Our daughter's bringing a friend, some ?'s


DIS Veteran
Aug 21, 1999
We have our May reservations for a 1 bdrm at OKW and have agreed to bring a friend of our 13 yr old DD.

I know this has been discussed before but wanted some opinions before we meet with the other parents. Originally we told our daughter you can bring a friend if 1) she pays for airfare/park tickets and 2) we approve of the friend. We pay for food and any extra events we have planned.

Also, DH and I will play golf 3 days out of the 10 day trip. I originally said they could go to the pool that day or Hanks Happenings or take the boat to DD (walking only as far as legoland). DD would also like the option of taking bus to MK. I'm not so sure about that idea and wanted other's opinions.

Am I forgetting anything else that we should discuss with friends parents at the pre-trip dinner? Thanks for your ideas!

Have you considered getting the parents to sign a medical release authorizing you to get medical treatment for their child in case of emergency? That and a card from their medical insurance carrier would be highly helpful if there was some type of accident.
I know we all go to Disney to have a great vacation, and we tend to forget a few basics. Like find out if the friend has any allergies to food or medications, what over the counter meds are okay. Also get a copy of their Insurance cards, and a letter giving you permission to get medical treatment if needed. Now that you have all this ready, you won't need any of it, but just go without it and....

Have a great trip. Disney World is about as safe a place you can find to vacation, we have let our kids go on their own when they were teens. But we always discuss with the friends parents, what rules they have, and remind the kids of some of the saftey basics before the go off on their own. If they need help, all the Disney Castmember will help.
Wow, thanks for some great ideas! I hadn't even considered medical insurance and being prepared for any emergencies.

Wow, thanks for the great advice. We hadn't even considered medical insurance.

You are getting some great ideas. I would also discuss with her parents the level of freedom you decide to allow and make sure you are in agreement.Also i would discuss spending money and try to work out some arangment that would give both girls about the same amount of spending money. shopping is a big deal with teen girls and hurt feeling could cause problems for everyone.

Last I would just make sure that everyone in the family likes this girl. 10 days is a long time. As long as you know this child well and she and your daughter have spent long stretches of time together before I think this is a great idea. This is the age we have told our DS that he can take a friend with us. Would love to hear how this went when you get back.

Jordan's mom
I vote to let them go to the MK. Perhaps you'd feel better if they have a cell phone or walkie-talkies with them. I don't see how DTD is safer than the girls going to a park. To me it'd be just the opposite.
I second the idea about the cell phones or walkie-talkies. They are a must when splitting up parties and such.
We have already taken two nieces with us in the past. They rode with us in the car and we purchased their tickets. We are taking another niece with us in Dec. She also will ride with us in the car and we will purchase her ticket. Finally , we are taking a fourth niece with us in June. Her parents are flying her down (we will pick her up at MCO), but we will purchase her ticket and any other admissions required. We don't expect our child guests to purchase their own tickets if we invite them. If you can afford it, it might be a nice gesture to your daughter's friend.
Sounds a fabulous idea and as long as her parents are agreeable I would let them to go MK by themselves. As long as they stay togther and know the rules I don't think it is any more at risk then "hanging out at the pool". Make sure you discuss possible scenarios to ensure they understand what your expectations are.

A few suggestions before going on this trip:

Have the girl spend the night at your house to make sure you like her behavior /habits /the way your daughter behaves around her. I'd also suggest a trip to the mall and a meal at a restaurant BEFORE you invite her. A little preparation could ensure a good trip.

I also think someone else was very wise in pointing out that you should talk to her parents about how much freedom they're comfortable with. Are they okay with the girls going to a certain park alone? Are they okay with the girls being in the same park but not necessarily with you? You should also have a very serious talk about going into other people's hotel rooms; I think MOST teenaged girls would willingly run into a hotel room with another teen they'd just met -- just to grab a drink or music or something. That could get them into big trouble in a hurry. Personally, I'd lean towards the side of caution. Cel phones sound like a great idea too.
As a mom of teenage daughters, I agree that you have been given really good advice. JMHO, but DTD would be out of the question unsupervised, as well as a water park. They would be safer in one of the major parks. It has been my experience that teenagers 13-17 find each other very quickly. I also have DD in college, they mature out of this stage.
You have received some really good advice. I would be more inclinded to let them go to MK for the day instead of DTD.


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