Ongoing Wedding/Honeymoon Trip Log with Pics

My brother, sister-in-law, mom and I arrived at the Magic Kingdom with time to see a bunch of characters at the entrance and my brother surprised his wife with his old autograph book that he had saved from when he was a kid! She went up and had them sign autographs even though she didn't know who most of them were!

Then we set up a spot to watch the afternoon parade.

We stayed in the park until closing, watching the evening parade and the Wishes fireworks.


Tuesday morning we intended on getting an early start with the early morning magic hour at MGM, but we were all exhausted and finally arrived at MGM by about 10 a.m.

We went straight to Rockin’ Roller coaster to get a fast pass and then we waited in line at the Tower of Terror.

We rode both and then we started to head to the Indiana Jones Show. I was starting to get really antsy about delivering all the destination bags to my guests hotels. I had scheduled a “night out” on the boardwalk for any of the guests that had arrived early. It was scheduled to start at 6:30 and I wanted to have time to relax a little. So I left my mom, sister-in-law, and brother to explore MGM. My poor mom didn't get much relaxing time!

***sorry, not many pics of my alone time--my sil was doing all the picture taking!!***
I went back to my room and packed up each of the destination bags. The night before I had separated them by hotel, and now I just packed them in separate bags for distribution. My first stop was the Yacht Club. I drove up to the drop off circle and asked bell services if I needed to park or if I could just drop off my two bags to the front desk. I was told to just leave the keys with bell services and leave it in the circle. At the front desk the cast member made sure that each of the guests were staying at the Yacht Club. After determining that they had already checked in, I was assured that the bags would be delivered to their room that afternoon. Relieved that it had been so easy I breezed out to my car and on to the Swan.
I only had one guest staying at the Swan that I needed to deliver a bag to (the rest were family who would receive their bags at the rehearsal dinner). This guest was one of two couples, who are friends of the family, who originally had been coming only to our local reception, but then had changed their mind about a month before the wedding. My dad had not been real sure about where they were staying. He was positive one couple was staying at the Vistana, and thought that this couple was staying at the Swan. I once again left my car in the front circle with my keys at the bell station and went to the front desk. The agent at the front desk checked the name on the bag and could not find it. We tried several variations of their names and spellings without any luck. Frustrated, I called my dad to confirm that this couple was staying at the Swan. My dad, who was trying to wrap up work to fly down that night, was very short with me and indicated that I should just not worry about where they were staying and said that they did not need a gift bag. I was a little taken aback. My father never gets aggravated like that and this couple is very easy going and very nice people. I figured he was just stressed and decided to not worry too much about it. (This couple will be very important later in our triplog, I will refer to them as the Swan Couple).
My next stop was Coronado Springs (my favorite moderate hotel!) I had some trouble finding it as I had not bothered to get a map and the road signs were not very enlightening. I seemed to recall it being near Blizzard Beach and finally found my way there. Here I also left my car in the drop off area, but this time they told me to hang onto my own keys. At the registration desk the cast member checked each guests’ names in the computer. She called those who already had checked in and told them they had a package waiting. The others she kept to be handed out on check-in. My last stop was All-Star Movies. Here there was no drop off point, so I just parked and walked in. The cast member at the front desk once again checked all the names and put the packages aside for my guests. Here, she did something on the computer that she said would notify those guests already checked in that they had a package waiting.
I was so relieved to have all the bags delivered and it was only around 2 p.m. I decided to go to Epcot and pick up my Disney Dining Experience temporary card that was being held at their Guest Relations office. I parked at Epcot and walked to the GR window. There was the sweetest old man at the desk. He got my cards for me and somehow it came up that I was getting married in Disney on Thursday. He told me a bit about his family and that Thursday would be his 44th anniversary. I am in such awe of couples that have been married that long—I have spent the last 15 years quizzing them whenever I meet them. By now I was done and ready to go into Epcot for some lunch, but the sweet man told me to wait and he disappeared for a minute. He came back with both fists clenched and said, “I know it is a little early, but these are for you—you decide which ones you want to use when.” I misunderstood and thought he wanted me to pick a fist (like my father used to when I was little—who am I kidding, he still does it!!) and so I picked a fist. He said, “Oh no—you get them all, but you decide which ones you want to wear.” He was so sweet; I almost burst into tears right then!!! The last few days of wedding planning are so lonely, and especially the hour of delivering bags had been so lonely and then this man made me feel like I was just so special for getting married. It was very cool and I was very excited. He had given me two Congratulations! pins and two Best Wishes wedding pins. I figured the Congrats were for the next two days and the Best Wishes were for after the wedding day.
After that, I went into the Land for lunch, went back to my car and drove to my hotel. As I was driving back, my matron of honor called to let me know that she was in Orlando and on her way to the Magical Express to come to the hotel. I began to get really excited—all my plans were starting to become a reality!!! I got back to the hotel around 4:30 and really wanted to take a nap but I was too worked up to rest. My mom called and said that she had just left my brother at MGM. She was going to take a nap and meet us later on. I tried to write my toast for the wedding night, but everything I wrote just sounded AWFUL and was not getting across what I wanted to say. I wish that I had written it well before I got to Florida. I finally relaxed for about 20 minutes and then got ready for the “night out.”
I met up with my matron of honor, her husband, and her mom and we walked over to Hurricane Hannah’s where are group was supposed to grab dinner before going to Jelly Rolls for the evening. It took us a little longer to get there than anticipated and we got there about 15 minutes late. That was not the worst part…the worst part was that Hurricane Hannah’s was closed. I had never thought to check its hours and it turns out that Hannah’s closed at 6 each night.

