~~Part 2 ~ They're leaving the nest, sew it's time for a trip-or two-or three ~~Off plans 10/11 ~~

What a great visit with your dad! So glad you get to see him as often as you do.

Yes - we are lucky that he is close enough where we can visit, I wish we could see him more often though.

Ohhhhhhh Daily Trip plans! Can't wait!!!

I bet she's excited to get her stuff back! That's tough to leave anything behind!!!

Have a great weekend!!!

I know - I am so excited to share them! I am debating on doing a little non-park day plan reveal today? :scratchin

The is very excited - after having to leave her one carry on at the airport on the way home unexpectedly... There were items in there she needed - so she is happy to have everything home!

Thanks - you too! :lovestruc

V. looks amazing in those pictures. She has grown up so fast.
I'm glad Allison and you had a good visit with your dad ever though it was such a long drive up and back.
I hope Josh's back feels better soon. Backs are so tricky.
Day to day trip plans are so interesting. I've been back for almost two weeks and would love to go back myself.
I have to go to the dentist this morning. I broke one of my teeth eating a sandwich on Wednesday.
Work is finally caught up for now. Monday they start to redo my area. They're supposed to make my counter area smaller. Right now it;s huge and is basically a place where people dump stuff. The movies and music are going where the computer stuff is now and the computers are going where the movies and music were. I think they're moving the fitness bands from photo to electronics. It's a little confusing but the remodel team knows what they're doing.
Have a great day

She has - it's crazy isn't it? Just this last year alone - lots of growing and inner peace happened. It's a great thing - I am very proud of her!

We did - thank you.

Josh is still home and nursing his back - he tried to see the Dr. yesterday and there weren't any Drs in the on-call clinic... :scratchin

Oh no!! Good luck!!! I hope it doesn't hit your wallet too hard!

Good luck with the remodel - I hope it doesn't interfere with your work load or space too much while it's happening.

Have a great weekend!

Poor Josh!! My husband, Rob, has a bulging disk in his back, as well as a collapsed vertebrae......just SOUNDS painful. It doesn't always bother him, but when it does flare up, it's just awful :( Surgery could lead to paralysis, so he just toughs it out. I hope Josh is up and running again soon!!

When you mentioned Allison had to pack one suitcase and leave the other behind, all I could think is I would NEVER be able to decide what to take and what I could wait for!!! I'm sure she will be SO happy to have all her "things" back :)

We're doing a family 5K tonight--a glow run! It's supposed to pour here all day though, so cross your fingers it stops from about 7 til 8 :)
Have a great weekend!! Looking forward to those daily plans!

Yes - it's quite terrible. Back pain is just not fun at all. Josh also cannot have surgery, he has to go in once per year and have the nerves in his back burned off - it allows him to live a semi-normal life, but we can always tell when it's time to have it done again. It's a very painful procedure for him and one that he puts off as long as possible.

I know - right? I know I couldn't do it. Most of this suitcase was souvenirs though - there wasn't much in it that she couldn't live with out - as most of her stuff never went with her. She is so happy to have all of her stuff back though - although her room is beyond disaster right now... She thought she was going to unpack in my kitchen - I put a big stop to that - I made her haul that bohemith bag upstairs and unpack up there - LOL - I wanted that mess contained where I didn't have to look at it. LOL

I hope it went well for you and no rain - let me know!

I hope you have a great weekend too! :woohoo:

Can't wait to hear more about the upcoming trip. Love the pictures of you all. You and your girls look great!

Thanks!!! :lovestruc

I am sooo excited to share our plans - it's going to be a fun trip for sure!

We're leaving for WDW tomorrow and hoping that Hurricane Matthew doesn't rain us out, especially on Halloween party night. Oh well, we have our ponchos and a positive attitude.

Safe travels today Sue!!! I hope your trip is spectacular and Hurricane Matthew stays far away - wishing you sunny skies and lots of Pixie Dust!!!

So glad you had a great trip to see your dad. The picture of him and Allison is so cute!
Can't wait to see your WDW plans. Still living vicariously lol. :) DH chose a cruise for our next vacation which is ok. Not WDW but still a vacation so I shouldn't complain. We did get an email offer from Chase for the Stay Play and Dine deal and he was interested. I don't know what will happen. There are a whole lot of family dynamics/issues that need to be worked out before a WDW trip can happen
so we shall see. Fingers crossed I guess.
Have a great weekend!

Thanks!! I love it when we are able to spend a good day with him - it was a lot of fun!

I still hope to cruise one day... Especially a Disney cruise - it sounds like so much fun! :woohoo:

I sure hope you are able to figure out a way to make WDW work for your family - some issues are so hard to work through. :hug: Sending Pixie Dust!

