Pin Talk with Scoop? experience was so very different. I was there in December---first time pin trading and first time meeting Scoop! (what a character!) He was so personable and friendly. Our talk was delayed about 15 minutes due to the fact that they couldn't get the film projector to turn off.
He said he would give a free pin to everyone for every 5 minutes we had to wait! So we all (about 10 people, old and young) got to pick 3 pins from his jacket (all turned around so they were "Mystery Pins"---oops! don't want to start another "illegal Mystery pin" discussion!!!! :rotfl: )

He did some "extra" give-aways to the young kids there and they were thrilled.

What a fun guy! Even got my picture taken with him.
As I mentioned above we did not enjoy him at all. He was really pretty irritating. I don't know what his "character" has to do with Disney at all.
Normally Scoop's pin talks are lots are fun and Scoop himself is a true representative of Disney. However there are days where Scoop gets a stone faced pin hungry crowd. Scoop feeds off the positive energy of the crowd and sometimes you get a bunch of sour pusses who want free pins. Unfortunately you have the people who are very happy to see Scoop show up and they see the irritated Scoop. Scoop is a very generous guy, but he is also human and has feelings he is very passionate about pins and pin trading and everybody is entitled to a bad day every once and awhile.

Swamp Fox

(spelling and gramatical errors fixed...I hope)
The crowd was small and quiet the day we were there and no one was trying to get pins. He just seemed to be yelling at or embarrassing audience members. Not my idea of a good time. Too much other fun stuff to do in the park other than waste time waiting to see if he is in a good mood.
I am sorry to see Scoop's pin talks go. Although I think we attended maybe one session since moving here. The timing was just never good for us.
He certainly was part of our most special Disney Day yet, and I have the signed pin to prove it! :banana:
Scoop is a good person. He truly believed in the "peeps", as he called them, and tried to determine the greedy Gus' from those who really had a love of pins and camaraderie. (Not insinuating ANYONE here to be a Greedy Gus. I am just explaining my experiences with Scoop.)
I hope to see him around somewhere in the World. :wizard:
I am sorry to see Scoop's pin talks go. Although I think we attended maybe one session since moving here. The timing was just never good for us.
He certainly was part of our most special Disney Day yet, and I have the signed pin to prove it! :banana:
Scoop is a good person. He truly believed in the "peeps", as he called them, and tried to determine the greedy Gus' from those who really had a love of pins and camaraderie. (Not insinuating ANYONE here to be a Greedy Gus. I am just explaining my experiences with Scoop.)
I hope to see him around somewhere in the World. :wizard:
Some of the talks I have been to I can tell who was there looking for free hand outs of pins. You may think I am wrong here but the times when some people give Scoop gifts, sometimes I think part of the reason is they think might get a great pin in return. For example this little girl once gave Scoop a card or something and when she gave it to him her words sounded so rehearsed, it was like her parents were coaching her on how to say it. Then Scoop gave her a Top Dog Trading pin and when she sat back down, her Mother said let me hold that for you so you don't lose it. I hope she really meant that but the way she said it, to me it sounded like this kid would never see the pin again.

I am sure there are some people who gave him stuff because they are nice people and did not expect anything in return, however after what I have seen to me it always looked like they expected good pins in return.
It seems that everyone has their own opinion here, and there is no need to try and change someone's opinion. From all the experiences I have had meeting Scoop with my middle school students from MA over the past years, I have never experienced what others have. He is a wonderful, warm-hearted gentleman who always made us feel welcome. I will miss his pin chats but look forward to seeing him on Main Street. Caroline:teacher:
I so agree with Caroline and Barb.

Scoop is a wonderful Ambasador for WDW. Not only in the area of pin trading but just in general. My husband and I have always had wonderful experiences whether it be at one of his talks or just visiting with him on Main Street.

Sorry to say, but some just don't see him the same. That is their opinion. But I think you will hear from more that see and think of him in a more positve way.

By the way.... Hi "Jason":rolleyes1

I so agree with Caroline and Barb.

Scoop is a wonderful Ambasador for WDW. Not only in the area of pin trading but just in general. My husband and I have always had wonderful experiences whether it be at one of his talks or just visiting with him on Main Street.

Sorry to say, but some just don't see him the same. That is their opinion. But I think you will hear from more that see and think of him in a more positve way.

By the way.... Hi "Jason":rolleyes1

Hi Winnie. :rolleyes1
I'm bummed I have never gotton to meet Scoop. I was looking forward to finally getting to take in one of his talks.
Do not give up hope - as we mentioned on another Scoop thread, two of us did see and chat with him just this past Friday. Keep watching. Caroline
I just saw him today. The movie he was in will be out in November. One of the celebs in it is Sharon Stone, and I can't remember her name, but another is the oriental lady who was a "Charlie's Angel". Can't wait to see it.

Oh and he said to keep the letter's coming about his pin talks.

I just saw him today. The movie he was in will be out in November. One of the celebs in it is Sharon Stone, and I can't remember her name, but another is the oriental lady who was a "Charlie's Angel". Can't wait to see it.

Oh and he said to keep the letter's coming about his pin talks.

I was just chatting with someone and they sent me the link to the movie with his name and character, so now I know this is true.
pixiedust: Can we get the 1:00 pin talks back? This was one of the highlights of our trip and I am really sorry to see it go. Scoops place is also a great environment for people who just trade on vacation to meet others who just trade on vacation. Some of the people who trade at DTD are very "Sharky". This can sour new pin traders and leave a bad impression of the hobby as a whole with people.

Scoops talks are a nice friendly environment where pin traders of all levels can feel comfortable and ask questions about pins and see some unusual pins.

I think Disney should go even one step further and start a program called Disney Pin Trading Academy - that you have to sign up for and perhaps even pay for. This could be a great way to introduce people to a fun hobby and a way for people to learn about the pins.

The classes could be held in Magic Kingdom at the small theatre and Epcot since they have all those extra rooms. Or there could be a tour to Company D....I think there are lots of possibilities! Once you complete the class you get a certificate and a special pin to wear so Cast Members and guests know you have completed your class and are a Disney Pin Trading Ambassador.

Please Disney Hear our Cry - bring back the 1:00 Pin talks and/or Expand into Disney Pin Trading Academy. :cheer2: pirate: :cheer2:
I love the idea of the Pin Trading Academy. I would pay for something like that. Plus the idea of having a PTA pin sounds cool

Swamp Fox
What a fabulous idea!! I love it!

You should write a letter as many of us have to Meg Crofton and Al Weiss. We are hoping to get his talks going again. Scoop really misses us too!

What a fabulous idea!! I love it!

You should write a letter as many of us have to Meg Crofton and Al Weiss. We are hoping to get his talks going again. Scoop really misses us too!


I will write a letter this week!

Pin Girl
You should write a letter as many of us have to Meg Crofton and Al Weiss. We are hoping to get his talks going again. Scoop really misses us too!

I also saw Scoop last week. He really misses the pin talks and a spot and time to meet all his friends. You really have to hunt him down on Main Street. I walked up and down it about 3 times before I found him.

Everyone needs to write that letter! The cutbacks were all management decsions.

On another note, I also ran into Darren. He was working a ticket turnstile in EPCOT. I asked if he was going to don the Super Trader pin vest again and he said "all Jim has to do is ask. He knows where I am." So maybe we could bring back the SuperTraders again as well since we are wishing on a star.
We ran into Scoop just by walking in the Magic Kingdom last Monday. He was right near the Barbershop and Fire Station in the corner. We also almost always run into Darren at Old Key West.



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