Sorry for the slowness, writing all my thank you cards is taking all my energy!!!! I'll try to be faster with the rest...
I must say I am having so much fun reading your trip logs!! Thank you for posting them :). You look so beautiful in your pictures, and your dress is the one I have been thinking about getting for myself!! (haven't tried it on yet though so we'll see). Loved your pictures and love your ideas for gift bags and little extra's! Can't wait for your next trip log :)
The only person there was another one of my bridesmaids. She had been in Europe for a month before and had flown in the day before. She informed all of us that she had strep throat but had been on antibiotics for 24 hours and was no longer contagious. Somehow, that was not all that comforting to all of us.
Her possible contagious state added to the slight panic that I felt. I had not taken rsvp’s and therefore did not know who may or may not be joining us. I had invited all of our guests via both the itinerary delivered to their room and the itinerary on our website. My future in-laws arrived to join the party and suggested that I leave a note on Hurricane Hanna’s. (If any of you saw a note on August 30th that said If you are looking for Jessica, call ***-****, that was me!) I went over to the Pearl Hut and asked the CM for a piece of paper and tape. He informed me that an older woman with red hair and a guy with bad feet had already been there looking for us and had headed off on the ferry. I hoped that anyone else would call and find out where we had headed. We decided to go to Beaches N Cream at the Beach Club. At this time it was just my matron of honor with her family, bridesmaid, my brother-in-law and his family, and my mom and dad in-law. Only my bridesmaid and matron of honor and her husband were coming out after dinner. I felt a little disappointed that more people did not come out, but was also relieved to not have to coordinate a large group of people.
As we were about finished at Beaches N Cream, my mom arrived and my sister called to let us know they were on their way. She was with two of my aunts, cousins and an uncle. None of them had eaten, so they were going to grab dinner and then see if we were still at Jelly Rolls.
After dinner, my bridesmaid and I headed over to Jelly Rolls. When we walked in there were only about four people in the bar. I recognized one of my fdh’s aunts waiting at one of the bars. I was SO excited that she had come out to meet us…I thought that was the coolest thing. I was a little worried about the older couple that we had missed at Hurricane Hanna’s but couldn’t do anything about it. (I later found out it was my fdh’s mom’s best friend and her husband—they showed up later at Jelly Rolls). Fdh’s aunt was very concerned that she was too old to be out with us and wanted to know if any people “her age” would be coming. My bm (bridesmaid) immediately told her that age is relative and it was just cool of her to come out. To make her feel more comfortable, I called my future in-laws and told them that fdh’s aunt was at Jelly Rolls. They immediately said they would be on their way shortly to come back. My fdh’s aunt bought us drinks and the night began!
An interesting thing was that I wanted to start a tab at the bar. Apparently Jelly Rolls does not accept the Disney room card for payment. When I tried to give the bartender my credit card, she was kind of rude about it and told me that she had to charge me $100. I was taken aback at this and asked why and what if we don't spend $100. She said she was required to charge $100 and then refund me for a credit of anything we didn't use. By that point I honestly didn't care, and would not have been surprised if we had run over $100. So I told her to go ahead. From that point on, I kept telling everyone (including the bartender) to put drinks on my tab, but people refused and paid for their own. At the end of the night she ended up just giving me a charge receipt for like $63. Everyone LOVED it and many people went back the following night (the night before the ceremony) on their own. The only disappointment was that the piano players played only one of our two dozen requests in the 4-5 hours we were there. But the place was rocking with fun!! I also was bummed because not one person thought to bring a camera or take any pictures:):) Oh well!
By about 11 pm, when I received a call from fdh and my dad that they were on the Disney’s Magical Express on their way to the Beach Club, we had a full house at Jelly Rolls. Our group had grown to approximately 15 people. My dad and fdh joined us at Jelly Rolls around 11:30. They were both already relaxed and ready to have fun.
Around one in the morning we closed out our tab and the night was over.

:Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc
It's so fun to get to "live" your experience, especially since it will be happening to my sister in about eight months. Sounds like a lot of fun so far and not too much drama :)
janine said:

Thankyou for sharing that with me. Do you mind letting me know the item number?
I am going to email to ask, and hope they will ship, they are gorgeous. I really would like those.
Thanks again

Janine - I have a feeling they don't ship international - some of the dresses on that site are amazing including the bride's gowns - and much cheaper than in the UK - which is why I looked.

You could always ask a fellow US DISer if you could ship it to their address and then send it on to you?

Codie - your photos are gorgeous - keep up the trip report - I'm on a countdown to my FTW - 32 days to go... :cheer2:
Another option is to have it shipped directly to Carolyn allen's and see if she'll do the fitting when you arrive in Orlando?
Now the real hectic day was about to start—
The next morning, Wednesday, my dad had to be to the airport by 6 am for his 6:45 AM flight to Miami to be deputized! I felt like I had hardly even slept by the time I had to stumble out of bed, call the valet services to bring the car to the door, got dressed, and stumbled down to the car. I called my dad to make sure he was up. I still cannot how awake he sounded when he answered the phone. He was SO excited to get everything rolling. I drove to the Beach Club, which is literally just around the corner from the Boardwalk. My dad came strolling out wearing suit pants and a button down shirt. I was a little surprised that he didn’t have a jacket or a tie…but I suppose those aren’t necessary when it is 100 degrees outside!!!
As we exited the Epcot Resort Boulevard I noticed that the price of gas, which the night before had been $2.47 per gallon was now $2.57 per gallon. Hurricane Rita had hit the mainland and the gas prices had not stopped going up. Without much traffic on the roads it only took about 20 minutes to get to the airport. My dad and I talked the whole way—now I don’t remember about what, but I do remember that I was SO tired! It took five minutes for me to drop my dad off for his adventure to Miami and 20 minutes later I was pulling onto Epcot Resort Boulevard to head back to bed. Much to my astonishment I observed that the gas price was NOW, just forty-five minutes later, $2.61 per gallon. It was amazing to watch the gas soar in price by the hour.
I climbed back into my bed at 6:30 a.m. My mom was scheduled for an appointment at 8 a.m. at the Saratoga Springs Spa. I would have to get up in forty-five minutes to go pick her up and drop her off at her appointment. My own nail appointment was at the Dolphin hotel at 10 a.m. After a power nap I called to make sure my mom was awake and headed over to pick her up. I took her over to the spa and instructed her to spend some significant time there relaxing (she didn’t listen). I paid for her appointment and requested that they make sure she gets a cab after she was done relaxing. I had planned on climbing back into bed again for a bit when I got back from dropping my mom off, but instead I took a quick shower to help wake me up. I got dressed and went down to get the rental car for the last time. I had only really needed it to safely get all of our luggage to the hotel and then to deliver the gift bags. Now I was dropping it off at the Alamo location at the Dolphin hotel. I filled the tank, thankfully still at $2.61 per gallon and dropped the car with the valet (apparently also the Alamo rental guys) and went to find the nail salon.
I had an appointment with Sonja and I was very excited to be pampered a little. I walked through the maze of the Dolphin for a good bit and finally came across what appeared to be a closet entrance labeled SALON. Hmmmm, not exactly the Saratoga Springs Spa, but it would have to do. The Spa didn’t do acrylics and I really thought that would be best since I have a nasty nail biting habit. Sonja was excited to see me and excited to make my nails perfect for the wedding. I started out by placing my cell phone next to me because I was afraid it would ring while she was polishing my nails. While she was doing my nails my dad called to tell me that he made it to Miami and had been to the courthouse.