Thanks - same to you! :lovestruc

Daily trip plans! How exciting. Can't wait to follow along. I don't have a trip planned until October 2017 so I'm curious to see how all your plans come together

I know - this is my favorite time to trip plan! :woohoo:

So far - our plans have come together nicely - I may start sharing today, as I have a bit of time this morning. :scratchin


I had a really nice day yesterday...

I did Level 3 of the 30DS right away in the morning.

Then I worked upstairs all day.

I stopped by the nail salon and I made our nail appointments for the trip... We have a little scheduling issue we are dealing with though. V forgot to take off of work the night before we leave, and of course - she was scheduled. :( She is trying to find someone to take her shift, there is only one person who can, and it's not looking promising. So, either we may have to have our nails done another day? Or I may pull her out of school early? On top of this - we all know that V needs her sleep... Well, she is scheduled until 10pm this night, our flight leaves at 6am the next morning - which means that we need to be up by 2am to leave for the airport on time. You see where this is going right? It's going to be a rough start to our trip for sure. :( Send Pixie Dust our way that she is able to find someone to take this shift.

I picked up V from school and took her to work.

Then I came home - grabbed the family and headed to Jan and Machteld's house... Machteld made us curry for dinner - and I just love curry - it's one of my favorite foods. I also love to try other's curry recipes, as they are all a little different. Her's was authentic and absolutely delicious! It was a fun night, good food, good company, good everything. We are planning to get together for coffee again in a couple of weeks, as Machteld's sister will be here, and I have not seen her since Brian and Myrthe's wedding. ::yes::

And, of course - we had to haul Allison's crazy heavy luggage home... YIKES! I cannot believe how heavy that luggage was! She attempted to open on the kitchen floor - but I squashed her dreams in a hurry... No way kid! That suitcase would have exploded right there and the mess would have stayed for weeks... I grabbed the bottom end and helped her carry that massive thing up the stairs. LOL I was correct when I said it "exploded" - but at least the mess is now contained in her room, where I don't really have to look at it. LOL

She brought us so many gifts - I cannot even believe it! She brought me a bottle of her favorite wine (yes, she was legal drinking age in Europe), 2 very cool Starbucks "you are here" mugs - one from Paris and one from the Netherlands, 2 of Thomas' favorite snacks to try, Myrthe made me a cool key chain (which can barely be seen in the picture), a t-shirt from Paris, Lime Bis from Brazil (my new favorite EVER)... It was like Christmas! :woohoo:


She also brought many gifts for Josh - Victoria already received her's in the first shipment. LOL

After - Allison and I went to get V from work... They both had a rough night and wanted fries, so we detoured to McD's - I didn't have anything. :woohoo:

I came home and went directly to bed, I even managed to sleep in this morning. :lovestruc

Today... I don't have much planned. At some point, I have to go to get dog food - I forgot to grab that yesterday when I dropped V off at work.... So, now I have to go to a Vet that is kind of far away, because our Vet is closed on Saturdays.

I think I want to hit Aldi too... The last time I was there, I tried some of their wax melts - they have a Maple Pumpkin flavor that smells soooo good - I want to see if they have any more.

I may meet a friend for coffee too? :scratchin

I've decided that I want to make myself a new wallet for this trip... I've been carrying my Donald wallet for several trips now - and I still love it, but I want something with a semi-secure exterior pocket. When staying at SoG, not only do you have a room key, but they also give you a bus pass - you have to show your bus pass and your military ID every time you board one of their buses... The last trip - I was constantly trying to find both items in my wallet.... This time, I think if I have a secure outside pocket on my wallet, where I can just put those items for easy access - it will go much better for me. ::yes:: I think I am going to do it in a versatile theme, so it coordinates with all of my bags. ::yes:: I may start on that this weekend. :woohoo:

That's about all. I am getting anxious to share our daily plans with you all... Eeep!!! I'd love to get started today... We'll see... :scratchin

I hope you all have a fantastic weekend!!! Sending prayers and Pixie Dust out to all of you! :hug:

Arrival Day Plans​

I'll start off with my traditional coffee selfie in front of my oven clock... The clock should read approximately 1:30am... Depending on how well I sleep and if I am able to sleep at all. :scratchin

I'll do my ritual of coffee/FB/Dis...

I will get ready, and let V sleep in as long as possible...

I will complete packing and haul our bags out to the car.

It sounds like Allison is dropping us off at the airport.

We are flying Southwest this trip, on a 6am flight, and we are flying out of the little airport - this makes me happy.

We have a 1.5 hour layover at Chicago Midway... This is the perfect layover for us - just enough time to deplane, grab a coffee, take a bio-break and board again.

We land at MCO early in the afternoon, and we've booked a towncar to bring us to Shades of Green.

We should arrive at SoG and be checked in with plenty of time to enjoy a good portion of the day.

