Phantom Manor Pin Event Trip - FINISHED (update August 3, 2012)

Great TR Vala. I really enjoyed reading it and seeing your fabulous photos in particular the parade ones. On our last trip we weren't up for queuing hours in advance (which was needed to secure a front row space!), so our photos were all quite far away - seeing yours had made me realise how different the parade is if you are seeing it front on/close up! I think we shall have to try harder for November!

Still not sure about the PP - just don't think we can stand around that long to see one character! :sad2:

I also really enjoyed seeing the PTN event photos - they did well on the decs, if not so well with the characters. Where were Jack & Sally???
The parade photos are all from directly in front of Bella Notte. Things weren't too busy there, you could still get a front row spot around 30 minutes before the parade.

Also I should probably add that I was too lazy to carry the small camera lens in addition, so the parade photos are all taken with a DSLR with a 300mm zoom lens. :littleangel:

The completely ignored the NBC part for the Phantom Manor event with the exception of that centerpiece. Jack and Sally would have made a little more sense than the characters they had out for me too, but hey, that's me. :confused3


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