to get a set tip so why not put extra effort into another table where they can make a good tip.

I didn't want to think this was true as I had heard it too, but when I experienced it myself I couldn't deny the truth. Keep in mind...this is not every place; every time.....but it has occurred much too often and I have heard others with the same complaint.....so there is some truth to it.
I have never ever had a bad experience b/c I was on the DDP. How does anyone know for sure that is the reason for their servers behavior or skill level??? What factual information do people have that says they were served poorly b/c of the DDP???
I have found that service declines sharply. Especially last September when we went during the free dining plan special. The restaurants were so crowded that there were waits way beyond the reserved time. And truthfully, I thought the food quality had declined as well.

I have to say that there the waiters were working HARD but were so rushed I feel that this is why the service was poor. Not any difference in DDP diners and others.

I too feel that the DDP is a good deal for families but there must be a tradeoff for all that free or greatly reduced food.:confused3
We've used the Dining Plan about 30 days in the past 2 years & I can't remember one time when we've had poor service. I guess we've been lucky.
(We also never go during FREE dining).

We check into BCV next Sunday...hopefully our luck will continue!
Disney Padawan's description of our experience is right on the money. We have been on the DDP 3 years in a row now. I never thought people were treated differently on the DDP-until our Breakfast at The Maya Grill...

We recently had Breakfast at The Maya Grill. The food was hot, fresh & yummy and the atmosphere was wonderful. However, the service was terrible. The place was empty with our server only having two other tables besides us. He started off as the perfect server. Yet as he walked away, he turned and asked if we were on the Dining Plan. After we said yes, he smiled and walked away. That was the last time he ever came to our table although he was standing close by at the server station during most of our meal. He asked the table right next to us the same question yet they said "No, we are not on the dining plan." Man, I kid you not-they were treated like Royalty while we never got refills on juice or coffee and our dirty dishes were never removed and still piled up when we left. :sad2:
I have never ever had a bad experience b/c I was on the DDP. How does anyone know for sure that is the reason for their servers behavior or skill level??? What factual information do people have that says they were served poorly b/c of the DDP???

Well it is not like a server is going to admit they are paying you less attention because you are on the plan. But when you observe the same server be more attentive and courteous to one table over another; you have to wonder why. I have had this happen to us, have seen it occur when I was not on the plan and only observing, and know others who have had it happen to them. Again, I do not feel every server, in every restaurant does this but I believe some servers have the mentality that they are going to put in the effort on a table where they can obtain a bigger tip as opposed to another table with a preset tip based on DDP....and we eat out enough to tell the difference between a poor server and one not making an effort.
Disney Padawan's description of our experience is right on the money. We have been on the DDP 3 years in a row now. I never thought people were treated differently on the DDP-until our Breakfast at The Maya Grill...

We recently had Breakfast at The Maya Grill. The food was hot, fresh & yummy and the atmosphere was wonderful. However, the service was terrible. The place was empty with our server only having two other tables besides us. He started off as the perfect server. Yet as he walked away, he turned and asked if we were on the Dining Plan. After we said yes, he smiled and walked away. That was the last time he ever came to our table although he was standing close by at the server station during most of our meal. He asked the table right next to us the same question yet they said "No, we are not on the dining plan." Man, I kid you not-they were treated like Royalty while we never got refills on juice or coffee and our dirty dishes were never removed and still piled up when we left. :sad2:

Hmmm....that's terrible!!
After reading this, it's started me thinking.

We check into WDW this Thursday. I'm seriously thinking that each TS meal we have, when/if the server asks us at the beginning of our meal if we're on the DP, I may just tell them, "We are on the plan, but we may pay OOP for this meal. We haven't decided yet".
If I receive very poor service in any restaurant (Disney or not), I'm going to be having a chat with the manager. We are going for the first time (during FREE dining! :cool1: ), and if our servers choose to ignore our DDP table, then their managers will hear about it. I know that they will be stressed and busy, but there is no excuse for no refills and piles of dirty dishes on the tables. :sad2: Since we're not paying for our food, our good servers will "earn" an extra tip.

For those of you who experienced such poor service, what did the managers have to say about it? You did let them know, right? If this is a trend towards bad DDP service, the only way it will change is to make it known to those who can actually make a difference. ::yes::
We've used the DDP 3 times now (4th time this Sept.) and with just a few exceptions, we've had pretty good, or great service. Our incidents of poor service, I would say, have been no greater when we use DDP versus when we haven't.

However, looking back, at our one, and only meal, at Maya Grill (breakfast) we too had a not so great meal. I just figured it was the venue, not the server, but who knows?

