Please tell me why Dessert but no appetizer with Dining plan?


Earning My Ears
Sep 2, 2010
2 years ago we went to Disney on the Dining plant and it was great - however they have taken away the option of Appetizer and giving you only dessert - YUCK!!! Some of us are diabetic and some of us don't care for sweets that much - what a HUGE disappointment!!! Anyone else agree?
I think we all agree.

I think it was more than two years ago. They also took away the tip as well.

It came down to two things as I understand it

1) Cost
2) If people are not getting appetizers than they can turnover tables quicker.

I’d like the option of a choice, but than you would have one person getting an app and one getting a desert and splitting it.
So that would not help with table turnover.
I think we all agree.

I’d like the option of a choice, but than you would have one person getting an app and one getting a desert and splitting it.
So that would not help with table turnover.

I like that idea! When we went in 2006 we did get the app also. I'm pretty sure the tip was included at that time also. It was a lot of food. When we go to a restaurant, sometimes we order an app or dessert sometimes we don't. I hated throwing the food away.
It's really pretty obvious - desserts are cheaper to produce and serve than appetizers are. In 2008 Disney chose to cut the regular plan and offer the deluxe plan rather than raise the price a great amount on the regular plan.

If you want appetizers covered you still have the option of getting the deluxe plan, or eating at some of the places that will cover an appetizer on the basic plan, depending on the style of restaurant, on what you order or on if you have a special package.

Everyone wants appetizer OR dessert on the basic, but that won't happen.

If you are diabetic or just don't want sweets, you can request alternative desserts like fruit or sugar-free items.

Or, you also have the option of foregoing the dining plan, and ordering the way you want to order.
Personally, I'd rather have dessert than an appetizer. I almost never order an appetizer in the real world, but I might occasionally order a dessert. The only thing I'd agree about, though, is that everybody at my table doesn't need his own dessert, so it'd be nice to have the choice.
For the last 4 years my DD and I have gotten the regular dining plan and I agree I'd much rather have the appetizer than the dessert. For our upcoming January trip we decided not to get the dining plan for two main reasons - too much food and way too much time getting to where our ADRs were. Besides, there are many times I'd rather have an appetizer and a small salad and call that my meal and we just couldn't do it on the plan! We've got 3 ADRs for this trip and the rest of the time we'll eat counter service and then eat in our room (BWV).
I would much rather have the dessert than the appetizer. I don't normally order either one so when I'm on the plan the dessert is like an extra special treat. However, I would give up appetizer AND dessert if they would put the tip back on.
I agree, I much prefer to have an appetizer over dessert. Dessert is the last thing I need every meal so I get fruit, and sometimes a bottle of water at a counter service place.

Since Disney is promoting healthy eating so much to the point of having only wheat buns you would think they would push salad over cake, but oh well.
I had another idea on why dessert and no appy; maybe, by the time most people get through their entree, they're too full for dessert and, therefore, dessert is ordered less often. This saves Mickey even more money!
I am in the appetizer club as well. I would much prefer and appetizer over dessert any day.

However, for those who are diabetic...I seem to remember that most TS restuarants seem to have a sugar free option for dessert. Granted its only one option, but its still and option.

And I hear and read that Disney works with many people who have food issues (gluten, etc), so, as a PP said, I am sure they would work with you.
We miss the appetizers and gratuities being included so we decided to skip the plan: ONCE!
I'm really cost conscious so I ended up looking at prices rather than what I wanted to eat (sort of the mirror image of what happens using DDP) so while we miss the "old" plan this version at least allows me to order the entree I want rather than the least expensive item
I had another idea on why dessert and no appy; maybe, by the time most people get through their entree, they're too full for dessert and, therefore, dessert is ordered less often. This saves Mickey even more money!

Unfortunately people ordered the dessert anyway since they paid for it.
Some would take it to go and some would have a bite and leave it.

Of the ones that took it to go I do not think many of them even ate it later, the next day you had more desserts to face.

For a lot of people it was just too much food.
I recall seeing a lot of waste the first year at the QS locations.
People knew they had big meals ahead or were still full a previous meal.
They got the desserts with the QS meal and threw them away or left them on tables.
It was really bad and we do not see that anymore, at least not as bad as it was.
Unfortunately people ordered the dessert anyway since they paid for it.
Some would take it to go and some would have a bite and leave it.

Of the ones that took it to go I do not think many of them even ate it later, the next day you had more desserts to face.

