Our Greatest Adventure: A 15 day wedding/honeymoon extravaganza!

I'm loving your trip report! DH and I were married down in Disney in 2007. We got married at the Yacht club gazebo and it was fantastic. We honeymooned there as well and did the Disney cruise. It was a magical time :goodvibes Thanks for sharing your pictures. You guys look so happy! Congratulations!!!
Thanks for joining! Isn’t Disney just the greatest?! pixiedust:

I should start off our wedding day by saying that my one goal was to make Cory cry from happiness, which has never happened. Let’s see if I can make that happen…

The alarm went off way too early at 3am. The girls would be coming to the room at 3:30am to start hair and make-up. This was the only negative to a 9am ceremony, especially for a non-morning person.

Cory was up and out before 3:30 to a groomsmen’s room where he would be getting ready with the guys.

Hair and make-up showed up on time, as did most of my girls, and the lengthy process got started.

Soo early…

Waiting to get their hair done.

We had started to run behind and everything is so time sensitive that I was starting to get nervous. That on top of me not liking my make-up. I don’t wear it normally, maybe some eyeliner and mascara, but they had made my face like two shades lighter. After that was fixed, I got into my dress.

Nope, I don’t look stressed. Not at all, right?

And then it was time for the girls to leave and for me to meet Cory for our first look on the stairs outside the Boardwalk.

I imagine he’s wondering where I am…

I didn’t expect tears here, but look at that smile. :lovestruc Instantly my stress was gone.

I think he was telling me about the debacle that happened with their suits and his brothers being late. :sad2:

And now for the Boardwalk.

We were running a bit behind, so we hopped into the limo, Frank hopped into his car, and we were off to Epcot!
Love the dessert party! That was awesome! You just have to love Disney details :yay:

Also, that was so sweet that he wore the Ellie badge on his lapel! My DH wore one too on our day. It's a perfect subtle nod to one of the greatest love stories ever told with hardly any dialogue :rotfl:

Can't wait to keep reading!
Hi everyone. Thank you so much for joining in our story and your incredibly kind words! :hug:

We got to Epcot a bit late, so it cut a bit into our time in Morocco. Morocco is my favorite country in Epcot so we had to get some photos there. We waved a quick hello to our bridal party who were already in Japan and walked a country over with a guide.

Before we knew it, it was time to head back to Japan. We had some time before the ceremony, but my last surprise for Cory was ready. We could hear them in the distance as we walked back toward Japan, but it wasn’t until we turned the corner that he could see.

Tears of joy, ladies and gentlemen! And for what?

His absolute favorite entertainment, the Matsuriza Japanese taiko drummers!

One of my favorites, and the one Cory picked for his desk. :lovestruc

That’s right, my goal was accomplished, with the surprise! Woo! :woohoo:

It was one of the best moments of my entire life. Getting to see him so overjoyed was everything. :cloud9:
Subscribing! This truly looks like an amazing wedding, and a trip of a lifetime :love: :love: :love:

I've always wanted to have a Disney Wedding, and reading your TR has made me want it even more! Now I just need to find a groom and we'll be all set :rotfl2:
Wow! It’s been TOO long since I updated. The holidays were very busy for me and work has been insane! :badpc:

I hope everyone had wonderful holidays and a happy new year to everyone. pixiedust:

Mindylee847: Thanks! Morocco is just gorgeous, the architecture, the colors. If our group was smaller I would have wanted our wedding there.

Theworldneedscolor: Thank you so much, it really was!! I know how you feel about the groom, I’ve been dreaming of this wedding since I was like 5! Haha.

Mom2m&k: Thanks so much!

Okay, so when I last left off I had made my soon-to-be husband cry for like the second time ever. Lol After the small performance just for us and our bridal party, we were moved into the store there in Japan to wait for our guests to come in and be seated. It was almost time to get this wedding on the road!

We took one last picture on the pagoda.

All our guests were seated and the drummers started playing again for Cory’s entrance.

The groomsmen walked down to the drummers also.

The bridesmaids made their way down the aisle to He Mele No Lilo from Lilo and Stitch.

And then it was my turn to walk down the aisle with my mom and dad. I definitely felt a little nervous that everyone would be staring at me. I walked down to the Main Title song from Little Mermaid.

And before I knew it, we were on the pagoda and our wedding had begun!

Kevin wrote the entire ceremony and started with some of our history and some Star Wars references lol

If anyone's interested, here's what he said:

Family…Friends…Welcome….We are here today to celebrate the marriage of 2 tremendous people- Samantha and Cory. I’ve been lucky enough to know Sam for 16 years- my wife babysat her growing up, and I’ve been lucky enough to see her become a beautiful young woman right before my eyes. Of course when Cory came into Sam’s life, we became great friends. I feel like the lucky one today..