He had been hoping they would take him early if he got there early, but they had given him no such indication. That was okay because there were some fun shops that he browsed while he was waiting. Then my mom called to tell me she was back and to see if I wanted to get food. We made plans to meet when I was done. As you can guess, she didn’t relax very long at the spa after her appointments. Then one of my friends, the one who got married the weekend before, called to make sure he understood how the magical express worked. I reminded him that he was supposed to be sharing a rental car with one of our other friends and then he called her. Finally Scott called to see what time I was going to be done and what we were doing for lunch. Poor Sonja knew my life story just from all the phone calls!!
I had been quoted when I made my appointment that it would be $80 for the full set. I know, you can breath. I thought it was expensive too, but I didn’t have a whole lot of on-site choices and I didn’t want to chance getting it done before I left for Disney. Sonja asked me what my dress looked like and preceded to do my nails…never asked me how I wanted them done. They were SOOOOO beautiful!!! I totally felt like the most beautifully elegant princess…my dress was ivory with rum trim and sparkles…she did my nails with white tips, ivory base, and then did a silver band along the middle. They were beautiful! My dh later, when I showed him, told me they looked ghetto—(and then as I almost burst into tears) fabulous, but I just thought they were gorgeous. Unfortunately, somehow my extra fabulous nails must have cost extra because my bill ended up being $100…I’ve never paid so much for acrylics but I’ve also never been so in love with them!
By this time it was almost twelve and I called my mom and dh to meet for lunch. We went back to the Beaches N Cream soda shoppe. We had to be quick because Carolyn Allen’s was coming for the guys to try on their tuxes at 1:00. Dh told me that his best friend and groomsman was on the Magical Express with his wife on their way to Disney. They had had some plane trouble, sort of. They had misunderstood that the Magical Express would whisk away their luggage straight to the hotel and they thought that the plane had lost their luggage. I felt bad because it was sort of comical and yet totally not at all.
At 1:00 we were hanging out in dh’s room waiting for Carolyn Allen AND waiting for the guys. She showed up and two minutes later dh’s father and brother, the best man, showed up. At the same time we got a call from dh’s best friend that he was just checking into his room and would head over. The ring bearer’s parents called to let us know that they were running late. The other groomsman wasn’t coming until the next morning. My dad was only renting the vest, and obviously couldn’t come because he was in Miami. He did call, however, to let us know that he had succeeded in catching an early flight—AND in being successfully deputized!

