Please say a prayer for Grandson that ran away


<font color=teal>If I did the beach would be rolli
Jun 20, 2005
I am not sure if I should post this but we need prayers for just turned 17 year old who ran away today. I wish I could tell my DD that everything will be all right but just don't know what to tell her. Shirley
Ohhhhh, of course this is the right place to post! I will say a prayer tonite that your GS is safe, and finds it in his heart to return home quickly. Hugs to you....
Thank you for your prayers, he still isn't home but DD may know where he is. School sign-up is this week and he had told DD that he isn't going to. I just hope and pray that he makes the right choices in life. Shirley
I will keep your entire family in my thoughts and prayers. Thankfully she knows where he is. It is just a difficult age. I hope everything else can be worked out. :hug:
My prayers go out to your grandson & family. It's so difficult for teenagers - so much pressure on them today. I hope everything is ok very soon.:grouphug:
I cannot imagine as a grandmother, which I am to a 15 month old grandson, how I would be feeling right now if in your place.. Hugs to you all and I do hope that he comes home and does make the right choices..

And as Carol said, this is most definitely the place to come and ask for whatever you need... we are here for that..
:grouphug: Thanks to all of you that took your time to post here. It is very comforting to me to have someone who cares. Danny is home for now, DD went and got him last night and told him is only 17 and needs to come home to work things out.
He is very defiant and will not talk to anyone, DH and I went over today to see if he would come over to our house and just help DH outside etc. No ????? asked and nothing said. But he said no. He will not talk to our Pastor or anyone else.
I am just praying that he will stay home and work things out, I am tired of crying. Thank you again for your support Shirley
Shirley, I wish I could give you a hug and tell you that everything is going to be OK. I think we all need to keep praying that he will talk with someone and he decides to come home.

Please feel free to vent here. It really does help.
Shirley, I wish I could give you a hug and tell you that everything is going to be OK. I think we all need to keep praying that he will talk with someone and he decides to come home.

Please feel free to vent here. It really does help.

Our prayers are with you and your grandson and family. I hope everything works out for him.
Just a short note to let you know that I have no idea where Danny is anymore. My DD told me that I needed to stay out of it because it was upsetting me too much.
It is more upsetting by not knowing where he is or what is going on. I can just hope and pray thet he will find the way. I have called the house but no one answers so I guess I hope that they can work things out.
DD and SIL want to put him in a Military School but this scares me to think that maybe he will find the wrong answers there.
Sorry to bother all of you but I just don't know what to do, maybe I am an old meddling Grandma.HA HA Shirley
Just a short note to let you know that I have no idea where Danny is anymore. My DD told me that I needed to stay out of it because it was upsetting me too much.
It is more upsetting by not knowing where he is or what is going on. I can just hope and pray thet he will find the way. I have called the house but no one answers so I guess I hope that they can work things out.
DD and SIL want to put him in a Military School but this scares me to think that maybe he will find the wrong answers there.
Sorry to bother all of you but I just don't know what to do, maybe I am an old meddling Grandma.HA HA Shirley

:hug: Hoping he does find the way, and FAST.

You are not an old meddling anything. You are a caring Grandmother, and many would be lucky to have you in their lives. He is your grandson, you have a right to care and be worried. My mother would be exaclty the same way. Your daughter must be beside herself, so perhaps is letting off some steam to you, because she can.

Everything will work itself out, it is the getting there that is hard.

Please don't apologize, we are all here for you :grouphug: :grouphug:
:grouphug: My dear friends, I talked to DD last night and Danny is home and he did register for school. I am so thankful that he is home again and pray that he stays there and does get things worked. I did call our Pastor and he is aware of everything but won't say anything to Danny without DD permission. Danny did tell DD that he is goiing to church on Sun. so this is a start.

Thank all of you again for your prayers and thoughts, I do feel better knowing that you are all here. :hug: Shirley


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