Petition to Save Pixie Hollow!


Aug 15, 2011
LAst night I promised my 10 year old I would do everything in my power to try to save Pixie Hollow. She's watched me look for emails try phone calls etc to no avail. I found a broad save the MMORPGs one with 800 signatures and we signed that petition but I also want to do what toon town did and create one just for Pixie Hollow. The toon town one has over 7k signatures now. I believe we can get that for Pixie Hollow too provided we spread the word. I have a very long email I'm sending out to friends and family asking for signatures and that they forward my message that Disney is shutting out our requests. If you love Pixie Hollow or know someone who does please help us by signing the petition bellow and spreading the word. IF you play please put your personal feelings in the comments as well:

From my daughter and I it has been a pleasure flying with you all.
I've been a paying pixie for nearly 4 years. I am so sad that they are closing it down.

One thing we need right now is numbers because that causes leverage. If you can help by asking others to sign too that would be awesome. I've been spreading this wherever I can and I will continue to do so. There is one for toon town with over 8000 signatures. I think we can get there with this too but I am doing a lot of leg work on this. I have found a lot of holes in Disney's claims. The Toon Town one has a story on iReport CNN. If we get this one up in numbers I'm going to go that route too. I am going to start videos on Moday as well.
Didn't work for vmk. Won't work now

This maybe true but nothing happens if you dont try anything. I am realistic that Disney is being a real Dick with this and frankly I almost canceled my wedding due to their behavior and after the wedding if my feelings dont die down over their behavior or if they dont prove themselves in another way I maybe very very done with Disney. I'm the kind of person who can hold a grudge permanently in a manner that I just remove people, and companies without a blink of an eye. Its my way of dealing with things and people who alienate my personal belief in integrity I just remove them from my life it makes it a lot easier.

However for the time being instead of brooding though I'm going to believe in my heart for now that maybe if I try I can make this better for my daughter. Even if they just say ok we get it but here is why we cant than that is fine. I just want to be acknowledged as a customer by the company and not with a damn automated message.

My biggest issue here is actually not the shut down but the complete disregard for its customer Disney is portraying right now, and the lies and holes in their reasoning. That is my major issue right now. And yes there is a possibility I will contact a couple of news agencies about that big issue because it is not what Disney sells. I personally cant stand a hypocrite so its a huge issue for me to swallow and I wont as stated I will literally just stop purchasing Disney everything after the wedding if the company doesnt make peace with me on some level. I've already decided I will never purchase another software product from them again if we receive no acknowledgement. That is a firm decision that my husband agrees with 100%. This division will not receive another dime from our home.

I have a 10 year old here and I promised her I would try and I will because it makes her feel better and it gives me a constructive way to handle my anger with a company that is now breaking every ideal I believed they portrayed. I've been taught to forgive and give second chances so with this petition, these letters, etc that is what I'm doing. I'm giving them a second chance to atleast listen if they listen I can forgive even if they shut down. Dont lie to your clients, dont shut them out we're not stupid I can find your holes and prove them easily.

Though my ultimate goal maybe to save my daughter's favorite site, I also see a bigger issue here and that is with the ethics they are breaking. I also see a good teaching point for my child that the world will kick you down and you can get up and kick back or lay down on the ground and cry. I'm sorry but laying down on the ground you get nothing, kicking back you atleast know you tried.

So seriously what do these signatures hurt? They are making hundreds and thousands feel like they're atleast doing something. Disney may still choose to pull the very jerk move they are doing but atleast we are saying this is not ok.

However you're discouraging people does nothing but hurt the small potential we have. I think most signing and writing are pretty realistic and have made some decisions regarding the company as well. However they like me hold the hope that they can atleast get some acknowledgement. So please dont kick people when they are already down thats a pretty nasty move in itself. We are aware of what we are up against that doesnt mean we cant try. There is something beautiful about fighting for what you believe in even if the odds are against you, and that is the ultimate lesson I am teaching my daughter right now. The lesson that you stand up for whats right, you tell the truth, and you dont allow people to run you down.
Dewingedpixe: Well said. I know the game is not coming back. It does sadden me. BUT what I can do is let Disney know that I am not ok with their decision or how it was handled. Also I am sure those who were laid off are happy to know others are protesting this decision.
Dewingedpixe: Well said. I know the game is not coming back. It does sadden me. BUT what I can do is let Disney know that I am not ok with their decision or how it was handled. Also I am sure those who were laid off are happy to know others are protesting this decision.

I think this quote by Walt Disney sums up what Im aiming for ""Somehow I can't believe there are any heights that can't be scaled by a man who knows the secret of making dreams come true. This special secret, it seems to me, can be summarized in four C's. They are Curiosity, Confidence, Courage, and Constancy and the greatest of these is Confidence. When you believe a thing, believe it all the way, implicitly and unquestionably."
I have been thinking that we should keep on fighting. That we should do everything we can to make it really hard, if not completely impossible for Disney to ignore us. I was thinking about visiting as many blogs and forums as possible to get and KEEP THE MESSAGE GOING THAT WE WANT PIXIE HOLLOW WORLD BACK!!! We really have to be nice though since we dont want anyone to get mad at us. I think we should look for and use as many ways as we can to keep Disney well aware of how we feel.

We should keep going. We should continue to fight for Pixie Hollow. I plan to never give up on getting our Hollow back.

Perhaps we only lost the first fight, not the battle.

Perhaps the battle for Pixie Hollow is just beginning.


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