We have had some excellent servers, while on DDP, including, but not limited to: California Grill (last year excellent, year before-he just phoned it in:confused3 ); Kona; Narcoossee's; 50's Prime Time; 1900 Park Fair, HBD; etc. The only negatives (and they weren't horrible )were CG; 'Ohana-mostly the food :confused: not the server; and Le Cellier-this time it was the server.:scared:

We've been very happy with our meals on DDP. That's why we'll continue to use it, especially when it's free. The first time we used it in Jan. 05, we paid for it. I so much prefer getting it for free! :rotfl2:

Oh, and I agree with above poster, if I have a horrible experience, I will speak to someone about it, DDP or not!
For those of you who experienced such poor service, what did the managers have to say about it? You did let them know, right? If this is a trend towards bad DDP service, the only way it will change is to make it known to those who can actually make a difference. ::yes::

We had service that was not acceptable one time in three trips. I did speak to the manager after our meal was paid for. We were on the DDP but my DH ordered a bottle of wine and some of my family had cocktails. I asked the manager to remove the tip that was added to the extra items we ordered. I had no problem with the CM keeping th gratuity that was on the plan. We actually had been split into two parties and had two different servers. I left the server that waited on our table extra. I honestly don't think that the lack of service was due to the DDP, I think the server was not accomplished, but she got a tad rude, and that is where I draw the line. The manager did remove the additional gratuity and believe that she was going to address the issue with the CM.

I think one meal with mediocre service out of many for my family indicates that for us the DDP did not diminish the level of service.
Maybe servers are not as helpful or attentive to one table over another b/c they just don't like the people at that particular table. Who knows?? I'm not saying this is all the time. Maybe there are some who treat customers differently that are on the DDP. I don't know why they would. They're getting an 18% gratuity. Ours have always been very helpful and encouraged us to order more. (Obviously, b/c they will receive a tip based on the total food bill.)

Part of being a server is almost like acting. I mean, they have to build a rapport with their tables. Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's bad. They also have good days and bad days. At one table, they may seem chirpy and the other seem rude. It could be from the vibe they got. I'm not saying it's right, but it can happen. I just don't think they are treating people bad b/c of the DDP.
I feel very strongly that menu selections AND service have declined marketedly since the DPP. Just look at all the menu items that have been removed from the TS non-buffet restaurants.
I make 3 trips per year and do NOT use the DDP as I am an AP holder and I use DDE. I used to feel WDW offered consistently strong service in the parks and at the resorts. Now most is sluggish at best and indifferent and hurried at worst.
An example--used to be at buffets that servers were a bit chatty and dirty plates were instantly whisked away and drinks never fell below half full. The last two times at Boma we had to move our dirty plates to an empty table and in all instances glasses remained drained before being refilled (Boma, Chefs de France, Rose and Crown, Kona).
I wonder how much waiters and waitresses get paid an hour?
I'm curious if this may have something to do with the poor service with DDP customers?
Are They just trying to get a good tip from non DDP users, to make ends meet?
If this is true, it's still no excuse for bad service but it's just another reason why Disney should pay their employees higher wages. :confused:
I feel very strongly that menu selections AND service have declined marketedly since the DPP. Just look at all the menu items that have been removed from the TS non-buffet restaurants.
Um, how? I mean, how can anyone look at items no longer listed/published anywhere? :teeth:
I have to say we have only experienced poor service once after being asked if we are DDP. However, if there is an assured tip and a non assured tip, if the staff are pressed then there will be occasions where those of DDP do not get service to the same level.

However, to put this into context I also think there are a lot of other factors that come into play as well. It is not just the servers, but the lack of support staff hired by Disney, (less bussing staff) increase the pressures to skimp on some tables, there is also an influence of the attitude of the servers and the customers. While they are in a minority I have seen some very rude and inconsiderate customers treating waiting staff badly, behaving as if they are the ONLY table in the restaurant and being generally derogatory.

Overall, so I think it happens, yes of course it does, but I think it is not a major issue, and if it happens we should bring it to the attention of the management
I didn't notice bad service last year and we had the dining plan for free.

This year we are also going to have the dining plan but are paying for it.
I hope that's not the case. :upsidedow
I've noticed a difference. It's not so much as bad service for us, more of lack of effort.

We have been to WCC & '50 Prime many times. We're always "picked on" & joked around with quite a bit while there. Then this last trip we were on DDP & at both of these restaurants it was like we were just in another restaurant. No joking around, no "what color is the soap, elbows off the table, clean that plate, pass the ketchup" etc, nothin. We had brought friends that had never been & we ended up very disappointed & had to tell them about the stuff that we had done to us & point it out when it happened at other tables.

This trip we are not doing the DDP, but using the DDE card. We'll see how it goes. :confused3
The six days that we were there we wouldn't have even been able to tell if the service we received was due to being on the DDP, good or bad. We had a rough time at 50's primeTime, however they were very busy so I think this made a difference, and can make a difference anywhere when an establishment is busy like that. So not in our experience. The DDP was excellent for our family.


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