Parental warnings...

AZ JazzyJ

<font color=teal>The Talented One<br><font color=p
Dec 6, 2000
Ok kids I am going to be away for a little while so I need everyone to be on their best behavior. I seem to be continuing to pay for past sins and will undergo a fourth surgery on my pitching shoulder (left) to repair a torn rotator cuff and a few odds and ends. If things go well I will only be out a couple of weeks then I can one handed type for another month before getting the use of both again. The webmasters and others will be watching the board while I am gone so you aren't completely unsupervised. When I get back I have a few ideas of some fun stuff we can do to liven the board up (in a humorous sort of way). Everyone take care and I'll ask the doctor if I can get some cool photos of the inside of my shoulder. I wonder if he uses a digital camera and what kind of flash unit? Yeah, no good is going to come from this.

Good luck and heal well.

As I cracked the top of my shoulder ball I know how you feel It was just starting to tear into the cuff before they immobilised it so no surgery for me.But with my age and not moving it for 6 weeks boy did I lose a lot of range of motion.
Good wishes, Jeff. Hope all goes well and that shoulder is all well soon. Maybe you can try out for the Cubs in a month or so.

PS: It's nice seeing a moderator around. :cool1:
Good luck on your surgery. Hope you are back real soon.
Sorry to hear you are having surgery - hope all goes well for you & for Trina. Yes, Trina, because she's the one who has to put up with you :)!
:flower: :flower: We promise we will be good :flower: :flower:

:cool1: :sunny: But get well soon! :cool1: :cool1:
Ouch Jeff! Hope all goes well with the surgery and you have a swift recovery. I don't know if you remember, but way back when on the collector's boards, you said some very encouraging things to me after I had knee surgery. I thought about it at every PT session and it really helped alot! So I just wanted to say thank you!

And should definitely be able to get doc gave me pictures of the inside of my knee :teeth:
I'm back. I'm thinking of changing my name to righty since I am down to 1 arm for 4-6 weeks. Typing with 1 hand is an adventure. The surgery went well. They repaired the torn rotator cuff, removed a pin that had become dislodged and was shredding my bicep tendon, and tightened the posterior of the shoulder socket. I start physical therapy in a couple of weeks and it lasts a minimum of 3 months. I should get full use back of my arm but my pitching days are probably over. :sad1:

I'll be around the board but my replies may not be too frequent until I can get both arms working again.

Thanks everyone for the well wishes, I do appreciate it.


I had a bone spur removed from my rotator cuff over the summer. It still bothers me -- and I don't even use the arm for pitching.

Take care --
Glad to see they didn't remove your 'humourous' or anything else too important!

Isn't one fingered communication fun? Fingers don't flow as fast as funny thoughts though. Just keep in mind that the finger is connected to the hand and the hand is connected to the....

On the serious side, I too, had major shoulder surgery about 18 months ago and a pin put in. The best part of all this was the perfectly legal drugs and the worst was the torturous therapy afterwards. The pin was supposed to stay in for a year while the shoulder and the bone graft mended but the pin (and its' wire) worked their way up to the surface in five months so I got to experience the fun all over again!

All kidding aside, I recovered fully and did 72 miles of paddling on the Salmon and Snake Rivers in Idaho this past summer!

Keep in touch.... :wave2:
AZ JazzyJ said:
I'm back. I'm thinking of changing my name to righty since I am down to 1 arm for 4-6 weeks. Typing with 1 hand is an adventure. The surgery went well. They repaired the torn rotator cuff, removed a pin that had become dislodged and was shredding my bicep tendon, and tightened the posterior of the shoulder socket. I start physical therapy in a couple of weeks and it lasts a minimum of 3 months. I should get full use back of my arm but my pitching days are probably over. :sad1:

I'll be around the board but my replies may not be too frequent until I can get both arms working again.

Thanks everyone for the well wishes, I do appreciate it.


That's some pretty good typing for the one armed man! Glad all went well. Recovery sounds like some work. : /

Jeff, glad to read your surgery went well. Hope Trina is surviving living with the patient :)! Have fun with PT!
Jeff, glad to hear surgery went well- wow, I am an athletic trainer, and I must say that was quite a surgery! The hardest thing about rehabbing an athlete is making sure they stay patient and allow proper healing- most athletes are so motivated to get back to sport, it is hard to slow them down.

Best of luck, do your home exercise program, know that your therapist honestly does not like to torture you during passive range of motion, and above all- ice and ibuprofen are your friends!!!!


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