The tuxes were tried on and approved of and then taken away. Evidently, which I hadn’t known, she redelivers them in the morning after making sure everything is right.
My matron of honor and my bridesmaid were trying to coordinate how we were all getting to the rehearsal dinner. My matron of honor wanted to take a taxi (which truly was the smartest idea) but I had to stop at Downtown Disney to pick up our parents’ gifts from Arribas Brothers and that would have been extra money. Plus, I didn’t want my mom to know that I was stopping at Downtown Disney. So I was trying to get my mom to take a taxi with my matron of honor but she kept insisting on coming with Scott and I. I had all the gift bags (for both the family and for the bridal parties) and all the stuff for the wedding that we had to bring to the rehearsal. So after the tuxes were fitted we headed back to my room at the Boardwalk. I got changed into my rehearsal dinner dress and got, I thought, all the stuff we needed and headed down to the lobby to meet up with everyone. My matron of honor and bridesmaid took most of the stuff and got a cab. I took the bags that I needed to wrap the parent gifts and my mom, dh, dh’s best friend and his dw all went and got on the bus. We told my mom that I had to stop at Downtown Disney and she was confused but didn’t care. By the time we got to downtown Disney we were running really late and dh and I decided it would be faster if I just went.
Here’s where I should tell you that I am really bad with mapping out space in my head. In other words, I knew right where Arribas Brothers was, and yet, I couldn’t tell you which bus stop was closer. I got off at the Marketplace stop and booked it over to Arribas Brothers. There it was virtually impossible to find someone to assist me and took forever to be rung out…but I finally got it done. By then the thunder was sounding louder and louder and there were strikes of lightening in the distance as I scurried for the Pleasure Island bus stop. I kept looking for taxis, thinking at this point that it might be worth it just so that I wasn’t a sweatball in all my rehearsal dinner pictures. The sky became more ominous and I finally took off my slides and ran for the bus stop. I got there just as my bus pulled into the stop and I got on as fast as I could to miss the rain. And then I sat there for seven minutes. My rehearsal dinner was starting in less than twenty minutes—I could not believe that I was going to be late. Then my phone rang. It was my mom. She asked where I was and I told her I was sitting on a bus and I was coming as fast as I could. She then informed me that she too was still on a bus—they were stuck in a Typhoon Lagoon traffic jam. They were sending all the buses to Typhoon Lagoon, which was closing due to the lightening. Just then the bus driver got on my bus…I jumped up and asked him if my bus was going to go to Typhoon Lagoon. He said, Yes, all the buses were going. I told him that my rehearsal dinner was starting in fifteen minutes at the Grand Floridian and did he think I could possibly make it even remotely on time. He said No and suggested I go find a cab down near the West Side.
It was now drizzling outside. I jumped off the bus and limped towards the West Side looking everywhere for a cab. Just then this guy was running up behind me saying, Excuse me. I turned around and saw he was with a little girl-maybe seven years old. He asked me if I was going to the Grand Floridian and if I wanted to share a cab. Sounded great to me! It took us about five minutes to find a cab and got in just as the rain really started to come down. We talked about our reasons for being in Disney. The little girl was very cute—she had a digital camera that she kept snapping pictures with. It turned out they were on their way to the same restaurant. They had a table for fifteen minutes after my reservation. When we got to the Grand Floridian, the guy insisted on paying for the cab fare as a wedding gift. It was very, very nice of him! I ran into the restaurant fully expecting to see my dh and my mom and dh’s friends, but none of them were there. I was such a sweaty, humid mess and as I entered the room (they had given us the whole back room) everyone started clapping. It was kind of strange but in a good way. All of dh’s and dh’s mom’s family were there, and all of my aunts, uncles, my brother, sister, and my newly deputized dad! They were surprised that I was without my fdh and I was surprised that he wasn’t there yet. AND very glad that I hadn’t stayed on that bus!!! I found out later that my soon to be nieces had been chosen to OPEN the dinner:)

:Pinkbounc :cheer2: :wizard: :cheer2: :Pinkbounc
Dh’s family was at the first few tables so I hugged everyone and explained that dh and the others should be coming very soon.



By the time I got back to the tables with my family,

there was more clapping and I turned to see my future husband, mom, and dh’s friend and his wife coming in. They looked as frazzled as I felt, but now we were all there. The rehearsal wasn’t until 6:30 so we had plenty of time. After some effort, we all managed to find a seat and the waiter explained how the buffet worked and took our drink orders. My aunt and uncle who had brought my gift bags with them now told me where they were and after I ate a little (I was too revved up to feel very hungry, although the food was wonderful!!) and visited and took pictures with each of the characters, I started to organize and pass out the gift bags. Everyone was so surprised and pleased. They each had varying items and so they were comparing and bartering for things! I was so glad that I was able to do something for everyone when they were doing so much by coming to our event.


