PIs for June 2008 - Jan 2009

Well I called casting again but still no luck. This was my third person and still the same answers. "You will be notified by May 16 yada yada.." This person actually checked my name and social and couldn't find anything! WHAAATT??? :rotfl2:I would love to know who is getting a response from casting! Anyone?? lol

Hello! I was told in my final interview that my department was supposed to turn in their candidate to HR by last Friday, so I called casting today to see if the position had been filled...It took a while, but I found out that the dept. hadn't submitted their choice to casting yet, so I'm relieved (since I hadn't heard anything yet) but still playing that waiting game. I'm being a little impatient right now, but it's nice to have others to talk to about it :)
I was in your exact same situation, the only difference is I'll have my masters, so I was really hoping to go for a PI over the CP. However, I talked with two Disney recruiters and did some research on my own, and have since decided that the CP would be better for me.

Two main reasons: CP guarantees housing, and I need housing. I do did not want to go through the hassle of trying to arrange for an apartment or have to worry about taking down any furniture (I'm from Iowa).

There is a greater variety of networking opportunities for CPs; they have several guest speakers from all over the company that come in and talk with CPs. You get networking in a PI of course, but it is more focused on the area of your job. There are about 4 things I am interested in pursuing professionally at Disney, the CP allows be to do some more exploration before settling on one area.

This doesn't pertain to you, but three of the four areas I'm interested in all REQUIRE CP participation, so I decided it would be better to cover my bases for the long run.

Hope that helps! You can always apply for both then make your decision based on if you're offered a PI.

Housing is a big thing for me too. The PI's that I'm interested as of right now are in Cali...which I think makes you find your own housing. I thought I could work save up some money and then go do the PI in Cali and get housing with the money I had.
I have no clue where I want to go either. I'm doing this as something to do between the time I graduate from college and before I go get my Masters. I figured by doing this...and interning I could have a better idea on where exactly I want to go with my Masters. I thought if you have a CP, it'd sweeten the deal for internships. My internship now doesn't require a CP...but what if I don't get in..and another one down the road does? I'd be out of luck. I was looking at the CP job as something relaxing to do after being in school for four years...take time time off...figure out what to do...and then seriously do a PI.

Crimsontide...I really appreciate you're opinion...it's nice to hear the "negative" side too. (not really negative..just a different side of things). I don't think having a CP will help me "network" but does it help get PI's? I just started looking into the Disney program..I've been on here asking questions like crazy...so I'm still not certain exactly how things work. If it helps to have a CP....especially if I don't know what exactly I want to do yet. I'm worried that I'd be skipping a step that others took and jumping into a serious job. I feel like I'd be skipping the training and jumping into the mang't role. (not that I am..but just an example). if I'm not positive that I want a career with Disney...or where exactly I want my career in Disney (PR, Communications, ect) is CP the best route to go? or do you still think skip it and go to PI?
Well I called casting again but still no luck. This was my third person and still the same answers. "You will be notified by May 16 yada yada.." This person actually checked my name and social and couldn't find anything! WHAAATT??? :rotfl2:I would love to know who is getting a response from casting! Anyone?? lol

I also just called casting and she was rude about it! she said I would know by may 16th by an e-mail, not over the phone. I guess it depends who you get and if they will tell us anything. ugh. I'm so frustrated.
Hello! I was told in my final interview that my department was supposed to turn in their candidate to HR by last Friday, so I called casting today to see if the position had been filled...It took a while, but I found out that the dept. hadn't submitted their choice to casting yet, so I'm relieved (since I hadn't heard anything yet) but still playing that waiting game. I'm being a little impatient right now, but it's nice to have others to talk to about it :)

Do you know if this is the process for all departments???? Or just MI???

I also just called casting and she was rude about it! she said I would know by may 16th by an e-mail, not over the phone. I guess it depends who you get and if they will tell us anything. ugh. I'm so frustrated.

How could casting be so rude, to you???? I wish casting knew how frustrated and nervous we are waiting on response!!! They have no idea what we are going through!!! I want to call casting, but since everyone has received the same answer and casting seem rude, I will wait for a response!!!!
Do you know if this is the process for all departments???? Or just MI???

How could casting be so rude, to you???? I wish casting knew how frustrated and nervous we are waiting on response!!! They have no idea what we are going through!!! I want to call casting, but since everyone has received the same answer and casting seem rude, I will wait for a response!!!!

I wish they only knew how frustrated we are not knowing, I'm moving to FL may 13 and I would like to know if I'm going to have to look for job when I get down there or if I'm going to have a job already. :confused3. Sorry I'm complaining everyone.
I wish they only knew how frustrated we are not knowing, I'm moving to FL may 13 and I would like to know if I'm going to have to look for job when I get down there or if I'm going to have a job already. :confused3. Sorry I'm complaining everyone.

