OT-Did anyone ever find Beanie?

Bloody Marys anyone? It's 8AM here! :drinking1 Now it's time to do your morning exercises :thewave: We are ready to "search party" for Beanie. :3dglasses Beanie are you out there? Well back to the music :music: the dancing :drinking1 and the cabana boys :dancer:
And I am a Bad Boy (RP) not your cabana boy!!! Although I have been told, by quite a few women, and some men that I have a nice A_ _!!
:rotfl2: :rolleyes1 Okay, now that that is straight, and for all the running around I do for you ladies alittle respect would be nice, you never know when it is handy to have a man around, Just wait till you need something fixed!!!
Can someone get me a drink it is hump day and we still have not found the Beanster!! I need to relax in the hot tub eller has me so upset!! :teeth:
Us *ladies* do get a little carried away sometimes, Gregg. You are the only guy at the party so you're going have to get used to the attention!! :teeth:

Where the heck is Beans??????

It's almost Friday, I need another drink...........What shall I have, any suggestions????
Sangria! Red wine with seven up, basically. Sounds like a good way to start the day! Party, party, parta! :banana: :banana: :banana:


Do you think Beanie wants to be found???
Maybe the safest thing to do is to stay here in the hot tub and drink heavely, if she shows up great if not, well we will keep each other from drowning in the hot tub!! :wave2:
Let's drink annd get ready for the weekend!!!
aaahhhh, yes this hot tub is nice. I'm sure she will show up at some point. Now where is that bartender .....yooo hooo........ :wave2: over here.......
I'll just wheel the "juice" cart over to the hot tub! What's everyone having? :drinking1

(Lori sinks into the hot tub!) Ahh! How refreshing. Hi Gregg and Karen. :goodvibes

:3dglasses Party glasses for everyone!

Beanie, we miss you!

Oh those glasses make everything look rosy, now where are the rest of the gang. Come on guys the hot tub is nice............................. :daisy:
Sorry, I was daydreaming about the cabana boys

me too :cloud9:

How's this one?


now I quess we will have to find a Cabana girl for Gregg!

Maleficent2 said:

now I quess we will have to find a Cabana girl for Gregg!

Good thinking, Mal. Did you and Belle get your party glasses? :3dglasses

I like the boy you found! :rolleyes1

This is getting too weird for even me!!!! ;)
I'm going to towel off -No thanks Raul I can get it, where did you girls find him? Maaallllll!!!!!!!??????

:moped: I'm going over to the Uk board, the British are just too funny, and they drink alot!! :teeth: They may have extra beer!!
Be back soon,
Anybody see Denise??? I haven't seen her around either?
SEARCH PARTY on Monday if Denise is still missing, shots every hour till she's found!!!
Call off the hounds, I'm here! :scared: I've been really under the weather this week and just haven't been up to par! Wow Mal, we're going to make sure you're in charge of all future staffing issues in the future....you sure know how to pick them!

Glad to hear about your DS....that's great! :cheer2: :cheer2:

Have fun Gregg over on the UK boards! I have quite a few Irish and British friends and they are sooo much fun to party with! :banana: :banana:
Hi Denise! Glad you could make it! Here are your party glasses. :3dglasses

Would you like something to drink for. . . medicinal purposes? :rolleyes1

I agree with you about Mal's choice.


to see the whole picture don't know why only part of the image is showing up on the boards! :rotfl2:

But when you see the whole thing you'll like the choice even more!!! :earseek:

We we all are together from our last do! oh except Gregg that is don't know where he was off ...must have been over at the uk again!
The news about your son is great - you must be so proud!!!!

Hopefully he will end up with a more enriching career than Cabana boy!!! :rotfl2: I feel like we are in scenes from the movie Euro Trip, they play it constantly over at the UK boards!! :rotfl: :rotfl:

We are about 2 weeks into not finding Beanie, I say we give up on this, it's getting to be, like trying to find the holy grail!
Maybe she is in the witness protection program, and we will never know her new identity!! :sad2: :sad2:

On a happy note at least Denise is found!! Yeah!!!!
I am glad we found Denise but now I have her cold :cold: ....

I think we shopuld keep looking for Beans it is too much fun all the partying going on!!!

Ok back to the bed ....

I miss all the good parties :sad2: I can't beleive beanie is still missing,, But great job trying to find her,, Keep up the good work :rotfl: :rotfl: and mal are you sure it's a cold and not a hangover from all the "searching" :rolleyes1
Thanks for sharing the news about your son,, That's Great..I'll be home all day if anyone wants to chat..Laurie


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