I plan to request a room very near to the room Allison and I stayed in - I would love a room in that same hallway with the same view. Again - the bathroom configuration will suck, but V and I will have better luck with it than Allison and I did - I think? V is much lower maintenance than Allison is. LOL

We will settle in and explore a little bit. This is likely when we will take the time to stop at the ticket counter at SoG to purchase our Universal tickets. I will also go into the gift shop and purchase my coffee mug to use for this trip.

We will have a late lunch at one of the monorail resorts - likely Cpt. Hooks. Then we will take the monorail to MK, and a bus to FQ, for a long awaited dessert of beignets.

I think we will probably head back to our resort after dessert, and hopefully go for a swim if the weather is nice.

I plan to have V in bed early, especially if she can't find anyone to work her shift the night before - as she will be tired and will need some sleep. Otherwise, we may try to watch Wishes from our balcony... We will see? This day is very flexible - and we just want to enjoy the anticipation of a long awaited dream becoming reality. :lovestruc

:eek: Just announced!!!! For MK's 45th anniversary - AP holders now receive a dining discount across the board at WDW!!!!! :eek:

Some restaurants it's 10% and some restaurants it's 20%... I am not sure how long this offer is extended for, but I am hoping it's still going for our trip! That would help our trip budget out a LOT!

Love your arrival day plans!! It's so great to just take it slow and revel in being there!!! And of course BEIGNETS...the best!!!
Great gifts from Allison! And it sounds like you had a nice dinner with family. That's one of my favorite things to do...my brother is here from FL right now so we all got together at my sisters with our other brother and his fam and visited and had dinner last night and we will do it again tomorrow as we watch our sad Bears play. :love:

Thank you for sharing the AP info!!! Like I said earlier on FB, I was debating getting an AP or our Feb and June trip so this pretty much seals the deal.

Have a lovely weekend!
We have been on a few different cruises and cruised with several different cruise lines and Disney is by far the best. Disney cruises are more expensive but definitely worth the extra money.
Such awesome gifts from Allison. So sweet of her!:lovestruc
I think your first day plans sound awesome. I love early flights because it's like you get a whole extra day!
I just read about AP discounts too. Good til 9/30/17!:yay:

20% merchandise at Disney owned stores too!


Great first day plans.

Yes - I saw that it's good for a year yesterday - :woohoo: Excited doesn't even begin to describe it! This stretches my trip budget so much further! I even splurged and added and extra ADR + I am still on the hunt for one more.

And the souvies!!! Woohoo!!! I have a list - as usual - and there may be some new additions added? :scratchin

Love your gifts from Allison especially the mugs.

Can't wait to see your wallet.

Thanks - I was so excited for the mugs, I've never seen ones that look like that - they are so cool! She wasn't able to get me one from Italy, because they don't have Starbucks there - unless it's in the Rome airport, but she didn't fly through there.

I am excited to start my wallet... It won't be anything special, trust me... Just very basic, with an extra pocket, so it matches/coordinates with all of my bags.

Love your arrival day plans!! It's so great to just take it slow and revel in being there!!! And of course BEIGNETS...the best!!!

Thanks! I always debate on doing an ADR or something, but I always toss it out the window... I like to lay low when we arrive, get to bed early that night and hit it hard the next day. :woohoo: And, a person can't go wrong with beignets. ::yes::

Great gifts from Allison! And it sounds like you had a nice dinner with family. That's one of my favorite things to do...my brother is here from FL right now so we all got together at my sisters with our other brother and his fam and visited and had dinner last night and we will do it again tomorrow as we watch our sad Bears play. :love:

Thank you for sharing the AP info!!! Like I said earlier on FB, I was debating getting an AP or our Feb and June trip so this pretty much seals the deal.

Have a lovely weekend!

Thanks! It was like Christmas and it was so fun!

I know - it's rare, these days, that we get a dinner with all of us at the table - so when it does happen, I really enjoy it. It's the simple pleasures in life, and for a mom - it's to have all of your children under one roof - at least for me. :lovestruc

I am glad you are enjoying your time with family! :lovestruc

I know - I am seriously debating renewing mine... but I have NO trips planned at all, and NO $$ left to take any. LOL We'll see how this trip goes, and who knows - I still have time to renew when I get back.

Thanks - same to you!

We have been on a few different cruises and cruised with several different cruise lines and Disney is by far the best. Disney cruises are more expensive but definitely worth the extra money.
Such awesome gifts from Allison. So sweet of her!:lovestruc
I think your first day plans sound awesome. I love early flights because it's like you get a whole extra day!

I've never been on a cruise - but it is a dream of mine... One day, I will go on a Disney cruise. :lovestruc

It was fun - I love all of the gifts, it's just like Christmas!