No, I don't think you are complaining, everyone is in the same boat as you!!! I have to move-out my apartment, since my lease is up in may and have to find housing in orlando as well!!! I know how you feel, go to bed thinking about the PI and wake up thinking about the PI!!!! At, this point I just want an answer, that way I can stop stressing about and go on with life!!!!! I believe everyone should be on this thread, to vent a little!!!!
I couldn't agree more..it's getting a little ridiculous. I had my second interview March 21st! I've emailed casting as well as even contacting the person that I interviewed with, yet they said they couldn't tell me anything!!! It is very very frustrating!!!
Do you know if this is the process for all departments???? Or just MI???

Actually, I applied for a PI, not MI, and I'm not sure. I just know I called casting, not saying who I was or what I applied for, and he (Brandon or Brendon) said he could look up the status of my application, and from there was able to tell me the department had not yet submitted their pick.

I totally empathize with everyone waiting!
It's a little unsettling knowing I graduate in a few weeks (May 10! :scared: ) and not knowing where I go from here...there's another thing I applied for in NY (non-Disney) that *just* got back to me 2 weeks ago about a 2nd round interview. Of course this on top of all my ridiculously crazy end-of-year school stuff and internship stuff, and everything else, haha. :surfweb:

I am so sorry that everyone is having a bad experience with Casting. In my other thread I mentioned I called and had a very nice girl who was patient and actually explained the open status I was in. I could only wish the same for all of you....

Okay, here's a wish that we all get some sleep tonight so we are bright and bushy tailed for our acceptance phone calls tomorrow! :woohoo: :wizard:
Hi! I applied for the Ticketing Specialist too. Just wondering when you got a call? If you don't mind telling! :) I haven't heard anything yet so I'm just freaking out.THANKS!

I got a phone call April 2 to set up my second interview on April 3. Then I got a call from a PI recruiter, Linda, on Tuesday April 15. She let me know Ticketing was interested in me and asked me some legal questions and asked me when I could start. I told her that since I had to take summer classes that didn't end until June 24 I couldn't be there until June 26. She said she would get back to me. And I got a call this morning letting me know I had an offer and I accepted. I'm now waiting for my info packet to be emailed later this week.
No, I don't think you are complaining, everyone is in the same boat as you!!! I have to move-out my apartment, since my lease is up in may and have to find housing in orlando as well!!! I know how you feel, go to bed thinking about the PI and wake up thinking about the PI!!!! At, this point I just want an answer, that way I can stop stressing about and go on with life!!!!! I believe everyone should be on this thread, to vent a little!!!!

I know EXACTLY how you feel. Before, I used to be afraid to hear back, just in case the answer was no. Now I am okay if it's no, but I would like to know. I will be doing the CP if I don't get it, so either way I am excited, but I was hoping to know before I had to pay my assessment fee.

Anyway, I am guessing that I probably will not be getting a PI. It's still a possibility, but mentally, I am moving on because it's too exhausting to be caught up on it. I am really excited about my Attractions role, as I have always wanted to do Attractions for the Walt Disney Company and maybe after this CP, I'll be better qualified (or networked) for a PI. :) Anyway, good luck to all who are still waiting! I hope you find peace of mind!
I know EXACTLY how you feel. Before, I used to be afraid to hear back, just in case the answer was no. Now I am okay if it's no, but I would like to know. I will be doing the CP if I don't get it, so either way I am excited, but I was hoping to know before I had to pay my assessment fee.

Anyway, I am guessing that I probably will not be getting a PI. It's still a possibility, but mentally, I am moving on because it's too exhausting to be caught up on it. I am really excited about my Attractions role, as I have always wanted to do Attractions for the Walt Disney Company and maybe after this CP, I'll be better qualified (or networked) for a PI. :) Anyway, good luck to all who are still waiting! I hope you find peace of mind!

I'm doing the CP as well for fall advantage!!!!!!!!!! So I will likely be networking as well during the program. I already payed my assessment fee, but recruiter told me, I could pay the asessment fee for the CP now, and if I get a PI later they could transfer to fee to the PI program!!!! But the only downfall is if I get a PI, and might have to find my own housing then I am at a lost!!!!:sad2:

I had to pay my assessment fee b/c it has to be 2 weeks from which you accept!!!!!!!! Therefore my 2 weeks have past!!!

Good luck everyone!!!!!!!!!!!
I also just called casting and she was rude about it! she said I would know by may 16th by an e-mail, not over the phone. I guess it depends who you get and if they will tell us anything. ugh. I'm so frustrated.

