Our Stay at the Disneyland Hotel...........................Day 1 completed


<font color=magenta>I'm a really really scaredy sc
Jan 23, 2007
When we thought about it, there was only one thing we could call our trip report. :goodvibes

Day 1 Part 1

Husband took us to Heathrow in plenty of time for our 6.15 flight, which boarded on time. As the minutes went past and no-one came to sit by us, Dtr was saying we may have an empty seat all the way, but I told her that probably seconds before the door closed, a 30 stone man would come charging through the door and come and sit next to her. He would be all sweaty and nervous and probably throw up all the way to Paris!:rotfl2: Fortunately she was right and I was wrong. The plane left on time, landed on time and we cleared passport control so quickly we couldn’t believe it. I had taken a chance and ordered online TGV tickets the night before we left, but that was okay – we made the train with time to spare and were soon on the 12-minute journey to DLRP.


It was no problem taking our luggage through the security point at the Park, and we made our way straight to Guest Services where I was assured our APs would be waiting for us. And they were! I was starting to get a good feel about this trip.

It was time then, to go into the Pink Palace and check in. Yay – there at last! As expected our room wasn’t ready but we checked our luggage in. The one thing that did surprise me was that we had hotel FPs for each night of our stay, not each day – so it was 3 each. They were not individually dated so it was up to us on which day we used them.

Into the Park then – completely transformed for Halloween of course.


We went into the Kodak shop to try to listen in on the old telephone there, but we couldn’t hear anything. Next we went into Fantasyland


And into La Confiserie des Trois Fees to see the fairies in the fire place.



We went out the back to the little courtyard, where we tested the timer on the new camera I was using. (My sister had bought it only a month ago, but decided she didn’t like it and gave it to me)



We went onto POTC as our first ride, which had a minimal queue. Husband had told us in no uncertain terms that we were not to buy any more ride photos. But we were in the front…..so what can you do? :p We bought it of course.

On our way to Indiana Jones, some characters outside Colonel Hathis distracted us. Dtr has always been very lucky here getting autographs. Mickey was just leaving in his little car but still there were Koda, Kenai, Robin Hood, Sheriff of Nottingham and another (I forget) so Dtr stopped for Koda and Kenai, who she hadn’t seen before.



We went next towards Phantom Manor but the queue was very long so Dtr decided to stalk characters instead – lots of them were outside The Lucky Nugget in their Halloween gear.


Fort Comstock also had some additions for Halloween.



We were both quite hungry but I wanted to put lunch off for an hour, so that we would finish just before our room would be ready. We decided to walk over to the Studios and have a general first-day nosey around. Don’t you love that feeling when you have your whole holiday stretched out in front of you? :cloud9:

Almost as soon as we got in there we saw a big group of characters – including Abu, Eeyore, Tigger and Big Al – it was a bit of a scrum but Dtr got the autographs of those four.




We went into Animation Gallery where we both tried to draw Donald – Dtr with much more success than I. As we came out Dtr had to have a go at the Scream Monitor. Everybody in the vicinity jumped about a mile! We were about to leave the Studios when we saw Bellhop Goofy.


We were very hungry so went off to Annette’s’ where Dtr had a Rock n Rolla Burger and I had Be Bop Burger. We both had vanilla and caramel milkshake for dessert.


We went for a little look around Disney Village and filled a mental wish list. We knew we couldn’t buy too much this trip as we were travelling with hand luggage only, but there was no harm in planning for our next trip, was there? :rolleyes1

Back at the Hotel we received our room key. Our room was on the first floor. Near to the swimming pool and spa - the furthest left you can see on the first floor here.


We were delighted when we got in there – it was really lovely. Because it was sort of on the corner it had a hallway leading into it, which made it feel bigger somehow. This was the view from our room one way….


And then the other…


We went down for a little nose around the pool but by then our early start was catching up on us and we decided to test out the comfiness of that bed. Within minutes we were both ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.

Day 1 part 2 later.
What a perfect start to your holiday. And a very photogenic daughter - you both look like you're having a great time!:goodvibes
Day 1 Part 2

We woke up feeling more refreshed, but half inclined to stay in our lovely room. The lure of the Park was calling though.:banana:

I went to buy some water at the station shop first. It was 1.20 Euros for 1.5 litres – sooooooo much cheaper than in the Park or Village. I had a look at the rolls and sandwiches on sale, so that I could report back on here! :rotfl: The sandwiches started at 2.50 Euros and went up to about 3.50 Euros. The filled baguettes started at 3.50 but they looked very filling, so it would have been possible to fill up quite cheaply here.

It was completely dark when we entered the Park.


It was a lot quieter now and we were able to do quite a few rides quite quickly – Phantom Manor, Indiana Jones and 2 rides on POTC. It was raining quite heavily so this seemed to reduce the crowds further. We had coats on, so didn’t worry about the weather. We were surprised to see that Belle’s Christmas Village was set up already and the shops were open as well. I guess there is just too much to do it all in the few days between the end of Halloween and the start of Christmas season.

We went on IASW – you can see the fountains were working.


We went on Snow White twice and then wandered through the Castle and Agrabah Bazaar. I had never noticed this picture on the ceiling before.


In Frontierland Dtr went round twice on BTM with little queue and then we went back on Phantom Manor. This giant skull was just in front of the house.


We wandered around Frontierland taking lots of photos of the Halloween Pumpkinmen.








Then I snapped the Castle


We were a bit peckish now so went into Market House Deli and had a pizza and croque monsieur.


We realised there was just ten minutes left until closing time – just enough time to dash over to Discoveryland and walk on Buzz. An excellent end to the day!

We strolled back down Main Street to leave the Park. How much quieter it was than just 2 months ago in August when we were leaving for the day.


It was lovely to have such a short walk back to our room. The bed had been turned down ready for us, so we got into our lovely white fluffy robes and used the camera timer once again.


Sleep wasn’t very long in coming. More ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZs from us both.
Fab start with great photos:goodvibes The DLH looks awesome:thumbsup2
I love that pic of you and your DD on that ginormous bed in the DLH :cloud9:
Ooh, I am loving this report - and your daughter has such a gorgeous smile.
What a fantastic start - you met so many characters on your first day
What a fantastic start - you met so many characters on your first day

That's one thing Dtr loves about our 'girls only' trips. Much as she loves having Dad around, he is not so patient at hanging round while she tries to get autographs. :rolleyes:
What a fab first day Hilda :lovestruc Love all your photos too! You look like you had such a great time :thumbsup2
Wow a great trippie, the DLH looks lovely & plush and it looks like you've had lots of fun

I wonder how many robes the hotel gets through, I'm sure lots must go erm... missing:rolleyes1
what a lovely start!!!!!!!!!!!!
really wud love to stay in dlh - it looks so lovely, and that bed is huge!!!!!!!!!!!!!

nice to see 'the hat' back out and some lovely pics of the halloween decs & characters..... and good that u arrived on time :thumbsup2
awww I loved reading that and having a look at yourpics, it makes me really excited about our trip!!! xxxxx
Great first day - you managed to get sooo much done :thumbsup2
Oh i love your report!!
I am i want a daughter instead of two grumpy sons :sad1:
Well next time i may plan a *just mother and daughter trip* meaning my mum and me :goodvibes LOL
Sounds like a dream start to the holiday. Looking forward to the rest of the trip report.

I really must treat the wife to the Disneyland Hotel one day


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