I know - right? I just love to get there and enjoy being there... Wander around a little bit - eat some food - get to bed early... :lovestruc


We had a super busy day yesterday... I didn't plan it that way, but it turned out like that.

V and I left to go get dog food, then we ended up shopping for a while and running errands...

We went out to coffee with friends...

Then more shopping...

We came home with the intention of being lazy all night...

Allison had a photo shoot.

Then Josh wanted to go out for pizza and a movie... The pizza was delicious and I ate more of it than I needed to. We decided to go see Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children - it was super good and I highly recommend. I don't normally get into movies like that - but this one was spectacular... A little creepy in spots - but not horrible... For an adult anyways - not sure about children? Allison was able to join us - I purchased her ticket when we got there, and she walked into the movie less than 5 minutes after it started... So, it was awesome that we all were able to see it together.

And that's all, we came home and went to bed.

Today... I think the girls and I may head out again together... I received a new Ulta coupon in the mail - and I forgot to get my lip gloss when we were there last weekend... I need it before our trip. ::yes::

I am still soooo excited :woohoo: about the new AP discounts! I can't even believe it! I just totally lucked out on this AP purchase last year... Since I purchased mine before the new tier system, I was automatically upgraded to the Premium AP, which allows me unlimited downloads from Photopass - and I do purchase it for every trip, so that right there paid for my AP. And now all of these added discounts... I am just super excited! It makes this upcoming trip so much more exciting and affordable! ::yes::

I plan to really dig into packing this coming week... I have a lot of organizing to do to get it done... And then it will sit there forever before we leave, as I add more and more to it. LOL

I hope you all have a nice weekend! Sending Pixie Dust out to all of you! :hug:

Magic Kingdom plans

Park hours this day are 8am to 7pm...

Victoria and I plan to be there early for Rope Drop.

We hope to stop for a few PP photos as we enter the park with the masses...

We will go straight to PoTC for a quick ride.

Then we will double back for our Crystal Palace breakfast. Previously - this was a PPO breakfast, but when park hours changed, this was no longer the case.

Once we finish up there, we have FPs for Splash Mountain first... BTMRR is down for refurb for our entire trip - so Splash is really the only thing we must do back in Frontierland. I suspect we will try to meet Woody and Jessie while we are there, and then board the train to Fantasyland...

Next we have a FP for Space Mountain. This is not a ride that I do, so I will hand my MB off to V and she can ride it twice while I hit TTA or something a little more tame. ::yes::

Then we will double back to Liberty Square for our late lunch at Liberty Tree Tavern... This is going to be a toughie for us, and it's one I am still debating on cancelling... This is a LOT of food in a short time. Our breakfast is before 9am, and this lunch is after 2pm... So, we should be OK? But I am still a little nervous that we won't be hungry for such a huge meal. With only 4 days of passes, this is the only day we will be in MK during breakfast and lunch time - so these are the only days we could do these meals. :scratchin Opinions???

After lunch - we have a FP (one that I was VERY happy to find) for 7DMT! :woohoo:

Once we finish that, we will board the train and head out of MK to our resort for a quick rest.

We are hoping to spend one or two evenings in AK... And this is one of those nights. It's pretty rare that anyone is there when it's dark - we were able to experience it once on our March 2012 trip - and it was incredible! Honestly - my favorite park is a toss up between MK and AK - both totally different parks... V and I are hoping to ride EE several times in the dark - this is our big goal for this trip. This won't be a very late night for us - as AK is only open until 8:30...

We hope to be back to SoG by 9:30 and in bed at a decent hour. :lovestruc

Looks like you, Allison and your dad had a great time together.

I hope Josh's back gets better soon.

How nice of Allison to bring you all so many gifts from Europe.

YAY for dining discount at WDW :cool1:

Your WDW plans looks great. I can't wait to read your trip report when you get back.
Your plans look good. We tend to hit the ground running when we go to Disney. Our first day week got in around 3 and wen to the Magic Kingdom for dinner at Tony's. Your first day sounds much more relaxing. The Animal Kingdom is very nice at night. I was kind of disappointed in the night safari but we did have fun.
I hope you get the room you wanted at Shades of Green.
The dentist went okay. He patched the tooth for now. We have to wait to see what the insurance Company will pay for before he fixes it. I may end up with a crown because there is another crack in that tooth.
Yesterday we spent the morning cleaning out everything from the cabinets under the counters in my department. All the Ipods, Ipads, Iphones and contract phones are in our security room until they finish building the new counter. It's a pain to have to go in the back whenever someone wants to buy one. Work is interesting right now.
I can't wait to see what you wallet will look like. I'm making a baby quilt for my niece but I'm cheating. I bought fabric with little squares so all I have to do is machine quilt it.
Have a great day.
I don't know where time has gone, but it goes too fast. I keep meaning to stop in but they days just have been flying.

