"Pay or boot"


Madforwdw in VMK. A nice guy, unless I just DC in
Aug 24, 2002
Not sure if this has been mentioned or not, tried searching forum twice, but got the server too busy error and a failed search.

Anyway just started with VMK after quite a few months, and went into a few player rooms. Three has little contests, fun I thought....until in two of them I saw that if you lost, you had to pay or be booted. One was if the owner thought you looked cute or not, if not it was "pay or boot". It was told to me, but I just LOL'ed and left the room!.

Maybe because I've been off the VMK scene for a while, and this may indeed be standard practice for user rooms now, but it is definitely not very "Disney". It may only be a few game currency or whatever, but surely there is something majorly wrong with this.

As I said, maybe it's just me, but if this is the way things are, the Disney spirit is dead and buried!

I must say that I just avoid those rooms altogether, since it will probably
be mostly kids. I ran a game recently, and I couldn't believe how many kids
offered to "pay" to stay in my game!

I told them no, they were welcome to come back to the room and play
as often as they wanted, but I wanted my game to be free for everyone to

Those who were persistent in the "But..but!" excuses were quickly booted
from my room so the game would continue.

I can understand that if you don't have a lot of credits to spend on prizes,
a "pay to play" rule probably helps them. But others do that to take
advantage of others willing to pay to stay in the room.

Now that the VMK games offer more credits (and therefore funding prizes), I
am really opposed to this practice more than ever. You will find a lot of
people who feel the same as I do.
This has been on VMK for a while.I used to be one of those players who would actually pay.But I would only pay pins because they are so cheap.Now that I am a couple months smarter in the game I dont even play those games unless they are staff because you dont know what prize you would get.Oh Yeah I am reppin my From First Day Badge too.
BriarRosie said:
I must say that I just avoid those rooms altogether, since it will probably
be mostly kids. I ran a game recently, and I couldn't believe how many kids
offered to "pay" to stay in my game!

in my game i got paid a beta red crate.. it's amazing how much people will pay and keep on playing no matter if they dont win
well that would be uh whats the words im looking for oh yeah Knock Knock who's there? Scammer!!
LOL One time I used logic and freaked out the rest of the people in room. I was playing musical chairs(just cause I was bored :P) and when someone was not able to reach a chair in time, they were given the option to pay, boot or revenge. So most ppl would pay and use revenge to get other players booted. Well, after a round or two of that I started asking, 'Why bother sitting? When I can just lose on purpose pay a Ned pin and get everyone booted but me?' Needless to say it got ppl talking and agreeing with me lol. Well during my little rally someone got revenge on me and I got booted. Rofl! :rotfl2:

Yeah, I never go into those rooms. Completely pointless and a waste of time. ;) You're not alone.
I know revenge is not really nice, yea but the thing im worried about is scammers, one time I was playing " Falling Chairs, Win bat magic" so I went in there, played it but I was the last person standing so he said "pay, watch, or boot?" I got suspicious so I asked to watch but then People kept saying "Pay" And the owner didn't stop them, so I said " Maybe there should be no more pays" and of course he ignores me and keeps going so then I ask " can you put on your bat magic?" But he still ignored me.So on the last round I asked the to girls to be my friend, and so then I sent her a message saying: If he boots you and doesn't give you the magic I'll report him. She said ok but when one of them lost they both said " Pay" and he did not stop them. they said pay over and over, so finally one girl dc and then the other girl disappears too so I message her and ask: Did he boot you? so she answered yes. That was were I reported then warned everyone not to play but then he booted so I got back on and entered again and VMK_Lion was there! He warned the owner once then suggested everyone leave. But the owner still kept going with his game. Lion came in one more time and warned the owner again but the owner left and Lion told everyone that he was a scammer, so people where shouting and one person said " he stole my teleportation" but VMK_Lion said " He didn't steal it, you gave it to him." So Do Not fall for those people and play the game safely :)
KidGoofy said:
This has been on VMK for a while.I used to be one of those players who would actually pay.But I would only pay pins because they are so cheap.Now that I am a couple months smarter in the game I dont even play those games unless they are staff because you dont know what prize you would get.Oh Yeah I am reppin my From First Day Badge too.
yeah, pins are what I give.


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