"Our Italian waiter was flirting with us!" 5 girls tackle the free dining plan

Ok, I stopped at meeting Bethany at Splash Mountain. We were going to ride Big Thunder Mountain Railroad, but the line was humongous! Since Pirates of the Caribbean was close by, we went there.pirate: The line, well there was no line. We all walked right on! I love the new things added, especially the misty fall of Davy Jones.

Afterwards, we went to see how long of a wait was at the Jungle Cruise. Eh, it was kinda long, so the five of us got fastpasses for only an hour later. We then went to see the famous Enchanted Tiki Room! One of my favorites.

Some of the girls started getting hungry since it was lunch time, so I suggested getting a Dole Whip. Aloha Isle was right around the corner,sort of lol. To the dismay of many disers I'm sure;), I did not get a Dole Whip. I don't care for pineapple, but Bethany and Lisa loved it! Shannon, Nicole, and I got french fries somewhere else to share. After everyone was finished with their little snack, our fastpasses were up for the Jungle Cruise.:sail: It was a fun ride. We didn't know if we should laugh or groan at our joking skipper.
There was still time to kill before our drunch ressies, so we walked to the Haunted Mansion, which had zippo line. Another walk on for us was the It's a small world. You have to ride this legendary attraction. Magic Kingdom is meaningless without it. :rotfl:

We wanted to get on the other Fantasyland rides, but it was almost 2:45 and we had some distance to cover before we reached Tony's Town Square. I purposely chose 2:45 as our ressie so that we could see the parade. Luck was with us because we were seated right at the front window. Woohoo!! So our waitress came and
Shannon,Bethany and I ordered the Baked Ziti. Yum!

Lisa got the Shrimp scampi. She said it was delicious.

Nicole decided upon Chicken Parmigiana, which she loved.

We did see a little bit of the 3:00 parade. A few people went out on the porch and were standing right in our view, but who can blame them. We could've went out too, but the girls and I were too hungry.
Then it was onto desserts!
Bethany and I got Tiramisu again.

Shannon ordered Chocolate Galato.

Nicole and Lisa enjoyed the Icecream Bomb!

Our picture was taken right after we got our desserts.

Some pictures I took last year when I ate at this restaurant.


There's still more to write about our day in Magic Kingdom, but I will finish it some other day. Happy Holidays everyone!!
First off, I want to apologize for taking sooo long to write again. It's the holidays!! who can blame me ;). Well the continuation of my Magic Kingdom day.

After our lovely drunch, the girls and I took our time and headed to Tomorrowland. I really really wanted to ride Space Mountain, but as I'm sure you all know, it was closed at the time. :sad1: Oh well. We got in line for the hilarious show featuring Monster's Inc. When it ended, we walked straight across to Stitch's Great Escape and then rode Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin.
In line for the Buzz ride

We didn't have to wait long at all on all three, which is great! The girls and I skipped Carousel of Progress, TTA, and the Indy Speedway, -which had a line a mile long-. Instead, we rode the teacups! Except for Lisa. Here is a pic of the girls who wanted to spin.

Yes, you're very brave Bethany and Shannon. ;)
Nicole and I weren't as brave. Needless to say, we did not spin....at all.
Afterwards,Winnie the Pooh was calling our name and off we went to find him and his honey pots. This is such a fun ride! :tigger: boing boing boing
Then we rode Snow White's Scary Adventures and Cinderella's Golden Carrousel. I think I named my horse Sunshine lol. I can't remember what the others called theirs.

You can see Lisa in the background lol.

Now for one of the best parts of Magic Kingdom-in my opinion-.....Mickey's Philhar Magic 3-D Spectaular!!!! This is my favorite, favorite, favorite 3-D show in all of WDW. The smell of apple pie and the wind blowing through your hair!! aaaaahhhhhh Yeah, it's the best.
We wanted to ride Peter Pan Flight and Dumbo, but the lines were outragous, so on we went to Frontierland to see what the wait was for Big Thunder Mountain Railroad. It wasn't too bad, so we got in line.

Bethany was a little nervous. This was her first time riding it. I believe she closed her eyes the whole time and held that bar so tight, her knuckles were turning white lol. But she survived. BRAVO Bethany, BRAVO!
SpectroMagic would be starting very soon and I knew the perfect spot for it. As we made our way over to Main Street, an announcement came over the speakers that said...Magic Kingdom would be staying open an hour later!! Woot!! Was our luck with us or what!?!
After we got to my choice location of seeing the parade and fireworks, I took some pictures.
Here is Lisa sitting down, waiting patiently.