So glad you had a nice visit with your dad. He looks like he is doing well.
Allison sure did bring lots of gifts home.
Poor Josh and his back. Hope he is doing better.
YAY!!! On the AP promo!!!! That is AWESOME!!!!! You definitely hit the jackpot.
Your first day sounds like fun. Then again any day at Disney is fun.
Yes - I saw that it's good for a year yesterday - :woohoo: Excited doesn't even begin to describe it! This stretches my trip budget so much further! I even splurged and added and extra ADR + I am still on the hunt for one more.

Thanks - I was so excited for the mugs, I've never seen ones that look like that - they are so cool! She wasn't able to get me one from Italy, because they don't have Starbucks there - unless it's in the Rome airport, but she didn't fly through there.

I am excited to start my wallet... It won't be anything special, trust me... Just very basic, with an extra pocket, so it matches/coordinates with all of my bags.


ADR & merchandise discounts are great. It's so awesome that it works out so great for your trip! The new 13 month AP offer has me wondering how I can squeeze I a trip this fall to renew my AP that expires 11/12. I have to confirm its good on renewals. Not sure I will do it but it sure is tempting. Especially with things at work that aren't getting any better. The next 6 weeks are going to be really rough.

I only bought the Epcot mug but I really like it. I found a list online of all the you are here mugs.

Funny I don't believe that your wallet won't be special. Everything you make is special!:worship:

Your MK/AK day sounds great. I would keep your LTT ADR. You can always split a meal or just get dessert. I love the atmosphere there.

Love AK in the dark. EE is the best in the dark!
Oh my word D - I have been on vacation from Friday to Friday and doing mountain of clothes washing yesterday and finally had a chance to catch up today - and you are on a different link! So many pages, so many friends:)

The replies will probably be all over the board since I was reading like mad trying to catch up.

I love to see your Disney plans - it is getting even me excited - I think you should keep your MK dining plans and split the pasta at LTT if you aren't too hungry.

I ate okay on our vacation, not too bad, but way too much bread. And I had a few stomach issues here and there. Always do when I am on vacation. I hope your eating and stomach does well at WDW. I didn't have any dessert though! It was the bread, which I love.

I loved to see the visit with your Dad and the pic. I am always pouring prayer over your Dad. It sounds like his health is doing good?

The Ulta makeovers look so good on you and V - so natural. Sometimes I feel like i look like a clown at certain places. I had a trial makeover at Nordstrom a few weeks before Tyler's wedding; and liked just a few things here and there and bought some things thank goodness. I had my makeup done by the 2 ladies doing all of the makeup on the day of the wedding and I looked TERRIBLE. The other girls looked so natural and the bride was gorgeous (of course) but she could not get me right. My hairdresser (also my dear friend) who was doing everyone's hair whispered to me that I needed to re-do my makeup. Hoo boy. I had DH run home and get my makeup and stuff I had bought at Nordstrom and tried to repair. What a mess.

V looks so happy and beautiful in her Senior pictures. I agree, quite the grown up, beautiful young lady. Cannot wait to see more of the pics. The area looks so gorgeous. Shane did not do Senior pictures. I was so disappointed but I understood. Just not his thing; and you want it to be something they want to do. Allison is doing an amazing job with her photography.

Funny what you said about Allison cutting ties to some of her friends. I found out some things much later on about Tyler's high school friends that really surprised me. I thought I knew them well but nope, wasn't the case. His college friends are just amazing; true, lifelong friends. I hope Allison finds her path, its so hard for some. I have one of those as you know. Did V find another art college she is interested in?

You planning and saving and paying for all of your WDW trip gets a standing ovation. Kudos Dorine. And congrats on your Target $50 card turned into Disney swag!

And I loved all of your souvies from Allison to you! That was sweet of her; she loves and knows her Mom well.

It's October Dorine - finally October - and anxiously waiting for your Mom/V trip. Keep those plans coming!

Sending love and hugs.
Your plans look good, except Woody & Jessie aren't back by Splash Mtn. They moved up to the area across from the Diamond Horseshoe., but they are going to discontinue this meet and greet soon, if they haven't already.
Morning! Your plans sound great. As for CP and LTT - I would honestly choose one or the other...that's a lot of food (and cost) in a short period of time. I know you said you won't be back for a bit but when you do return to WDW, those restaurants will still be there. My opinion anyway! :)

Happy Monday!
Looks like you, Allison and your dad had a great time together.

I hope Josh's back gets better soon.

How nice of Allison to bring you all so many gifts from Europe.

YAY for dining discount at WDW :cool1:

Your WDW plans looks great. I can't wait to read your trip report when you get back.

We did... :)

Josh is still home - poor guy. He seems to be getting better though, so that's good. It's just taking an especially long time this time.