Dh’s mom surprised us by bringing us a gift—she said that we shouldn’t be doing all the giving when it was our day. Her and dh’s dad had gotten us the newly wed mickey ears ornament from the Days of Christmas Shoppe with our names and wedding date. It was very thoughtful!!
The time at 1900 Park Fare went SO quickly and it was suddenly time for us to start walking over to Franc’s for our meeting with our Wedding Planner, Tracy. I was SO excited to meet him. He was unavailable for our planning session and so most of our planning had been done by email and phone. I was anxious to meet him and finalize everything. Dh’s parents had in their car the seashell place cards, the champagne flutes, the sandcastle centerpieces, ring bearer pillow, guest book, and signing pen. Dh’s uncle had our other centerpieces and favors. I had the scrapbook and programs. We hiked, literally because it turned out that the walkway was closed for construction and the alternate route was over wood shavings, to Franc’s.
When we got there, Tracy was waiting outside and was glad to see us! A great surprise for me was that Tanis Armstrong, Tracy’s old assistant, was also there. She had just finished a wedding, as she is now a wedding planner, and she had known we were coming because our rehearsal was announced on the Wedding Pavilion times board. She said that she wanted to meet us in person!! It was a very nice touch. Tracy then went over a check list of items we were supposed to have. I started having major stress when I realized I had forgotten both the cd with my dh’s processional song AND the seating chart for the reception. Dh immediately took care of that by sending his uncle back to my room to retrieve the forgotten items. Then, we figured out that I had forgotten to bring tealights for the sandcastles. I really started to freak out as I had no idea where I was going to find tealights on such short notice. I knew that Disney Florist had tealights but they were already charging me $2.50 per the four tealights being used to light the alter bouquet on the head table—I didn’t want to pay an additional $2.50 per tealight for the centerpieces. Tracy immediately calmed me by assuring me that he would take care of it. I was so thankful that he was so sure of everything—nothing phased him!
We then went over once again each of the things that I was giving him and what and where they were supposed to be used. When we got to the seashells, I made sure I told him again what I was expecting. He reviewed the first grouping (I had alphabetized them, separated them into 6’s, and then numbered the bags) and said that it was a neat idea. He asked me about three times if I had any extra shells in case they found any broken ones and if I had brought the paint pen. It seemed strange that he was so concerned about it, but I figured he was just being extra careful since I’d already proven ditzy on the music and seating charts and tealights. He and my dad disappeared twice into the office and it was very strange. My dad likes to plan secret surprises, so I figured he was up to something fun and didn’t worry too much. I was curious what he would do. He had been really excited for us to do a Magic Kingdom photo shoot, but I just couldn’t fathom getting up at that ungodly hour and looking the least bit pretty—so I had vetoed it several times. Of course, it would have been very, very cool to do it. So I guess, a little, I was hoping he was planning thatJ I never could have guessed the true surprises!
Eventually Tracy directed us over to the Wedding Pavilion. I was a little bit nervous and excited at the same time. I hadn’t seen the inside of the Wedding Pavilion since my dh and I started dating and my mom thought a Disney wedding would be fun three and a half years earlier. We hadn’t viewed the Wedding Pavilion on our site visit because I had been adamant that I didn’t want to have the ceremony there. I hadn’t wanted to pay the additional location fee, but ultimately it was the best location for our size party. I was in an excited daze as we walked over the little bridge and walked into the pavilion.
:Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :love: :love: :love: :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc
C'mon, Codie! What are the surprises?! You cna't leave us hanging like that!

Please let us know when ceremony pics are up, too!
I have all the pics on snapfish...i don't know if I can link you to that and I have no idea how to put pictures into my trip log or sig...if someone wants to pm me how to do it, i'll start adding pictures:)
The SURPRISES dangit! What are the surprises! I'll worry about photos later! You're killing me here!!!

I walked over to the pavilion with fdh and my matron of honor in total awe.

I peaked into the bridal vestibule as Tracy guided me into the main room of the pavilion. We lost several people to the rest rooms and to the magnifying window of the castle up near the altar.