For a lot of people it was just too much food.
I recall seeing a lot of waste the first year at the QS locations.
People knew they had big meals ahead or were still full a previous meal.
They got the desserts with the QS meal and threw them away or left them on tables.
It was really bad and we do not see that anymore, at least not as bad as it was.

My first time using the dining plan was last year, and I remember always feeling stuffed if I ate dessert. The portions are huge, and it is just way to much food. And then I took my first solo trip this year, and could never finish any of my meals. I felt pretty bad because I was always tossing out about as much food as I ate.

I wonder how huge the outcry would be if Disney just cut back on the portion sizes. :confused3
My first time using the dining plan was last year, and I remember always feeling stuffed if I ate dessert. The portions are huge, and it is just way to much food. And then I took my first solo trip this year, and could never finish any of my meals. I felt pretty bad because I was always tossing out about as much food as I ate.

I wonder how huge the outcry would be if Disney just cut back on the portion sizes. :confused3

Cutting down the portion size would cause a lot of outcry IMO.

They can reduce the quality and the variety and only some people (like me) will complain, but not enough to make a difference.

If they cut down the portion size I think they would have a problem.

Personally I think the portion size is just fine for the majority of people.
If Disney was seeing a lot of waste I think they would reduce portion size, it would save them money.

I would like to see them get rid of the dessert with the QS meal and add another snack.
I do not think most people want a dessert with the QS meal and the TS meal.
That way if you wanted a dessert with you QS you could get it or save it for a snack later.
For a lot of people it was just too much food.
I recall seeing a lot of waste the first year at the QS locations.
People knew they had big meals ahead or were still full a previous meal.
They got the desserts with the QS meal and threw them away or left them on tables.
It was really bad and we do not see that anymore, at least not as bad as it was.

We went on the food plan the first year it was introduced. It was nice to be able to eat in the World for so many meals, but I swore I would never do the food plan again, at least the way it was.

It felt so wasteful. We overate every meal, it was way too much food. We all gained weight on a vacation where we were walking 6 miles a day.

We felt like gluttonous, fat, stereotypical Americans.

Not a fun vacation.
Cutting down the portion size would cause a lot of outcry IMO.

They can reduce the quality and the variety and only some people (like me) will complain, but not enough to make a difference.

If they cut down the portion size I think they would have a problem.

Personally I think the portion size is just fine for the majority of people.
If Disney was seeing a lot of waste I think they would reduce portion size, it would save them money.

I would like to see them get rid of the dessert with the QS meal and add another snack.
I do not think most people want a dessert with the QS meal and the TS meal.
That way if you wanted a dessert with you QS you could get it or save it for a snack later.

I think that's a great idea! I can't tell you how many carrot cakes we've thrown away at Pecos Bill over the years. I'd love another snack instead! :thumbsup2
2 years ago we went to Disney on the Dining plant and it was great - however they have taken away the option of Appetizer and giving you only dessert - YUCK!!! Some of us are diabetic and some of us don't care for sweets that much - what a HUGE disappointment!!! Anyone else agree?

I'm thinking I may regret signing up for the dining plan for our upcoming trip. With the changes, there seem to be less and less advantages to the dining plan.

Since they don't cover the tip -- it's not as if you are truly getting the convenience of pre-paying your meals, without having to worry.

And the value is diminished greatly, when I'm simply being given more of the food I wouldn't have ordered, versus the food I'd prefer to have.

We occasionally get a dessert in a restaurant -- but we never would get each member of the family their own dessert, twice per day!
And when sitting down in a decent table service restaurant, I'm far more likely to get an appetizer than a dessert.
So if we were to eat the same way we ate at home, it would mean "wasting" the meal plan by not getting all the desserts we are entitled to, and also paying for some appetizers out of pocket. Which would ultimately make it more expensive than just paying for the whole meal out of pocket, in most cases.

I am a bit disappointed in how Disney organizes the meal plan. I have no problem with seeking profit. But considering the problem we have in America with obesity, and considering that Disney is supposed to be so wholesome, it is disappointing to see them put forth a plan that basically caters to bad eating habits, overeating, over-indulgence of sweets, etc.

How about offering a meal plan that doesn't include desserts?