It was fun, for sure, not something I was expecting. :lovestruc

I am so excited about the discount and to go on our trip - it will be a lot of fun!

Any news yet?

Your plans look good. We tend to hit the ground running when we go to Disney. Our first day week got in around 3 and wen to the Magic Kingdom for dinner at Tony's. Your first day sounds much more relaxing. The Animal Kingdom is very nice at night. I was kind of disappointed in the night safari but we did have fun.
I hope you get the room you wanted at Shades of Green.
The dentist went okay. He patched the tooth for now. We have to wait to see what the insurance Company will pay for before he fixes it. I may end up with a crown because there is another crack in that tooth.
Yesterday we spent the morning cleaning out everything from the cabinets under the counters in my department. All the Ipods, Ipads, Iphones and contract phones are in our security room until they finish building the new counter. It's a pain to have to go in the back whenever someone wants to buy one. Work is interesting right now.
I can't wait to see what you wallet will look like. I'm making a baby quilt for my niece but I'm cheating. I bought fabric with little squares so all I have to do is machine quilt it.
Have a great day.

I struggle a lot with making concrete plans on our arrival day. Typically - we have to get up especially early when we travel, so to have the added stress of reservations just makes me all anxious. I feel like we have a better time if we just take it easy on our arrival day - make sure we get to bed early - then hit the ground running the next day. ::yes::

Thank you - I hope so too... I am not exactly picky about the room number - I am just hoping for a room in the one hallway, so I feel like I'd have a pretty good chance. :) We'll see though, if they give me a room I am not happy with - I'll just ask what they have available near where I want, and hopefully pick one from their list. :lovestruc

I am glad your dentist visit went well - I hate going to the dentist... I hate having work done and then I hate paying for it afterwards. LOL

Good luck with the remodel - it sounds like it's organized very well.

That sounds cute! I hope it goes well for you!

Thanks Liz - same to you! :lovestruc

I don't know where time has gone, but it goes too fast. I keep meaning to stop in but they days just have been flying.

So glad you had a nice visit with your dad. He looks like he is doing well.
Allison sure did bring lots of gifts home.
Poor Josh and his back. Hope he is doing better.
YAY!!! On the AP promo!!!! That is AWESOME!!!!! You definitely hit the jackpot.
Your first day sounds like fun. Then again any day at Disney is fun.

Tell me about it! LOL Before I know it, our trip will be here and gone again.

He is doing very well - his spirits are up and that's half the battle. :lovestruc

She did! LOL I was a little shocked! There was no way I was expecting that much... I was just hoping for a coffee mug - which she already gave me one from the city she stayed in - I was totally happy with that. ::yes:: I wasn't expecting more. LOL

He is getting better, but he is still home. He had originally taken Mon, Tues, Wed as vacation days to get some stuff done at the lake - but now he is keeping these days off and staying at home to heal. Hopefully he will be back to normal soon. Poor guy.

I am soooo excited about it... I've gone a little bit ADR crazy over the last 2 days and booked a few more meals. I need to go through our plans and be a little more realistic - there is no way we'll be able to eat all of the food I have scheduled right now. LOL

Thanks - I am excited to just get there and relax... I hope that our trip is just as much relaxing as it is fun. :scratchin But it's Disney - Disney is never really "relaxing". LOL

It's good to see you - I hope you are doing well?

ADR & merchandise discounts are great. It's so awesome that it works out so great for your trip! The new 13 month AP offer has me wondering how I can squeeze I a trip this fall to renew my AP that expires 11/12. I have to confirm its good on renewals. Not sure I will do it but it sure is tempting. Especially with things at work that aren't getting any better. The next 6 weeks are going to be really rough.

I only bought the Epcot mug but I really like it. I found a list online of all the you are here mugs.

Funny I don't believe that your wallet won't be special. Everything you make is special!:worship:

Your MK/AK day sounds great. I would keep your LTT ADR. You can always split a meal or just get dessert. I love the atmosphere there.

Love AK in the dark. EE is the best in the dark!

I sure hope you are able to squeeze in another trip... My AP expires 1 day before yours... :scratchin Hmmmm.... LOL

Oooh - thank you - I'll have to go check it out! That's really awesome of you to post! Thanks!

Hahaha... Thanks... I am glad you all think that way, because sometimes I feel like I get pretty redundant. LOL

True... Good idea - I always forget that we can split meals at non-buffet meals. :scratchin

I cannot wait to ride it in the dark! The one and only time we were in AK after dark was when we were in line for KRR, so that was the only ride we were able to get, by the time we were done, the park was closed. This time - it's EE all the way. LOL

Its' great to see you here again Bernadette - I've really missed you! :hug:

I did not... I'll have to go check it out! Thanks!

