One word .....

It's hard to go through them because I start bawling
everytime I start to work on it.:sad:
OK, after thinking all day on this one, my word is


Kinder to myself
Kinder to DH
Kinder to the kids
Kinder to people in general

Y'all get the idea.
Holly thanks for the offer except I'm at work till one. Since it's only my 3rd day I didn't dare ask for it off. Tom will go with mom and dad to DHMC then when I get out at 1 I'll go over I'll be there by 1:15. We won't even know till tues what time he goes in. plus our dumb phone plan i can receive text for free but I have to pay for every outgoing one I think it still have your number maybe????
We need to gather all these awesome words and use that Wordle site to create a large one for us to have and hang up!! Holly, this is a great thread.
Okay, I've been sitting with this all day - I think my word would have to be HOPE, as in don't give up hope. It seems to fit.
I like all the words I've seen. I think they could all be used in my life.

I picked CHANCE because I have time doing so. Taking chances is not something I am comfortable with. What if something goes wrong? What if something breaks? What if they say no? And so on.

Living might mean taking chances
But they're worth taking

I've got to take the chance or let it pass by
If I expect to get on with my life

Take a chance on me.

Give peace a chance.

Once more chance at love.

Give me a chance to show how much I care.

This is my only chance to do all I can do
Ann, have you seen the movie "Taking Chance"? Very moving about bringing a soldier home. Your word reminded me of the movie.

I like Chance!

I like the song Live like You Were Dyin' from Tim McGraw. It reminds me of your "Living might mean taking chances, But they're worth taking".
Ann, have you seen the movie "Taking Chance"? Very moving about bringing a soldier home. Your word reminded me of the movie.

I like Chance!

I like the song Live like You Were Dyin' from Tim McGraw. It reminds me of your "Living might mean taking chances, But they're worth taking".

That movie is a tear-jerker but a good one! Good word AWM.
Hi's been a long time, no? I think my word would be BREATHE...

as in take a deep breath and get your act together... ;)
My word would be
Take time to smell the roses, or trees or air
Take time to watch that extra tv show with your kid
Take time to say hi to your neighbor
Take time for yourself!

We always say that there's never enough "time". In one of my classrooms there was a sign that said "There's time for everything", each of us has to interput that for ourselves but the one time I tried to live it, it actually worked and thats what Im going to try to do this year.
Made a couple Wordles, I can change as needed.


Hi Holly - if you go to, you can create your own wordles for any topic.
I've been thinking about what word to use and the one that keeps popping up in my head is Happy. So, my word for 2010 is going to be Happy.


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