Tracy talked with my dad about his ceremony and would call the people as he needed them and direct them as to what they were going to do. I was last, of course:)




My mom was designated to give me away, as my dad was doing the ceremony. This made her incredibly nervous and she debated the whole time whether to say, “Her father and I do,” “We both do,” or “I do.” She just felt funny doing that part, but otherwise it would have been my father saying, “Who gives this woman away?” and then turning and talking to himself saying, “Her mother and I.”
We went through how my father would do the ceremony and when it got to the kiss part, someone yelled out, “No little pecks!” We were stumped, we hadn’t thought about practicing the kiss. Not to worry—we practiced all night after that! :thumbsup2
see the bunny?

With that, we were done with the rehearsal. We walked out to the covered area between the bride/groom quarters and the main hall and passed out our wedding party gifts. We were really excited about our gifts—especially the ones that fdh had picked out for the guys. The best man and his 9 month old son (also a groomsman) got a personally monogrammed full size baseball bat. We got monogrammed cufflinks for one groomsman and a monogrammed silver can chiller for the other. The girls all got Polynesian purses with necklaces and earrings for their dresses. The little girls got small jewelry cases monogrammed with their names and the date. Our parents got the glass pictures that I had picked up previously from Arribas Brothers. We were frustrated at our dumbness because we forgot to actually get something for our ring bearer—we had thought about it but never followed through. At that point there was nothing we could do but tell him that the gift bag he had gotten at dinner with the hat was his gift.
After we gave everyone their gifts, we walked back towards Francks to wrap things up with Tracy and figure out what everyone was going to do. It was only about 7 by that time. My matron of honor and a number of people grabbed taxis to return to the Boardwalk and Beach Club hotels while dh and I were finishing up. By the way, just before we were going to head back, Tracy surprised Scott and I with a beautiful gift from DFTW. I am not going to disclose it as I am sure it is subject to change, but it was extra magic for dh and I and SUCH an unexpected surprise. All of a sudden we realized that we were alone with one of dh’s groomsmen and his wife. We thought it would be faster to return to the Grand Floridian by walking out the driveway and in the street than going back through the construction zone. I had on inappropriate shoes for the hike.
So the four of us headed back to the Floridian to catch the bus by walking out the WP’s parking lot, into the street (no sidewalks), and back in the entrance driveway of the Floridian. We were dragging a small roller suitcase behind us that had had all the gifts in it. As we approached the security booth on the driveway, at this point half limping and wet from the humidity, the security guard steps out and asks if we are checking in. I had to hold back from outright laughing!!! Did he think we walked from the airport with one little roller bag of luggage for the four of us?? It struck me as so funny :rolleyes1 We said no, explaining our walk, he viewed our id’s and let us go.
Somehow, I don’t remember how, we got back to our hotel. It was about 8:30, but I wasn’t quite ready to go to bed. My matron of honor was taking her mom to Jelly Rolls, but I didn’t want to pay the cover to just go for less than an hour. Some of fdh’s friends were at the Red River Brewery and I was suddenly hungry, so we went down there to meet up with them. I hadn’t wanted to drink the night before the wedding, but the Southern Flying Light Lager looked so good that I decided to just have one. My fdh ordered one also and the waiter asked for his ID. He didn’t have it with him and the waiter explained that he just plain could not serve him without his ID. My fdh was so determined to get that beer that he walked all the way around the Boardwalk to go to his room at the Beach Club and pick up his ID and come back. The waiter had his beer ready as soon as he saw him walk in the door and told him it was on the house. We understood that it wasn’t the waiter’s fault, and it was very cool that he gave him the free beer. After one drink and some Spinach Cheese Dip, I called it a night and headed up to my room.
I had brought some really nice bath salts and was anxious to dip into the Jacuzzi tub in my room with the relaxation salts. The hairdresser and make up ladies were scheduled to be at my room by eight. After I filled out the room service card asking for muffins and juice for the morning, I took a real nice bath. Then, I took one last look at my dress that fdh’s parents had dropped off that evening, and fell asleep.


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