PB&J sandwiches served at Poly where can I get them


Polynesian and DCL Addict
Aug 18, 2000
I'm looking to see where I can buy the Smuckers Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches that they had at the Poly Concierge.

My kids loved them and it would be a great easy lunch. Any ideas.

I went onto Smuckers home web page and it said they can be found in the freezer section but Stop&Shop said they have never heard of them.
We saw them at Costco and Sam's wholesale clubs not sure
if you have these??
I live the Dallas area (texas) so we have tons of places to
go and get them.

good luck and I am glad to hear they were good I am going get me some, I make my daughter pb and j everyday and use my
pampered chef tool to create same thing!! but it would be nice
for her to just grab and go, she could pack her own lunch


So funny, when we stayed at concierge in dec. my kids tried them and I thought they were the greatest thing!

As it turns out, my son's elementary school does a monthly program with a company called Market Day where you preselect food items that are packaged in bulk (many items are frozen too!). They ship to the school one day each month and the parents then pay and pick up their items. They sell them in a box of 8 units ( the price was something like $5.45).

They have a web site www.marketday.com. I know you can order online but I'm not sure if it has to be through a school program.

Good Luck!

We get them at Kroger for $2.59 for 4. It is cheaper than Market Day, where I used to buy them. A couple of weeks ago they were on sale for $2.19 and I stocked up.
DH used to say that they were a waste of money and we should just make sandwiches, but he had one at the Poly and ended up taking several back to the room for snacks he liked them so much, so now he just lets me buy them. We only let the kids buy lunch twice a month (it's 2.25 each!) so this makes it easier to make the lunches.
They are also at our Foodtown and Farmer Jack stores.
Robin M.
Not to be a wise a**, but why not just buy the Smuckers PB and Smuckers jelly and a loaf of bread and make and freeze your own? You are paying .6475 per sandwich buying them frozen,
you can purchase all the Smuckers stuff and four loaves of bread for less than ten dollars, make at least 60 sandwiches from these two loaves and the cost would be about .166666666666666 per sandwich, and it would be made with your loving hands. The kids could help too. I am all for convienance food, but, this is a bit outrageous (price wise and time wise), IMHO.
Thanks all for posting, I'll try BJ's and hope for the best.

As for the post on buying the ingrediants and making them,you haven't a clue until you try them!

Thanks again everyone!!!

:bounce: :bounce:
You are correct, it is just an opinion until you try them. But, from what I recall it is grape preserves and peanut butter, right? I detest grape preserves, jelly or jam, so, it would not work for me, I only like Raspberry on my pb&j. They are also on white bread and I prefer whole wheat, so, again, would not work for me. In reality, it was just a suggestion on how to save money (and putting the savings away for another trip to Disney :) ), sorry if I offended.
Mary007, please help!!! I've looked everywhere for these sandwiches. What section of Walmarts did you find them in? I've looked under breakfast foods, and under the pocket sandwich area, with no luck. Any help would be appreciated!! Thanks
I found them by the waffles, they have grape and strawberry. It's in a box a little bit bigger then a waffle box. The grape box is purple and the strawberry box is red. Let me know if you find them or not.
hellokitty: SO glad to know someone else is stamping out pb&j every day! My neighbor sells Pampered Chef and I think it's one of her biggest sellers.
I've used them sometimes but hate when they get a little soggy.

Gail I think the biggest draw and why kids like them is that they have no crust. Not sure when the magic age is when kids eat the crust of bread but mine haven't made it there.
Thanks Mary 007, I'll be checking there Monday!! (we live 25 miles away from the nearest Walmart so I tend to consolidate my shopping all at once)
Okay, always intrigued by convenience food, but too cheap to actually by it, I did find these in Walmart this morning. Just like mary007 said, by the frozen waffles. Look for the familiar Smucker's checkered box. It was $4.97 for a box of 10.
I always make my own by using my pampered chef press, they turn our great. I have bought the strawberry and great ones as well. Our local Meijer store carries them and they go on sale a lot.
I'm intrigued. I make my son a PB&J sandwich every day for school - it's the only sandwich he'll eat. I've seen a couple of references on this thread to the Pampered Chef tool for making these sandwiches. Just what is this? I looked at the PC web site and couldn't find anything obvious!
Hi nancyj: It's called Cut-n-Seal. It's a round metal press thingy, kind of like a big cookie cutter with a ring within the ring. You put your filling between the two slices of bread and then press down once to cut away the crusts. Then you press the button thingy on top and it 'stamps' the whole thing together all around the edges. It's fabulous. My brother in law even uses it to make homemade ravioli. I can't remember how much I paid for it, but it's about 3 1/2" across.
Thanks lorilori! I found it! I think I may have to get one... We eat ALOT of PB&J here (we all love them, not just my son).


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