Our second pre-Christmas Disney Trip - Day 2


Earning My Ears
Dec 19, 2008
We had not managed to aquire 9am breakfast passes, so 8.30am it was! The breakfast at Explorers is poor - continental, but no ham or meats, just cereal, pain-au-chocolate, crouissant or brioche, yoghurts, a couple of choices of fruit, SALAD (how odd) and some cheese cubes. The hot choc and coffee was nice though :)

Soooo, off to Disney Park, we were squealing with excitement! The weather was cold, which was fine as we were prepared for that, but sadly it was also overcast - last year it was vivid blue skies...


I didn't see the horse drawn wagon last year, so had to get a picture...


We got on Buzz pretty much immediately - sadly I had a duff gun and got my lowest ever score, my 8yo son beat me, I was rather :scared1: My husband takes Buzz VERY seriously, he got 155k, which was his best ever score, took some concentrating though....(darn PB, I have a funny photo!)

Oh, and this year we were happy to see Buzz in the queue - this was boarded up last year, so was a nice suprise...


We then caught the parade, which we love as we sing and dance along to the music, and don't care if we look sad!


Then off to the first of 4 visits (of the day) to Star Tours, which is my youngest's fave ride (along with RnRCoaster) - walk on, which was great - Rex still hasn't learnt to drive! We did have to wait 10 mins later on in the day, but absolutely no complaints from us!

From Star Tours we went to BTMRR (yes, I know, we don't do things in order, first day is for the boys to choose where they want to go and when - tiring but great fun!). Unlike another user who said everything was walk on, BTMRR was never a walk on during our 3 days - we queued around 35mins per ride, but it is worth it! We agreed to re-ride at twilight which is the BEST time to ride it IMO.

As we got off BTMRR I realised that if we jogged we would make the Winter Wonderland show, so we did and it was a lot of fun and the boys LOVED it...they used a great mix of French and English, v clever :)




Photobucket is now being an ****, so am going to have to upload better pics later!

Anyway, as we were walking past we realised Woody was out so we quickly grabbed a piccie with him...


And we then ooooh and ahhhh'ed over Santa and the grotto and my husband and I started to realise just how much magic Disney gives our children :)


Continuing our eclectic day, Indiana Jones was next and the eldest was SUPER excited to find he was now tall enough to ride - sadly Freds wasn't, so we watched the big boys go - this WAS a walk on, v impressed!


We wondered back through and I tried to get Fred on POTC, but he absolutely refused (he got scared last year because of crowds and the dark and now hates it with a vengeance, poor dude)...


So to cheer him up we went on IASW and sang along and all got ridiculously gooey with each other - I have a ridiculous amount of pics, but this is my fave bit...


I LOVE THAT PANDA! IASW was all in full working order BTW, fountains and all! We had a 20min wait, tops, not bad seeing last year it was always at least 50mins!

Then the DREADED teacups - I hate the bloody things, the boys make it spin one way and the other and it makes me ill (love coasters, hate waltzers and being dizzy!) I do adore the roof space though


As we got off there were LOADS of characters around, and we managed to get sigs from Pluto, Queen of Hearts and Donald and the Chipmunks...


Youngest and Daddy decided that they wanted to queue for Dumbo (30mins+) but eldest and I didn't so we went off exploring the castle and visiting the dragon - I love the view from the castle


And we were back in time to see Dumbo fly :yay:


then it was lunch break and we paid through the nose for it, but hey ho, the Mickey brioche was YUMMY!

More when PB starts playing ball!
So after eating we went on Star Tours (again...x2) and then decided to do "Honey I Shrunk The Audience" as we kept missing it last year....the Kodak plugging whilst waiting to go in is cringeworthy and very American (IMHO - no offence meant). In we go, looking mighty fine...


We sat down and immediately my husband and eldest had to move as their headphones were wrecked. However, it started, we were enjoying it and then the cat turned into a lion and COMPLETELY freaked my youngest out, so I took his glasses off him and covered his eyes whenever anything scary was going to happen (luckily this was predictible!) - it was a shame they thought they had to make it that scary-in-your-face, but a lesson learnt!

By this point it was getting on, but I managed to get eldest on Space Mountain and Baby-switched with my husband - it was a great ride but I still feel that RnRCoaster is better. It is, however, far superior to the original Space Mountain at WDW.

Twilight was coming so we headed back to BTMRR and waited in the freezing cold for 35mins to get on, but it is worth it, it is SO much fun at night and if you have never done it, you should!


After a shop for pyjamas (yes, I forgot to pack them!) we went and took our places for the Candlebration ceremony. Sadly we were too late to stand in front, so we stood at the side, but as always it was just awe-inspiring, I think it is one of the most magicial experiences :D

(now given up with PB!)

I got this shot as we left though...


We retired to the hotel - very cold but happy and had Pizza - which was OK. The soft play area was thoroughly enjoyed by the boys. We turned in for an early night and were all asleep by 10pm!
Wicked photos!!!:thumbsup2

Whats the craic with the headphones? We have been quite a few times and headphones weren't mentioned?????
Wow, what a lovely picture of the castle. Great report so far!:goodvibes
WOW i love the amount of pics you have on your report
WOW i love the amount of pics you have on your report

And I thought I erred on the side of caution, I take so many pics, last year I think I took over 300 :scared1: Not quite so many this year as the weather wasn't so kind, but enough for memories :)

I have a vid I have put together that I need to upload and will post when I have done so.


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