Or if the goal is to give guests a bit of a discount on their food, while at the same time making sure guests spend as much as possible on Disney property, why not let people pre-purchase Dining gift certificates at a small discount. (If the meal plan supposedly saves people 10-20% -- then let people pre-buy a $100 dining gift certificate for $90. That would give guests maximum flexibility, while also encouraging guests to spend more on Disney property).

What Disney is basically doing, is fabricating "value," by throwing "free" desserts at people. (Snacks which are primarily sweet, plus desserts with every meal).
I'm thinking I may regret signing up for the dining plan for our upcoming trip. With the changes, there seem to be less and less advantages to the dining plan.

Since they don't cover the tip -- it's not as if you are truly getting the convenience of pre-paying your meals, without having to worry.

And the value is diminished greatly, when I'm simply being given more of the food I wouldn't have ordered, versus the food I'd prefer to have.

We occasionally get a dessert in a restaurant -- but we never would get each member of the family their own dessert, twice per day!
And when sitting down in a decent table service restaurant, I'm far more likely to get an appetizer than a dessert.
So if we were to eat the same way we ate at home, it would mean "wasting" the meal plan by not getting all the desserts we are entitled to, and also paying for some appetizers out of pocket. Which would ultimately make it more expensive than just paying for the whole meal out of pocket, in most cases.

I am a bit disappointed in how Disney organizes the meal plan. I have no problem with seeking profit. But considering the problem we have in America with obesity, and considering that Disney is supposed to be so wholesome, it is disappointing to see them put forth a plan that basically caters to bad eating habits, overeating, over-indulgence of sweets, etc.

How about offering a meal plan that doesn't include desserts?

Or if the goal is to give guests a bit of a discount on their food, while at the same time making sure guests spend as much as possible on Disney property, why not let people pre-purchase Dining gift certificates at a small discount. (If the meal plan supposedly saves people 10-20% -- then let people pre-buy a $100 dining gift certificate for $90. That would give guests maximum flexibility, while also encouraging guests to spend more on Disney property).

What Disney is basically doing, is fabricating "value," by throwing "free" desserts at people. (Snacks which are primarily sweet, plus desserts with every meal).
I think a lot of people feel the way you do.

We would always order a dessert at a meal when on vacation, but we would order one and split it, we just do not need two.
With the DDP we get two because we paid for it.

We would rarely if ever get dessert at a CS meal if paying OOP.

As for overindulging - people are on vacation and I think they should over indulge and enjoy themselves if they like as long as they are not doing it every day of the year.
I do not think healthy options should be forced on people when they are on vacation once a year in Disney.

Also if people choose to eat unhealthy every day of the year than fine it is their choice and it is none of my business. (and let’s not go into the statement that we pay for their health care etc…..)

And yes I agree America has a problem with obesity, but the rest of the world is catching up with us IMO.
I go to Europe a lot (4+ weeks per year) and see it more and more.

I do think it has less to do with gluttony and more to do with quick cheap food with lots of salt and preservatives, but that is my experience.
There is something wrong with bread that lasts two weeks IMO. The equivalent of wonder bread in Ireland only lasts one day, two if you are lucky.
Oh and it tastes great as well.

The real issue I have with the US and Food is we turn gluttons into heroes.
Man V Food and the eating competitions are an example of what I see as wrong, but that is getting further off topic.
As for overindulging - people are on vacation and I think they should over indulge and enjoy themselves if they like as long as they are not doing it every day of the year.
I do not think healthy options should be forced on people when they are on vacation once a year in Disney.

I'm not saying anything should be forced on anyone at Disney World. I'm not suggesting that desserts be eliminated from the parks, and that salads get included with each meal.

But by designing the meal plan in a certain way, guests are already being nudged in a certain direction. While nobody is being forced to overindulge, especially on sweets... Disney pushes their meal plans, and their meal plans push the overindulgence, especially on sweets.

While it is certainly possible to get fruit cups, yogurt, etc, with your dining plan credits, the more prominent choices (and those that let you maximize "value") are the items like cupcakes, muffins, ice cream, etc.

Again, I'm not saying anybody should be forced to do anything. But how about a meal plan that doesn't actually *encourage* unhealthy eating?

Heck, you could even have a "sweet tooth" meal plan, that includes desserts + 2 snacks per day...
And you can have a "healthy eating" meal plan, that eliminates desserts, and includes 2 pieces of fruit per day.

Comes down to this... the meal plan is about $47 per day I believe for 2011. I'd much rather pay $40 per day, and eliminate the desserts.


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