Okay...so, humor me...please??!!!


Apparently, we all have more money than brains!!!
Mar 5, 2004
Since I am pretty computer illiterate and cannot post a poll (especially one like this), I am volunteering to "do things the old-fashioned way" and manually tabulate the results of this one. In reference to Daitcher's controversial thread, I am asking everyone to please rank the DVC resorts in order from your favorite to your least favorite. I will periodically post the results, and we can compare this to the # of available rooms in the system.

I don't mean to ignore HH or VB, but for the sake of this poll...please only consider on-site DVC's (B3....no playing around on this one pirate: ).

To tabulate this, I am going to assign 5pts to each 1st resort, 4 for each 2nd, etc. This way, I can keep "cumulative" ranks.

I'll start:

1) BCV
2) VWL
3) BWV
4) OKW
5) SSR



1. OKW
2. BCV
3. SSR
4. vwl
5. BW

I personally have never stayed at BCV, VWL or BW. However, I listed them in order that I would take. I would love to get to Stormalong Bay. Please keep in mind that I would be happy no matter where I was at as long as I am at Disney. I ranked the BW last because of the clown pool. My daughter is petrified of clowns, so that was my influence. Otherwise the location of BW sounds great to me.
#1 BCV

#2 BWV

the two above are really neck and neck, but we do love storm along bay. We figure we can always stay at BCV and take the 5 min walk to the BW, but we can't stay at BW and use SAB (even though DVC lied to us when we bought and said we could pool hop, but that is another story)


#4 OKW (must admit we have never stayed there as "our" home, but have stayed with friends who invited us

#5 SSR, never stayed there but sat in on a sales pitch.

*just did a add on at HH. For those of you who haven't tried it, give it a shot. The evenings in Shelter Cove are very nice. A glass of wine, some good food, the sounds of live music, a warm ocean breeze, the smell of dead fish......
:wave2: Point of order-- I thought at first as a newbie I couldn't participate in this poll as I haven't stayed at all of them but I suspect most haven't actually, right? I know a lot of the SSR dissenters haven't stayed there. So just to be clear, we're basing our opinions and rankings on the information available to each of us... whether it be stays, tours, visits, virtual tours, internet pix and stuff we've read, right?

on edit: I see that is indeed how it is playing out so I will vote accordingly.
Jen D said:
:wave2: Point of order-- I thought at first as a newbie I couldn't participate in this poll as I haven't stayed at all of them but I suspect most haven't actually, right? I know a lot of the SSR dissenters haven't stayed there. So just to be clear, we're basing our opinions and rankings on the information available to each of us... whether it be stays, tours, visits, virtual tours, internet pix and stuff we've read, right?

on edit: I see that is indeed how it is playing out so I will vote accordingly.

Yes, you are correct....if you haven't stayed at all of them, please put them in where you think they would go (i.e. if you are a "condo" person, you might like OKW and SSR best even if you haven't stayed at both of them). I don't mean to imply that your "best guess" is written in stone. I really am just trying to get a "general idea" here.

Also, please let's not have this turn into a "debate" thread (and, this is not regarding ANY previous posters on this thread...I just forgot to mention it in my original post).

And, most of all....THANKS for posting on this!!!


Based on our current family needs-also keeping in mind that we love all of them :)

1. BCV
2. OKW
3. SSR
4. BWV
5. VWL
My numbers are pretty meaningless. I definitely could not settle on one resort I'd always want to stay at-- if I ever had to do that I'd sell. I truly want different things for different trips. My instinct is to pick BWV #1 because I really enjoy it and the theming but there are some lame aspects too, like the lack of dedicated two bedrooms. Right now the resort I most want to visit is VWL because I've always wanted to stay at the WL, as long as I've been planning WDW vacations I've wanted to stay there, but it would be silly to rank that first, I've never even seen it and I've heard some talk of the drawbacks of that resort. SSR of course I've been for a short trip and enjoyed thoroughly and I love for it's relaxing atmosphere and beautiful rooms. BCV seems perfectly lovely, although a few things make me wary, like the location in the resorts, and SAB seems like both a blessing and a curse in many ways. OKW I have never really had the desire to try, although the reviews here have convinced me I should.

So my list which could change at any second, and is based on nothing but the whims of the moment is

1) BWV
2) WLV
3) SSR
4) BCV
5) OKW

But in reality... I 'm going to love trying BCV or OKW... so ranking them as the least favorites is meaningless.

I guess I really must infuriate the proponents of BWYWTS because I just won't settle on one favorite resort for 48 years. I can't imagine having one. Different resorts meet different needs. For a large family trip or when our family wants a relaxing trip, we will stay at our SSR home. My dd wants to try SAB so we'll do that for a non-winter trip when we expect to swim. Next winter trip we're trying VWL. When we're low on points we'll do OKW. Frankly I think as more resorts get built you'll find more and more owners like me, who buy into the program because of the ability to choose from many different resorts. I think this will be just as true of VCR owners as it is today of SSR owners. The DVC program with all its choices is much more attractive to folks like me then it was a few years ago then when there were just two onsites to choose from. Of course it would be foolish to buy somewhere you would hate staying, you should certainly like your home resort enough to stay there if you can't trade out.

So this confirms B3's worst fears, but for my personal position, my desire to try different resorts has nothing to do with SSR, which I like very much-- I would want to try different resort if any of the above five were my home resort.

The only current resort besides SSR I am considering add-on for is BWV, because I would love to have the 11-month window on standard view rooms. I'm a cheapskate.

But I guess you didn't ask for my life story, just my votes :rotfl2:
Beca said:
Also, please let's not have this turn into a "debate" thread (and, this is not regarding ANY previous posters on this thread...I just forgot to mention it in my original post). :wave:


oops, I didn't see that before I wrote my last post. Shall I let it stand or strike it from the record? :) I wasn't debating, just musing...
To use I'd say:
  1. OKW
  2. BWV
  3. BCV
  4. VWL
  5. VB
  6. SSR
  7. HH
To rent out or to plan to sell later:
  1. BWV
  2. BCV almost a tie for first.
  3. VWL
  4. OKW
  5. SSR
  6. VB
  7. HH
#1 BCV
#2 BWV
#3 VWL
#4 OKW
#5 SSR

This is how I rank them at the present time....since I am female, I reserve the right to change the ranking at any time!
Jen D said:
oops, I didn't see that before I wrote my last post. Shall I let it stand or strike it from the record? :) I wasn't debating, just musing...

Of course not...your post is just fine. I think there are many, like you who do not have a favorite resort.

Your points are very valid!!




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