Pirates of the Carribean Movie


<font color=009900>No one is immune to the TF's in
Aug 17, 1999
From The Hollywood Reporter today:

"The latest move by the Walt Disney Co. and producer Jerry Bruckheimer in their quest to bring "Pirates of the Caribbean" to the big screen has been the hiring of Stuart Beattie to perform a rewrite of the Jay Wolpert script. Beattie, who recently sold the thriller script "Collateral" to DreamWorks, is a major pirate buff whose knowledge of the subject caught the studio's eye. Disney plans to start shooting in the summer."
Is there any idea what the plot will be? It certainly couldn't be the one on the ride, because that would only be about a 45 minute movie!

:pinkbounc :bounce: :) :( :o :D ;) :p :cool: :rolleyes: :mad: :eek: :confused: :jester: :smooth:
Reuters announces that scribes Terry Rossio and Ted Elliott (Shrek, The Road to El Dorado) will do a rewrite of The Pirates of the Caribbean, and get paid 7 figures in the process. Variety says that the story focuses on a daring rescue mission from dangerous pirates who are trying to reverse an ancient curse. Rossio and Elliott are said to be putting a more supernatural spin on the material. Jay Wolpert and Stuart Beattie had separately penned versions of the script.
That would be cool! It is one of the great classics!
As with the Bears, I can't wait to see this movie!


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