We come here not to mark the start of a relationship, but to recognize a bond that already exists. Marriage is the formal union of 2 people, but that union is something special when the two people involved are best friends. Marriage is about love….romance…trust….and who’s turn it is to wash the dishes!

“Do or do not…there is no try” that is a very famous quote from Yoda. I would’ve used something from Cory’s favorite Boba Fett, but the guy never talks. Yoda knows what he is talking about. Sam and Cory are do-ers. They are go-getters. So when they met some 9 and a half years ago at MATES high school, one of the best high schools in the state, it was no surprise. 2 creative minds, 2 loving souls, 2 brilliant people who shared their hopes and dreams, and now do it together.

Every moment of marriage won’t be exciting or romantic, but it will be TOGETHER. Together, 2 hearts join to form 1, and that is a bond that is stronger than anything on this earth. Marriage is a journey, one that I know Sam and Cory are ready for…and this is one ride you don’t want a FASTPASS for…..So let the journey begin…..

We then had a reading from The Princess Bride, the novel, a part when Westley is confessing his love to Buttercup.

Then we read our vows, Cory went first. They were funny and sweet and just him. I learned he wrote them at 4am that morning lol

I may have broken the rules and kissed him in the middle of his vows.
Another favorite. :lovestruc

And then it was my turn. I was SO nervous. I do not like standing up in front of people let alone giving a sort of speech. But I think it went really well, even if I did cry.

We then had our last reading, which was If You Forget Me, by Pablo Neruda.
We then exchanged rings saying, “From this day on, now and forever, you will be in my heart always.”

Then Kevin made his closing statement:

Depending on whom you ask, you might get a different opinion of love and marriage. According to Pooh, “you feel it.” Cinderella would say, love “is what makes life divine,” but if you were to ask Hercules, it is “what makes people do crazy things.”

But just take Pocahontas’ advice: “listen with your heart and you will understand,” because just like the Rescuers said, “to face the future with another, who means more than any other, is to be loved.”

He then pronounced us husband and wife saying we, “may now share your first enchanted kiss.” :love:

We kissed for a bit lol And then the drummers played us down the aisle. (You can also see the origami flowers my bridesmaids and I worked on forever before the wedding! lol)

I am supposed to be working, but I had to check on this update - what a wonderful wedding!!

I loved, loved, loved all the Star Wars and Disney references!! So perfect. And I never would have thought of the Japan Pagoda as a wedding site but it is just gorgeous. You all looked wonderful.

I also loved how you sneaked in a kiss during the middle of his vows!

Teresa: That's okay, so am I! haha Thank you so much. It was truly magical, I can't say it enough. And what can I say, we definitely make our own rules lol
What an amazing trip so far! I love that you had a Disney wedding, but made it totally unique!

What did you think of Flying Fish? I'm planning on taking DH there for a date night when we're there next Fall.
lehmaac: Thanks! I appreciate you saying that. We really made it 'us' which is definitely different than most traditional weddings lol We had a great time at the Flying Fish. It's definitely a special restaurant in that it is one the expensive side, but everyone, and we had a large group, was very very happy with their food. I would recommend it for sure. Plus walking around the Boardwalk at night afterwards is lovely :).
After our ceremony, everyone hopped on buses and were driven backstage over to the Living Seas Salon for brunch. We stayed in Japan for a bit for some pictures. The entire time, the drummers continued to play.

A favorite.

Top 5 for sure. :hug:

And a close-up of my bouquet which was so amazing. You can see the origami flowers I made best here. I took a book of maps and each flower represents a place we have traveled to together. For example, one was Ireland. I then took the different places we went in Ireland and those were the petals. I loved everything about my bouquet.

And then we took one last look in Japan before we hopped in the limo. Cory had to be pulled away from watching the drummers lol

To brunch!
Oh my goodness! Everything was perfect. You look beautiful and your bouquet was stunning!

I surprised my husband with a bagpiper at our wedding. He and I are both of Celtic decent. He loves bagpipes. The piper played in front of my father and I as we walked down the Boardwalk to Sea Breeze Pointe. Then he played in front of us while we walked back to the hotel. My husband had tears in his eyes when I got to the alter. And I laughed! I was afraid I would be the one to cry and he would just stare at me. He cried first so I was happy I surprised him.
Beautiful ceremony!! I loved all those references, that just makes it so special. You guys are so darn cute!
jash08: Thank you so much! I love that you also surprised your DH. Isn't it such an accomplishment, in a weird way, to bring them to happy tears? lol I know Cory didn't understand them until the surprise.

wdwcarla: You're so sweet, thank you!! :)

I'm hoping to have a new post up in a bit!


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