PHXscuba's Club 33 Christmas

I was at DLR today. The peppermint ice cream is not being sold in the parks this year.:faint: Dreyer's is to blame for refusing to send the right-sized cartons that DLR needed from them for that flavor. The CM at Clarabelle's said he wrote to Dreyer's to complain and suggested I do the same thing. People are coming in and asking for that ice cream and they have no holiday ice cream to offer anywhere in the parks!:faint: Haagen Dazs doesn't even sell actual peppermint ice cream -- just white ice cream with peppermint bark. So those Peppermint Wonderland cartons just became even more valuable!

The gingerbread zombie cookies are gone and the gingerbread cookies with mouse ears are scarce.

But...there's some cute merchandise and the usual treats. I posted a more detailed recap in the Superthread. Pictures to follow when Photobucket cooperates.

This is sad.....I really was hoping to have some on the first day we are there.

(singing) It's the MOST pepp-er-mint time of the year!! :lmao:

I may or may not have bought out Target's peppermint candy section today. My feelings, in smilies ----> :hyper: :lovestruc :blush:

Three weeks! Somehow the holidays do not seem real yet, as I sit here in flip flips and my air conditioner is threatening to come on.

To do before then:

1. Celebrate the end of soccer and band seasons this Saturday! :cool1:

2. Round up plain, dark-ish shirts for a family picture with all my in-laws over Thanksgiving weekend

3. Survive Thanksgiving weekend and get the Christmas decor up

4. Get the kids' Christmas lists

5. Find out what ideas they've secretly slipped to their prone-to-spoil grandmother (aka my Mom)

6. Get through the very busy weekend just before leaving for CA

When I went to Disneyland three years ago during a similar timeframe, I was a bit worried about being gone for a weekend during such a busy time of year. But I had so much fun and came back in such a good mood that it actually carried me right through the holidays! I am hoping this mini-trip will do the same for me!

Ok, so I've hit the not-quite holiday blahs. I've been trying to work on prying Christmas gift ideas out of the kids but they are being difficult and just don't see the urgency that I have to start shopping SOON if they want anything under the tree! Times four.

It's a week before Thanksgiving and although I finally have a general schedule for the weekend and family, I still don't know what things I'm bringing to dinner (my sister-in-law and I bring sides and dessert to go with the traditional family RIBS, but we haven't connected yet), so I can't shop for that holiday either.

The kids are driving me crazy with last minute requests -- I need a book by Friday! Fabric now! I have a group project after school, pick me up at 5:30! I feel like I am just chasing my tail and accomplishing nothing of substance. :sad2:

I think I will be a lot happier in about a week, when I can shout CHRISTMAS!! without restraint and not get the evil eye from anyone. Right now I am just trying to make it through this weekend, when it may rain and throw everyone's schedule out the window!

I need more peppermint.

Yeah, I know that family you bring thiis drill. I get ice cream and rolls.

Kids always have a wish list. Since we are on vacation, I told them no big gifts. DD is easier than DS. He wants all game things, she all cosmetics, clothes and accessories. Has not met an Ugg she did not like.

We are 57 degrees today, as a high, by Sunday, the high will be 38. Can you say brrrr?

Yes, all the Christmas candy is at all our stores. Had to pick up some peppermint patties since you had my thinking about peppermint for days now!

Just think, in a few more Fridays, you will be in DL again. I cannot wait to see what you find as a limited time dessert. I missed any summer one they had when I was there. We really enjoyed the ice cream as it was hot when we were there.

Hang in there. Our school is only three days next week, and it cannot come fast enough. Soccer is on a reprieve due to the predicted cold weather this week-end, and band and assignments, besides homework,has keep us on high. It will be nice to sleep in one morning.

Have a great Thanksgiving and good eating to you and family!
Yeah, I know that family you bring thiis drill. I get ice cream and rolls.

Kids always have a wish list. Since we are on vacation, I told them no big gifts. DD is easier than DS. He wants all game things, she all cosmetics, clothes and accessories. Has not met an Ugg she did not like.

We are 57 degrees today, as a high, by Sunday, the high will be 38. Can you say brrrr?

Yes, all the Christmas candy is at all our stores. Had to pick up some peppermint patties since you had my thinking about peppermint for days now!

Just think, in a few more Fridays, you will be in DL again. I cannot wait to see what you find as a limited time dessert. I missed any summer one they had when I was there. We really enjoyed the ice cream as it was hot when we were there.

Hang in there. Our school is only three days next week, and it cannot come fast enough. Soccer is on a reprieve due to the predicted cold weather this week-end, and band and assignments, besides homework,has keep us on high. It will be nice to sleep in one morning.

Have a great Thanksgiving and good eating to you and family!

We got out of the last soccer weekend because everything was rained out yesterday and today. No Fun Run, soccer practice, soccer game, parade ... even the birthday party DS8 was going to got moved because the backyard was flooded. Phoenix is not made to get 2 inches of rain in 2 days -- that's like a quarter of our yearly total. Most of the parks and sports fields are in low areas that serve as drainage for neighborhoods -- they are parks 50 weeks of the year and lakes after rainstorms!

