Pearl at Epcot

Does anyone know how much a basic sivler pendant setting would cost? Or what a less expensive necklace stting would run? I would be looking to do this for my 2 DD's, who are only 4 & 6 so I wouldn't want to spend *too* much :) DS 2 1/2 would probably wnat to do it, too, so maybe I can get a necklace for myself out of the deal if he'll part with his pearl :)

We purchased our pearls at a stand just outside of Stormalong Bay at The Beach/Yacht Club resorts a couple of years back. Not sure if the stand is still there or not.

And I agree with a previous poster that the sales pitch is high pressure and they are very slick. Be prepared to say no a couple of times or a $15 pearl could easily wind up costing about $100.

Have fun!!!!


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