Oh my word D - I have been on vacation from Friday to Friday and doing mountain of clothes washing yesterday and finally had a chance to catch up today - and you are on a different link! So many pages, so many friends:)

The replies will probably be all over the board since I was reading like mad trying to catch up.

I love to see your Disney plans - it is getting even me excited - I think you should keep your MK dining plans and split the pasta at LTT if you aren't too hungry.

I ate okay on our vacation, not too bad, but way too much bread. And I had a few stomach issues here and there. Always do when I am on vacation. I hope your eating and stomach does well at WDW. I didn't have any dessert though! It was the bread, which I love.

I loved to see the visit with your Dad and the pic. I am always pouring prayer over your Dad. It sounds like his health is doing good?

The Ulta makeovers look so good on you and V - so natural. Sometimes I feel like i look like a clown at certain places. I had a trial makeover at Nordstrom a few weeks before Tyler's wedding; and liked just a few things here and there and bought some things thank goodness. I had my makeup done by the 2 ladies doing all of the makeup on the day of the wedding and I looked TERRIBLE. The other girls looked so natural and the bride was gorgeous (of course) but she could not get me right. My hairdresser (also my dear friend) who was doing everyone's hair whispered to me that I needed to re-do my makeup. Hoo boy. I had DH run home and get my makeup and stuff I had bought at Nordstrom and tried to repair. What a mess.

V looks so happy and beautiful in her Senior pictures. I agree, quite the grown up, beautiful young lady. Cannot wait to see more of the pics. The area looks so gorgeous. Shane did not do Senior pictures. I was so disappointed but I understood. Just not his thing; and you want it to be something they want to do. Allison is doing an amazing job with her photography.

Funny what you said about Allison cutting ties to some of her friends. I found out some things much later on about Tyler's high school friends that really surprised me. I thought I knew them well but nope, wasn't the case. His college friends are just amazing; true, lifelong friends. I hope Allison finds her path, its so hard for some. I have one of those as you know. Did V find another art college she is interested in?

You planning and saving and paying for all of your WDW trip gets a standing ovation. Kudos Dorine. And congrats on your Target $50 card turned into Disney swag!

And I loved all of your souvies from Allison to you! That was sweet of her; she loves and knows her Mom well.

It's October Dorine - finally October - and anxiously waiting for your Mom/V trip. Keep those plans coming!

Sending love and hugs.

Welcome back Carol!!! I hope you had a great trip? I've missed you! Sorry for the impromtu PTR moving... I was hoping to stretch it out until we leave, but there was just no way. Glad you found me without too much trouble.

THanks - Dad's health seems to be doing OK... He seems to have more energy now that his oxygen level is normal... I am glad he is on it full time- I do think it's what he needed. He still deals with leg swelling a bit - but it's not nearly as bad as it was, thankfully.

Oh no!!! That is terrible. I hope you were able to get your make-up fixed to look at least a little bit like yourself. We had almost the same issue with Allison's senior pictures last year - the person who did her make-up really did not do as nice of a job as Allison does herself, so she had to quick take everything off and redo it. She was so disappointed

Thank you - V has done a LOT of growing up and maturing over this last year or two... It's been so wonderful to see! I am so proud of her too!

Yes - I am pretty shocked about Allison's friends too - I never imagined - these are kids I've known for almost a decade... It's very sad. I am convinced she knows what's right and wrong though and it takes a lot of guts to stand your ground and do what's right. I support her decision 110%. :lovestruc And good for Tyler for knowing too... We have good kids! :)

I was so excited! It totally wasn't expecting anything more... It was so sweet of her to think of me so much. :lovestruc

I know - we are getting so excited... A little nervous, as I know what's coming after - no trip planned, so it will be rough. Trying to enjoy this time though and we will have a great trip! :lovestruc

Thanks for stopping by - it's great to see you Carol! I hope you'll tell me a little about your trip and where you all went! :lovestruc I think I may still owe you an email too??? :scratchin

Your plans look good, except Woody & Jessie aren't back by Splash Mtn. They moved up to the area across from the Diamond Horseshoe., but they are going to discontinue this meet and greet soon, if they haven't already.

Ooooh - good to know. Wow!~~~ Thanks! Sooo... If Woody and Jessie moved there, where did Chip n' Dale go? I think I may need to subscribe to KTP?

Morning! Your plans sound great. As for CP and LTT - I would honestly choose one or the other...that's a lot of food (and cost) in a short period of time. I know you said you won't be back for a bit but when you do return to WDW, those restaurants will still be there. My opinion anyway! :)

Happy Monday!

