PMS in a Handbasket--Don't be afraid, just bring us food... Part 13

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I'm a fish murderer :guilty: Not only did I kill the whole last tank but now I've killed off 4 more and 3 more aren't looking too healthy. And there's a whole new crop of babies that I'm sure are doomed. My tank is cursed. No fish ever comes out alive.
I'm a fish murderer :guilty: Not only did I kill the whole last tank but now I've killed off 4 more and 3 more aren't looking too healthy. And there's a whole new crop of babies that I'm sure are doomed. My tank is cursed. No fish ever comes out alive.

did you name them? don't ever name your fish.
Hi guys and gals. I'm having a crappy day. Anybody know anything about shingles and how they start? I started having some pain on my arm today and there was a weird rash. It wasn't raised, almost looked like it a spider web pattern. It hurt if my sleeve was touching it. It faded away and stopped hurting but now its coming back. Its a little itchy too.

I looked up shingles but it only talks about when the blisters form. Does t start out right away that way or does it develop into them.


I googled early symptoms and found this about the rash:

The rash, typically confined to one side of the body, initially appears as a series of raised red spots surrounded by a swollen area. These spots turn into blisters filled with clear fluid, which gradually becomes cloudy. The blisters eventually dry out and crust over. The spots may bleed and become very itchy and painful.

Here is the site if you're interested.
I'm a fish murderer :guilty: Not only did I kill the whole last tank but now I've killed off 4 more and 3 more aren't looking too healthy. And there's a whole new crop of babies that I'm sure are doomed. My tank is cursed. No fish ever comes out alive.

Remind me to never ask you to babysit. ;) :lmao:

Seriously, DH knows some about tanks. I assume you have fresh water? Have you checked the PH and all that?
I don't know nothin bout checkin no ph. I just put the water and the gravel and the cool boats in, put in some water conditioner and 48 hours later my sister brought Bubba's fish over. All I did was feed them twice a day. They did ok till I changed the water and Dh made the water too hot and we had boiled fishies. So I got new fishies. Cool mollies and more mickeys. They were doing great. Then within 24 hours of each other all the mollies died. The 3 mickeys aren't looking so hot. The babies aren't dead but they are too little to see very well. I think they died from ick. One of the mickeys has white spots on his tail fin. I put some ick away in the tank today. My sister says she never does anything but a water change and gravel vacuum once a month. No chemicals except water conditioner with the water change. The petsmart lady says the less you mess with it the better :confused3

So, what? Do I just keep buying fish every 3 weeks? Good thing they are cheap!
I don't know nothin bout checkin no ph. I just put the water and the gravel and the cool boats in, put in some water conditioner and 48 hours later my sister brought Bubba's fish over. All I did was feed them twice a day. They did ok till I changed the water and Dh made the water too hot and we had boiled fishies. So I got new fishies. Cool mollies and more mickeys. They were doing great. Then within 24 hours of each other all the mollies died. The 3 mickeys aren't looking so hot. The babies aren't dead but they are too little to see very well. I think they died from ick. One of the mickeys has white spots on his tail fin. I put some ick away in the tank today. My sister says she never does anything but a water change and gravel vacuum once a month. No chemicals except water conditioner with the water change. The petsmart lady says the less you mess with it the better :confused3

So, what? Do I just keep buying fish every 3 weeks? Good thing they are cheap!

Do you have filter and or an airrator? Fish are really hard to keep if you don't have something moving the water and providing oxygen

That does sound like Ick,
Oh, and how big is your tank?

:wave2: Froggy how is Grandma? and how is Jules?
did you name them? don't ever name your fish.

I don't know....we used that theory once. With a goldfish that was won at a carnival. we named him 'fred'. We had him for about 8 years! stupid thing grew from 2 inches long to about 7 inches! we never named another!:rotfl:
Doing a run by. Hello and *Hugs* all.

4's Oh I hope you don't have shingles. You better get to a doc asap though.

Tig - regular headache or D&A headache? Either way sorry hun.
Shug - I could never keep fish alive either. They must be like plants because those I kill as well. :confused3 Maybe it's what I talk to the plants about that does it. :lmao:
Hi guys, Elaine, Rebecca and I had a great time with lunch and prom shopping, we were quickly snapped back into reality when we came home to find Shadows pain meds are not working as they were. I am calling the vet in the morning to see if he will come here to do it. :sad1:
Now someone please make me laugh!
Hi guys, Elaine, Rebecca and I had a great time with lunch and prom shopping, we were quickly snapped back into reality when we came home to find Shadows pain meds are not working as they were. I am calling the vet in the morning to see if he will come here to do it. :sad1:
Now someone please make me laugh!

Oh Angel, I am so sorry :hug: I don't have anything right now to make you laugh. Would you like me to get Tiffer to call you and belch? ;)
Do you have filter and or an airrator? Fish are really hard to keep if you don't have something moving the water and providing oxygen

That does sound like Ick,

We have a carbon filter. I got a 20 gallon set up that said it was complete. It has a thermometer, filter, light and heater. The ick away bottle says not to use carbon filtration while you are treating them for it so I just pulled the filter out but left it going so it's still creating bubbles in the tank. Do I need a bubblator?

I just checked again. 1 grown mickey looks like it bought the farm inside the Titanic but the coroner is napping. I'll have him check when he wakes up. The babies are all pretty spry looking :confused3
We have a carbon filter. I got a 20 gallon set up that said it was complete. It has a thermometer, filter, light and heater. The ick away bottle says not to use carbon filtration while you are treating them for it so I just pulled the filter out but left it going so it's still creating bubbles in the tank. Do I need a bubblator?

I just checked again. 1 grown mickey looks like it bought the farm inside the Titanic but the coroner is napping. I'll have him check when he wakes up. The babies are all pretty spry looking :confused3

Well, then that sounds pretty good. I will ask DH what he thinks later. I just wanted to make sure your tank wasn't too small. Sometimes it just takes a while to get healthy fish. These probably had Ick when you bought them. A bubblator might help.

That made me laugh! :lmao:

:thumbsup2 I try. . .
Hi guys, Elaine, Rebecca and I had a great time with lunch and prom shopping, we were quickly snapped back into reality when we came home to find Shadows pain meds are not working as they were. I am calling the vet in the morning to see if he will come here to do it. :sad1:
Now someone please make me laugh!

Picture a daschound trying to go up stairs with an erection :rotfl2:

Poor Shadow. He knows you'll do what's best. Being best doesn't make it any easier though. :hug:
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