Bethany checking something out

Picture of Mickey balloons

Aaaand our view of the Castle

Sorry they're a little fuzzy.
Seeing the parade was firsts for everyone except me. We all LOVED it. With the parade over, we had to wait on the curb untill the fireworks started, then we could move out on the street. Untill then, I took these pictures of the castle.
The spooky version

and the pretty version

Again, sorry for the fuzziness.
Finally, we could hear Jiminy Cricket and Wishes started!! Are they the best or what? With the little kid singing that beautiful song that brings a tear to many eyes and the spectacular storyline and firework display is definitely the greatest way to end the day.
But that was not the end for us. Nope. We still had an hour of fun left!! The girls and I made a beeline for Peter Pan's Flight then onto Dumbo and with the few minutes left after these, Cinderella's Carrousel.
Phew! What a funfilled day. We went "home" happy and fell asleep very quickly, ready for Animal Kingdom the next day.:wizard:
Finally can tell ya'll about my Animal Kingdom day! :cool1:

The girls and I didn't really bother waking up early since we could do everything we wanted to do in a decent amount of time. After eating breakfast and riding the bus, we got to the park around 9:30ish. A nice woman took this picture for us.

First thing we did upon entering the Animal Kingdom park was It's Tough to be a Bug. That's a really cool 3-D show, except for maybe the little little kids.;)
We were all hyped about riding Everest, except for Bethany, but we took a quick detour to get DRENCHED on Kali River Rapids. Yeah, guess who got the "unlucky" seat the first time around. Me We rode with a very nice family of 4 who had already ridden it 5 times! :scared1: When we got off, all of us decided to ride again. We ended up riding with a.....Yankees fan. Shannon and Nicole were wearing Phillies shirts and I thought for sure there would be some fun talk about the rival teams, but there wasn't. -Little did we know that the Yankees would be kicking our butts in the World Series- Oh well, still thought it was funny how that ended up.....Anyways!!!
After Kali River Rapids, we went to Expedition Everest, the best rollercoaster in WDW. The line was a little long, so we opted for fastpasses that were for an hour and a half later. To kill time, the girls and I went to see Nemo, the musical. I got this picture while waiting for it to start.

The show ended just as our fastpasses for Everest were up. Yippi!!! We practically ran to the attraction in excitement. lol I really wanted front row, but since this was Shannon's first ride, we settled for middle. It's loads of fun where ever you sit. I LOVE it.
Coming off of Everest, we were all feeling kinda hungry. Shannon could smell the Asian food from the Yak and Yeti and decided to pick something up there. Since the rest of us don't really care for Asian food, we chose to eat at the Flame Tree Barbecue after Shannon got her lunch.
Here is Shannon in line

Bethany patiently waiting

And a picture of the sun through the trees

When Shannon got her goodies, all of us walked to Flame Tree Barbecue, ordered out lunch, and sat down in the shaded area. Sorry I didn't take any pictures of our awesome lunch of pulled pork sandwiches and half chickens but I did take pictures of the ceiling and poles.......heh. Aren't you excited?!?
I thought so.:upsidedow



When our lunch was over and seeing that Dinoland was very close by, we walked on over there to ride Dinosaur!! Scary...... Yes it is scary! I always close my eyes on this ride. The dinosaurs are just a little too close for me lol. Lisa and I only rode it once, but the rest of them decided to try it again. I took this very awful, fuzzy picture of them.
Bethany Nicole and Shannon in the front row

I think they were a little scared too. lol
We decided to ride that little dinosaur ride that goes up and down next. Woohoo! Up and down, Up and down. The best rides I tell you.
Shannon being Shannon:rotfl:

Bethany and Nicole

Shannon and Nicole also rode the dizzy dinosaur rollercoaster while the rest of us took a bathroom break.
We left Dinoland and headed to ride Kilomanjaro Safari. Unfortunately, the parade was just about to start and they wouldnt let us by to go towards that area. We were, however, able to get into Camp MinniMickey. The 4:00 show for The Festival of the Lion King wasn't up yet so we weren't sure what to do. Lucky for us, the characters were coming out for the last time of the day. We got so many autographs including Mickey, Minnie, Pocohantas, Koda, Kenai, and Meeko. That was so awesome.
By the time we were done hanging out with the characters, the festival was about to start. The girls and I sat in the Warthog section. I really like this "broadway" show. One of my top favorites and best ways to end the day. We left Animal Kingdom right after the show because we had to get ready for Hoop de do Review at 9:00. I'll tell you all about it in a later report.
Thanks for reading! :goodvibes
Wait! but, but... I finally found it, you can't just stop there! :confused: Suppose I'll just sit back and wait and eat my popcorn... popcorn:: ~Cuz
After leaving Animal Kingdom at closing, we took the bus back to our resort. The girls and I took showers, changed our clothes, and took some quick naps. When time came to leave, we took a bus to Magic Kingdom and from there a boat to Fort Wilderness. Bethany and I went to the window to check in for Hoop de do Revue. After waiting for awhile, I had to get our slip stamped. This was a sign that we'd be able to sit down soon. :cool1: The girls and I decided to skip getting our pictures done.
Finally, the triangle was sounded and doors opened. We were about in the middle of the line, but the workers do such a good job getting the line steadily moving. In no time, we were shown our table. Since we were on the dining plane, I thought we would end up near the back or on the balcony, which I had no problems with. But we were led right past the back tables. Ok so maybe in the middle somewhere, I thought.....WRONG again. We ended up smack in the front! :scared1: That was my expression when we stopped at our table. :scared1: I was shocked beyond shocked!! The other girls were too lol.
That is the stage behind Shannon.

