Pin Traders Across the Country!!! Updated 02/18/03

Can't stand to see only 1 lonely pin trader from Iowa. Iowa here looking for the bad boys and girls of Disney. We've really only been trading less than a year and have about 100 or so. Already have more to trade and we don't go again till June!
DH here. Only one person from Washington state? Add us to the roster please. Heading for WDW in 2 weeks. I'm not sure whether the family is more excited about pin trading or free dining. I have 8 lanyards loaded and ready to go!
New to this "addiction" but I expect it will really grow as we now are members of DVC and look to make a lot more trips to Disney.

My DS-18, DS-15 and DS-11 all got a taste of it this past year when we went, with the DS-11 getting an earlier start and doing very well with his trading while we were there. The older two got a later start (after some jealousy set in for the younger one's good finds) but caught on fast.

My DW and I got a couple of commemorative pins, but not much on the trip. I have made a few purchases on Ebay since. I expect to make some bulk purchases before we go again so we all have some pins to trade on the upcoming trips. Since I am a collector at heart, I expect this will become another satisfying outlet (if not for my DW, at least for
I am a trader!! I love the fun of trading pens!!

I have about 120 I think right now.

I think I buy more than I trade hahaha.

Is there trading on here (kind of like DISbay :rotfl:) or do you guys just talk and show pens?

I am new forgive me for the questions XD
I'm a fledgling pintrader from Colorado - please add me to your list.

I wondered where those state pins were coming from. I'll be heading down to Denver to the DS soon:hippie: !
I live in Tokyo Japan, but still have more pins than I can count.
Love to frame them.


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