I finally had my sister-in-law and mother-in-law in the same room the other night and got food commitments -- I get to bring apple and pumpkin pies, ice cream, a veggie tray, and soda. Not too bad; I just have to decide which of the pies I will make and buy. I just like knowing because I will NOT be in a grocery store on Wednesday unless it is an emergency! :crazy2:

I just spent 4 hours taking DD14 and DD11 shopping for boots as Christmas gifts. If I never see another pair of brown boots it will be too soon. :faint: We hit Kohl's, Rack Room Shoes, JCPenney, Famous Footwear, Payless, and Target. Luckily they both found a pair and I didn't pay terribly much. Now they want them before Christmas but I am wrapping them up!!

I am mostly over my pre-trip blues and revving for the busy stretch of the next two weeks before I get to go!!

T-minus 13 days to Disneyland!!

No, I'm not excited or anything ...::yes::

I did, however, just find out that my best friend (my fellow Disney nut who went with me during the holidays in 2010) has postponed the Disneyland trip she and her family were taking next week. I think they got too busy to leave town (their kids are similar ages to mine) so they are not going until spring break.

Bummer for me too. I was hoping me friend would have an AP and we could sneak in one visit during January/February while we both had them. :sad2: But now that looks highly unlikely. Unless I have a big reason, this holiday trip will probably be my last with my AP. :sad: And probably no DLR trip later next year as it looks right now.

So that means I'm looking at my trip in December a little differently. I still only have one day and I do want to devote much of my time to the holiday-only or special things I can only do on this day. But I also have to consider if there's anything I will be very sad if I don't get to do again.

So right now I am considering what's worth it:
Jingle/Jungle Cruise -- worth the effort if the line is long (Catch 22: if the line is long there is more to see, but takes so much total time)
Animation Academy -- I have always wanted to do a class but even timing it right it could eat up more than half an hour
Star Tours -- really want to get to Naboo, but I've done it so much already in the last 9 months

I definitely still plan to stroll/photograph all the decor (hopefully during the day and night) and eat lots of goodies! I seriously need to petition the DIS for a drooling smiley. I would use it A LOT!!


p.s. And I'm sad I won't get to ride Big Thunder after it reopens. I was still holding out hope that it would re-open in February and I would make it there to ride it.
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!!

I am taking the day to bake pies, chop (I am bringing the veggie/fruit trays) and wait impatiently until after we get home from the in-laws' tonight to start on CHRISTMAS!!

I did take DS8 and our Labrador (the older kids and DH were out target shooting) to the dog park this morning. Somehow it has become a Thanksgiving tradition. :confused3

I am down to 11 days until my trip. The kids don't even know I'm going yet! :rolleyes1

Hope you had a great Thanksgiving! Cannot believe you will be in DL in less than 2 weeks! Woot!

We always made time to do the drawing class. It is a free and great reminder of our visit. After the first visit, I brought an empty tube to put the drawings in the next time we visited.

It does feel like Christmas. Many have their decorations out, and the stores were packed this Black Friday. Most of my shopping is now done. I really do not like crowds.

Take lots of pictures. I love to see the parks when they have holiday decorations. Enjoy this holiday week-end.
Hope you had a great Thanksgiving! Cannot believe you will be in DL in less than 2 weeks! Woot!

We always made time to do the drawing class. It is a free and great reminder of our visit. After the first visit, I brought an empty tube to put the drawings in the next time we visited.

It does feel like Christmas. Many have their decorations out, and the stores were packed this Black Friday. Most of my shopping is now done. I really do not like crowds.

Take lots of pictures. I love to see the parks when they have holiday decorations. Enjoy this holiday week-end.

Thanks! It was a pretty good Thanksgiving -- lots of food and family. We have family pictures this afternoon before my BIL leaves town and I think I am about familied out. I don't do Black Friday shopping so I happily slept in for a change.

I got about a third of my Christmas decorations up today. I had to dust and DD11 had to vacuum before I put anything up. I thought I'd get the cleaning yesterday, but my big pre-lit tree bit the dust and I had to get another one last night at Costco.

We did all go see "Frozen" as a family yesterday. Everyone really liked it, even DH, who can be a little curmudgeonly about Disney movies. DS17 said he had "Let It Go" stuck in his head afterward, and DS8 is quoting Olaf every chance he gets.:rolleyes: My girls can't decide which princess they like better. The Mickey short before the film was cute too.

I am down to 10 days until Disneyland. :cool1: I finally told the kids yesterday and promised to bring back some treats. I just hope everything holds together for the next week -- I already have a huge to-do list for Monday and I really, really need to do some Christmas shopping, Last year I think I was nearly done at this point, and I've hardly started!!