The Disney magic was definitely with us that night :cutie:
After everyone was seated, out came our salads and yummy cornbread.
Lisa dished out the salad for us.

The salad

The cornbread

The menu, or a fuzzy version of it lol

We heard the horse and carriage and the knock at the door. In came our entertainers!! WooHoo!!
We were then served "to dance and music i might add" fried chicken, ribs, baked beans, and mashed potatoes. YUM!
It was an incredible show. The best I've seen of them yet and I've seen 3 shows from previous trips. We all laughed so hard, tears were rolling down our faces.:lmao: And as always the strawberry shortcake was delicious.
Unfortunately, it had to end and we were back on the boat headed to MK. I took some pictures.


The boat wasn't crowded, so we each had our own bench.

You can see the new Baytowers in the background

I'd say the day went very well for us. We all slept very well and were up the next day ready to do DisneyQuest and lots of shopping. Unfortunately, I did not take any pictures of our Downtown Disney day, but we sure had loads of fun being it our last day in WDW. :guilty:
Monday at Epcot. Lunch/Dinner at Tutto Italia at 2:30 p.m.

Ah! We woke up Monday morning at 7 ready for first day at the parks.


I love Epcot. It's my favorite park..........Anyways. -lol- We were going to go straight to Soarin but we saw Mary Poppins!!! She is such a nice lady.

Spit Spot! Shannon had to sing A Spoonful of Sugar with Mary.

Nicole had to pretend she was also holding an umbrella.

Then we headed to Soarin and got fastpasses. We only had to wait an hour so we decided to go try Nemo. True it is geared to alot younger kids then we are ;) but we had fun. Turtletalk with crush was hilarious. :rotfl:

Not sure if I mentioned this or not. But Lisa has never been to Disney World. When she got on Soarin, she was amazed! Absolutely loved it, as do the rest of us. Next was Spaceship Earth. I like the new things Disney added to it, especially the ending. I cracked up laughing at our pictures.

Here is Nicole and I. I made a funny face, kinda like a monkey I suppose lol.


Then we rode Mission:Space, the green side. heh Shannon was the only brave one to actually WANT to ride the orange side. We also stopped by Test Track to get fastpasses and visited Figment. Saw these guys while eating a little snack.

Shannon is eating a chocolate covered banana and Lisa had a pretzel.

It was nearing 2ish, therefore, we headed to World Showcase. The area was kinda busy in this section because of the Food and Wine Festival. We decided to check out Canada real quick, because afterwards we had to go to drunch at Italy. That was a bit of a walk. All of us got there at precisely 2:30 and were seated immediately. Sat down and here comes our waiter. Our hot ITALIAN waiter I might add. :lovestruc He first started off wanting to sit with us, but he was like "No, I can't do that." We found out his name was Sandro. He passed out the menus and handed us bread
and gave us a few minutes to look it over. When Sandro came back, all 5 of us girls ordered water and our food. Of course, we had no clue what he was saying to us about the Dining Plan. He was really hard to understand. But we got our orders across one way or another lol.
I decided upon the Castalicce.

Delicious!! I loved it.

Shannon and Nicole got Lasagna.

They enjoyed it very much.

Bethany ordered the Farfelli.

She liked it alot.

And Lisa ordered Scappeci Di Varde -sp?-

I beleive the dish had veal and I know she enjoyed it.

So now is when Sandro starts flirting with us. He starts off asking Shannon if she had a boyfriend :eek:. She replies no. And THEN he asks if she would go on a date with him!!! WHAT!?! lol Shannon laughed too hard to answer but told us later on that she would have. hehe. Sandro then sees Bethany texting her sister and asks if she has a boyfriend. She replies no as well. No thanks to Sandro, we become all giggly seeing that he starts to point us out to the waiters. hehe Sandro then comes back for our dessert order.

Bethany and I ordered an easy word dessert, Tiramisu.

Oh My Goodness. This was soooooooooo goooooood!

Shannon and Lisa decided on a pastry cup with fruit and cream. I'm not sure what it was called.

They liked it ok. Wasn't their favorite dessert.

Nicole got some kind of tart with chocolate something and gelato something lol.

I don't think she really liked it.

After finishing our desserts, Sandro came back with the check and Lisa asked for his autograph. I don't think he really knew what this was because he asked "Liked a football player?" and we told him yes. So he wrote his name and the number 8 lol. Shannon also got her picture with him. I think she loved him the most. -ot, after some time, we realized that Shane Victorino, the Phillies center field player, whom Shannon also has a crush on, is number 8. So that sent us in fits of laughter.- Here's his picture.

Whatcha think? He even called Shannon "sexy"
He even started to sing to us. :love:
But sadly, our dinner ended and we had to leave. Shannon made sure she waved goodbye before leaving the restaurant.



Our Epcot day isn't over yet, but I will finish in another report about more cute boys the girls found. :-)

Do you blame him for flirting your all attractive women :cool1:


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