I know - that's what I am thinking too... I just don't know what to do. I keep going back and adding more meals because of the discount... Disney totally has me - LOL. I need to sit down and be a little more realistic with my plans, and the size of my stomach - and go from there. LOL

Thanks!!! Happy Monday to you too! :lovestruc


Well, we had a very nice Sunday - I was lazy all day... Although I did do 4 trips to town over the course of the day. LOL

During one of my trips to town, I stopped at Target and purchased a few magazines for the flight. Which prompted me to start packing.

I did take some time yesterday to start packing... I am really not all that impressed with my outfits this time around - I am not sure why? I think it will be fine once I am down there and wearing everything, my heart just wasn't into packing and organizing it all. Usually I know what I am wearing every day and this time, I just threw everything I owned in my suitcase and called it good. I am sure I will dig it all out 5 million more times before we go. LOL I think, part of it is just that I don't have a very good body image right now, and even though all of my stuff fits me, I am not happy with how it looks on me... I am annoyed with myself that I put myself through all of this - I am really the most healthy I have ever been in my life, I need to remember that and embrace it. ::yes::

I didn't work at all this weekend - and I should have. Oh well... I'll work extra hard this week to make up for it. ::yes:: I am still ahead - but I want to stay that way.

Today - I plan to work out this morning... Level 1 of 30DS... If possible, I'd also like to try for a walk later if the weather is nice (I haven't even looked at our forecast, so I have no idea...)

Then I will work upstairs all day.

Allison and I plan to pick V up from school today and run to Barnes & Noble - they both have books they want to get. That's about all here. Not too much exciting.

My trip budget is done... The trip is totally paid off - or I have the cash set aside to do so. So, that is a huge relief to me... I even have enough to have a few good souvies this time around - which excites me. For the last 2 trips, I've stayed out of the gift shops as much as possible to avoid spending... With 3 trips to pay for with in a year - it was necessary... So, I am a bit excited to be able to buy a couple of items this time around - guilt free. ::yes::

On top of that... I am super proud of V too... She has been saving for this trip like crazy. When this girl is determined - there is no stopping her - it's something I admire about her greatly. She has been cashing and giving me her ENTIRE pay check for several paydays now and only living on her tips. She pays me for gas, and every other penny goes towards her spending $$ for this trip - she has quite the souvie budget to bring with her, which is awesome. Not only that, but Allison was soooo kind to loan V her interactive wand from Harry Potter - that way, if V wants to purchase a wand there, it doesn't have to be one of the expensive ones. It was so nice of Allison to do that - as her wand is one of her favorite items from her own trip.

OK - I better get a move on my day... I want nothing more than to be lazy - but I have things to accomplish. LOL

Have a great day everyone!

Epcot Plans

Park hours this day are 9am to 9pm.

We will be at the park waiting for Rope Drop... We will head straight to Test Track. If the line is long (which is shouldn't be) we will ride single rider, but hopefully we will be able to ride together once.

We have a FP for The Seas with Nemo & Friends from 9:15 to 10:15... This is kind of a junk FP - if it works out, great, if not - it's OK too. It will depend on how we do earlier at Test Track. ::yes::

Then we have a FP for Soarin' from 10:30 - 11:30... I hope to be there right at 10:30 or slightly before.

We plan to work our way around W/S as soon as it opens at 11. W/S is one of V's favorites and she would like to spend most of our day in this section of the park. Our plan it to really explore this area and enjoy it. Food and Wine will be going on - for the most part, we will avoid this event, unless we see something we just can't live without.

I switched our plans around for this day recently - I originally had a late lunch for 2:30 at Garden Grill planned, which could have made our time at W/S rushed, but with the release of the new passholder discounts, I cancelled that ADR, and decided to eat a normal timed lunch at Via Napoli... I ate there with Suzi and Bradey last November and I truly enjoyed it. Even though V does work at a pizza restaurant - and lately HATES pizza - I am hoping the real Italian version will meet her standards - and quite honestly - I am mostly bribing her with the waiters. :lmao:

After lunch - we will continue to spend time in W/S... I really want to take our time with lunch though - as this will really be our only break on this day.

We have no other plans for the rest of the day - so if we find that we really need a resort break - we can do it after lunch for a few hours... We'd just take a friendship boat to FW, and hop a bus back to SoG. I really doubt we will though.

Our next FP isn't until much later in the day... Meet Disney Pals at the Epcot Character Spot 6:20 - 7:20... V loves to meet characters - she had no interest in other FPs this day - so this one works just as well as anything.

Then I'd switched our GG reservation - which was previously a late lunch to a dinner at 7:25pm... I figure - if we want to stay for Illuminations, this will be the perfect time to finish eating and find a spot to watch close to the front of W/S. Otherwise - if we don't feel like staying - this will be the perfect time to exit the park before the masses. ::yes::

I hope to be back to our resort at a semi-decent hour, so we can get to bed. I will be very conscious about our bed times on this trip - as it greatly impacts our wake-up times. LOL​



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