Pictures of things No Longer Seen at WDW

Kitchen Kabaret was gone long before 2006. According to Wikipedia, it was replaced by Food Rocks in 1994, which was then replaced by Soarin' in 2005.

Yeah I realize that now but back in 2013 I didn't :( I love me some Soarin but man Veggie Veggie Fruit Fruit was a huge childhood memory I wish I could relive.
I think I've seriously spent an hour or more looking through this entire thread, and it's just wonderful. Thank you to everyone for sharing these memories! There were things that I'd forgotten, and just seeing the picture brought it all back. :D
Could someone please tell me whether the Agent Pleakley statue in Tomorrowland is still around? My daughter LOVES Lilo and Stitch but when I google the statue I don't see any recent photos, just ones from 2008 or so. I hope they didn't get rid of it!
Finally went thru all the pages on this (while listening to Spectromagic music). It was cool to see it all, especially the one of Dreamflight (always was my favorite ride as a kid)

a few from MK (could've sworn I had one of Toontown Fair from the train)
Enchanted tiki room under new management (good riddance)
former pre-fireworks castle show (but the newer one is just as good)
castle2.jpg castle.jpg
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These are awesome! I don't recognize some of them, but I have wanted to see an old photo of the Skyway for a long time! I remember it so well from my trips as a kid!
I thought I'd contribute some of the stuff I found when going through my old pictures.

In Frontierland. Excuse my 15-year-old fashion sense.

Lucky enough to be chosen with my brother to be in the MJJP. RIP MJJP, hope Pandora is worth it.

RIP OLD Test Track.
This is a great thread. I will have to go through some photos at my parents house and see what I can come up with. I've been going to Walt Disney World since the year I was born.
This is not my photo, found it on the Disney Parks blog, but it does show early park memories for me. From 1971 to 1976 admission to the park was about $4. This circled area was where my grandma would sit with her knitting. She would occasionally ride IASW or Peter Pan and did enjoy Hall of Presidents and the Tiki Room, but mostly when we went to the park, she found a shady spot and knitted. Meanwhile, we dragged grandpa all over the park waving as we went by or from the Skyway. Because passes are all inclusive now, grandma would never have gone to the parks.
The Tea Cups without shade. The seats burned your butt. The steering wheel was like molten metal. And the tea got really, really hot.

IMG_0231.JPG Please excuse the blur. Taking the picture was a kind elderly man who offered to take it for us but couldn't figure out the camera. This was a weird attraction that was basically just a preview for the Chronicles of Narnia movies.

S4010961.JPG Sniff sniff, tear...

S4010964.JPG Donald's boat and my goofy husband.


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