I'm frustrated too! But don't worry I'm convinced everything will work out great for all of us!!! :thumbsup2
Housing is a big thing for me too. The PI's that I'm interested as of right now are in Cali...which I think makes you find your own housing. I thought I could work save up some money and then go do the PI in Cali and get housing with the money I had.
I have no clue where I want to go either. I'm doing this as something to do between the time I graduate from college and before I go get my Masters. I figured by doing this...and interning I could have a better idea on where exactly I want to go with my Masters. I thought if you have a CP, it'd sweeten the deal for internships. My internship now doesn't require a CP...but what if I don't get in..and another one down the road does? I'd be out of luck. I was looking at the CP job as something relaxing to do after being in school for four years...take time time off...figure out what to do...and then seriously do a PI.

Crimsontide...I really appreciate you're opinion...it's nice to hear the "negative" side too. (not really negative..just a different side of things). I don't think having a CP will help me "network" but does it help get PI's? I just started looking into the Disney program..I've been on here asking questions like crazy...so I'm still not certain exactly how things work. If it helps to have a CP....especially if I don't know what exactly I want to do yet. I'm worried that I'd be skipping a step that others took and jumping into a serious job. I feel like I'd be skipping the training and jumping into the mang't role. (not that I am..but just an example). if I'm not positive that I want a career with Disney...or where exactly I want my career in Disney (PR, Communications, ect) is CP the best route to go? or do you still think skip it and go to PI?

In all honesty, the only reason I speak of the negative side is because no one else does it. I wish their were others like myself that posted the "other" side of things so I could get a fair understanding of what I would be walking into.

I know for a fact that doing a CP has no bearing on wether or not you are accepted to a PI, unless its a requirement. Out of the last 3 sets of PIs my resort has gotten, only 1 of 6 has done the CP. For the other 5, this is their first serious job. One was a cashier at wal mart, one worked at a gas station, one was unemployed, one lived off of her parents her whole life and this was her first job, and the other had prior management experience at a local mom and pop shop.

There is no method to the way selection goes for the professional internships.
There are alot of people that have done a CP and done very well at it and never recieved a call back from Disney in regards to the PIs, and then there are those that get selected that have a 2.0 gpa, first job, no prior experience, no people skills, no computer skills, nothing.

I think they just roll the dice.
In all honesty, the only reason I speak of the negative side is because no one else does it.

That was exactly my point. I've been juggling this for a few days now..and it's nice to hear another side to things. So I don't get down there and think what the heck. So thanks.
I'm still thinking things over. I've been going hard for four years at college. I've worked 30 hours a week...and took 16 credit hours a semester. I'm ready for some downtime. Take a break before I jump into anything serious. But, I don't want to pass up a good option.
I'll probably just apply to everything and see how things play out.
If you are coming down here to just take a break and have a good time, I highly recommend it.

Its when they boost your expectations about "career" advancement and "networking" that pisses me off. Unless you get a PI, your career will begin and end with a entry level job here.

As Ive said before, coming here is all about expectations. Come here expecting to relax and have a great time with many great people and you will not be disappointed. Come here with the thoughts of launching a career with Disney and "networking" yourself to doing something bigger and greater with the company, and you will be disappointed.
If you are coming down here to just take a break and have a good time, I highly recommend it.

Its when they boost your expectations about "career" advancement and "networking" that pisses me off. Unless you get a PI, your career will begin and end with a entry level job here.

As Ive said before, coming here is all about expectations. Come here expecting to relax and have a great time with many great people and you will not be disappointed. Come here with the thoughts of launching a career with Disney and "networking" yourself to doing something bigger and greater with the company, and you will be disappointed.

While I can appreciate you are dissapointed and feel people have been less then honest with you, you can't say that EVERYONES experience will be like yours. You will find plenty of people who go down on the program and manage to get good positions after graduation. I consider myself to be one of those people actually! But on the same vain I have friends who are down there with college degrees taking tickets at a turnstile. It's probably a little idyllic of me but I really feel like if you get down here, fix yourself on your goals and work your butt off you will make advancements. It might not happen as fast as you want but it's a huge company and you are going against hundreds of people just like you. It depends on who you know and what line of business you are looking to break into, but thats the same with any major company.

I do agree that you are probably not going to go straight from CP to salaried. But it gives you a chance to get your name out there, you should look at the WDWMagic boards at the number of people who have been applying for professional jobs at Disney for months and years at a time. It's a hard company to break into, but I don't think you will find it's so much different then any other company out there.

I love Disney, but you do have to realize it is a huge bureaucratic company just like any other, and it's far from perfect or always fair. If you keep this in mind you will probably be fine.


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