OK, it's final stretch!! One week from today I will be sitting in the Phoenix airport awaiting my boarding call! And next Monday is Disneyland!! I guess I need to start pulling things together. :hyper:

The weather looks crummy near the middle/end of this week but I am hopeful it will blow through and be long gone. Cooler weather does make it feel more Christmas-y here in AZ! :santa:

OK, it's final stretch!! One week from today I will be sitting in the Phoenix airport awaiting my boarding call! And next Monday is Disneyland!! I guess I need to start pulling things together. :hyper:

The weather looks crummy near the middle/end of this week but I am hopeful it will blow through and be long gone. Cooler weather does make it feel more Christmas-y here in AZ! :santa:


Wow! This week will fly by. We will be off in 2 and 1/2 weeks. Seems almost unreal it is December already.

I will send good weather thoughts your way. For us, it has been unusually cold and will be raining in the middle of this week. With all the traffic around the stores, it does feel like Christmas! I like the music at times, as it gets me in the mood.

Have a great week and safe travels!
The week is flying by! Only 5 magical days until I will be

... standing in the Grand Californian lobby gawking at their giant tree!
... riding IASW Holiday and wondering how they meld the usual song and the Christmas carols
... eating peppermint bark and gingerbread beignets
... waiting for it to get dark to see all of the lights
... eating at Club 33 thanks to some DISers and an anonymous benefactor :cool1:

I got a lot of Christmas shopping done the past few days. Right now I am trying to get a lot off my desk but it keeps piling up. I have so many things I just need to go drop off to people and get out of my way. How can it be only 3 weeks until Christmas?!?

I planned more errands this afternoon but it is raining and I might postpone. Right now DS8 is on a walking field trip to the library for an author visit ... sooo glad I didn't volunteer to chaperon this one.

DD11 (the one who did Walt Disney as her Famous American project last spring) had to do a short research project on how something has changed over time. She picked Mickey Mouse! ::yes:: Good girl.

I have my six Mickey head ornaments on our big tree and the kids have yet to find them all in one sitting. :goodvibes

The week is flying by! Only 5 magical days until I will be ... standing in the Grand Californian lobby gawking at their giant tree! ... riding IASW Holiday and wondering how they meld the usual song and the Christmas carols ... eating peppermint bark and gingerbread beignets ... waiting for it to get dark to see all of the lights ... eating at Club 33 thanks to some DISers and an anonymous benefactor :cool1: I got a lot of Christmas shopping done the past few days. Right now I am trying to get a lot off my desk but it keeps piling up. I have so many things I just need to go drop off to people and get out of my way. How can it be only 3 weeks until Christmas?!? I planned more errands this afternoon but it is raining and I might postpone. Right now DS8 is on a walking field trip to the library for an author visit ... sooo glad I didn't volunteer to chaperon this one. DD11 (the one who did Walt Disney as her Famous American project last spring) had to do a short research project on how something has changed over time. She picked Mickey Mouse! ::yes:: Good girl. I have my six Mickey head ornaments on our big tree and the kids have yet to find them all in one sitting. :goodvibes PHXscuba

I like all those things you are excited to try and do......especially the Club 33 thing! ;)
Some DIS'ers and an anonymous benefactor?

Well, I don't know who the anonymous member is that got you in so you could invite me, but I'm super excited to go and to meet you and Liza and Laurie in person. I really need to pack. And throw in more cold-weather stuff. Gonna be a cold weekend here and there!
OK, this is my final DIS check-in before I head out tomorrow. I am partially packed with several jackets. I am getting a locker on the Esplanade to store souvenirs, treats, and varying levels of jackets as it warms and cools. I am so much happier if I am warm. Plus I will get some Disneyland hot chocolate!!

I took DD11 shopping with me today and she is such a bad influence. :rotfl2: She talked me into all sorts of junk food since I will be gone and feel guilty about leaving stuff for everyone to eat. Who am I kidding? It will probably all be gone before my plane takes off!

I won't necessarily be doing a blow-by-blow TR, but I will take and post a bunch of pictures. This time, I even wrote down the camera settings that I have to change to take night pictures! :thumbsup2

Wish me a magical trip! pixiedust:

OK, this is my final DIS check-in before I head out tomorrow. I am partially packed with several jackets. I am getting a locker on the Esplanade to store souvenirs, treats, and varying levels of jackets as it warms and cools. I am so much happier if I am warm. Plus I will get some Disneyland hot chocolate!! I took DD11 shopping with me today and she is such a bad influence. :rotfl2: She talked me into all sorts of junk food since I will be gone and feel guilty about leaving stuff for everyone to eat. Who am I kidding? It will probably all be gone before my plane takes off! I won't necessarily be doing a blow-by-blow TR, but I will take and post a bunch of pictures. This time, I even wrote down the camera settings that I have to change to take night pictures! :thumbsup2 Wish me a magical trip! pixiedust: PHXscuba

Enjot! Have fun, can't wait to hear all about it.
Magical trip wishes sent your way! Safe and fun travels! :beach: I will think warm and no rain for you. We need more warm and less rain.

10 day counting, and we will be off.



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