OK here I go....My first ever TR! DAY 5 ON PAGE 21

So today im not in the greatest mood despite the fact that we only have 33 days until we leave for the happiest place on earth. My mind works in weird ways....I HATE doing DL with an odd munber of people, to me its no fun when one person is left out on rides while others have fun in pairs. Ive been trying to convince my best friend (who hasnt been in YEARS, at least 10) that she should come with us. She is in the middle of a horrible divorce, she is paying rent for herself ($1100) plus rent for her dad ($750) and there is NO way financially she can go, im so disappointed because we found a room for her for only $260 and the PH ticket is only $169. Ive offered to pay for her food but she said if she spends that money on a hotel and ticket she wont have food or gas money for the rest of March. Totally doable for her in April but March is the only time my DH can take off of work....boo! I really wish I could figure this out...maybe I can talk my dad into giving her a small loan. I would help her out in a heartbeat but ALL of our extra money is into this trip. grrrr gonna put on my sweet face this morning and try to get my dad to help out, since he loves her like a daughter :love:

OK see what I said in my first post about rambling?? LOL I do it often, I just start typing and random stuff appears...
Well, wish me luck...My DH and I REALLY want her to go, and it was going to be a surprise for the kids, she is really more like an aunt to those kids and they would be SO surprised if we made a detour to pick her up!

Im off to beg at the feet of my dad.....will post what happens when I return!
I hope it all went well, I am the same way about the odd numbers. We have 3 kids and when they were little we started bringing my mom along so that each kid had a buddy to hold the hand of. It has kind of stuck that way and she still goes every trip with us now that the kids are teenagers. Although my mom is getting older I don't know how many more trips she is gonna make with us.
So the loan thing didnt work with my dad, I actually didnt even ask...My BF didnt want to owe anyone any money and weve just decided that she will come on our next trip that Im hoping we can take in November. Im still bummed out about the odd number of people but im sure things will work out, they always do! :cutie:
That's a bummer....but maybe the odd number thing won't be as big a deal as you think.
I wish your friend the best of luck & even sending a prayer her way to get her through all of the stuff going on in her life.

I'd go with ya if I could....... :rotfl:
You could reschedule & go with us :laughing: We'll have an odd number as well & together we could be even!!! :banana:
I'd go with ya if I could....... :rotfl:
You could reschedule & go with us :laughing: We'll have an odd number as well & together we could be even!!! :banana:

As much as I think going with you and your family would be a BLAST! I am NOT rescheduling this trip! but wouldnt that be fun to go with another whole family? I think it would anyway!
Golly, I should have opened your PTR sooner. How fun!

I have to say I agree about odd numbers. I'm actually thrilled that the kid has invited two friends so I don't end up always sitting by myself .lol

I debated going earlier too but then my cousin decided she was coming to Vegas to get married and that nixed that idea. hehe. I guess spring break was meant to be.
Found your PTR, and I'm hooked! Great job so far!! :thumbsup2 Loved your pics, and ramblings!! Can't wait to hear more!
:rotfl: I'll stowaway ... ship myself there ... then you'd have an even number, lol.

And you wouldnt have to worry about almost missing or being late to your early chraracter breakfast because I am up before the sun everyday, LOL im the one who gets up, gets showered and dressed, out the door and has breakfast and gets back to the room before anyone has even dreamed about waking up! LOL
DH, DS and DD on the ART bus on the way to DL...first morning! woohoo

They were so excited to find it! lol

The kiddos on the train...

I think I was thinking..."Thank goodness im not the one getting wet!"

My mom and Alice...

Mom again :-(
Too bad about your friend not going, next time.:goodvibes We are going with my sons best friends family on our trip. It should be fun.
And you wouldnt have to worry about almost missing or being late to your early chraracter breakfast because I am up before the sun everyday, LOL im the one who gets up, gets showered and dressed, out the door and has breakfast and gets back to the room before anyone has even dreamed about waking up! LOL

You and I are a lot alike in that regard!!
You and I are a lot alike in that regard!!

I know...I read your trip report and your friend would have drove me CRAZY!!! holy canoli! :scared1: I want to be at the gate at least 20 mins before DL opens, I want to be the first to do everything!
Wow, you have so many awesome photos from your trips!! Thanks for sharing both your photos and your experiences. Sorry your friend isn't able to make it but hopefully she can come along with you in November.

Can't wait to see how your trip goes, have fun!!!
I know...I read your trip report and your friend would have drove me CRAZY!!! holy canoli! :scared1: I want to be at the gate at least 20 mins before DL opens, I want to be the first to do everything!

Yay, so I'm not alone in the feeling. It's an ongoing thing with her and I think I'll be lucky enough that my next trip is with someone who can wake up in the morning. If not ... well, she'll learn quickly. I love being the first to do just about everything. Which was why my MM last September was the best day ever!!
Yay, so I'm not alone in the feeling. It's an ongoing thing with her and I think I'll be lucky enough that my next trip is with someone who can wake up in the morning. If not ... well, she'll learn quickly. I love being the first to do just about everything. Which was why my MM last September was the best day ever!!

LOL I'm ready when YOU are! :flower3:
So yesterday I got my husband to look at food porn with me! He was pretty excited to see the different food choices that DL and the surrounding areas have to offer.
I was glad that he wants to try the nachos at WWS as much as I do. We also want to do Goofys Kitchen again, but we found out last time we were there that us and a big breakfast before DL doesnt mesh well :sad2: so I think were gonna try to do the dinner?!?!? Is the buffet the same? I dont do well with buffet food, makes my tummy hurt but between my 15 year old, my 12 year old and my DH Im pretty sure we'll get our moneys worth :cool2:
Another thing DH wants to try is the fried chicken at Plaza Inn ( I think thats where we saw it ) and the fish and chips, and of course, The Carnation Cafe.

This time I have promised myself that I will take pictures of the food we get and include them in my trip report when I get back, which im still really nervous about doing! but I think this PTR will help to ease my nerves :confused3

Another thing Im still having trouble figuring out is what to do on our "off" day...last night I sat with the 12 DS and asked his opinion on all the stuff there is to do in the LA area and he was with me in wanting to go explore Hollywood. He wants to see the stars homes and go for a drive on Mulholland Dr and he wants to do the Soda Fountain ALMOST as bad as I do....I may look into doing one of those cheesy bus tours of the stars homes. I just really dont want to have to worry about my DH having to navigate while I look at a map. It would be great if we could just all sit back and relax while someone else tells us where to look, LOL. I know my 15 year old is going to want to do one of the beaches, but im pretty sure there isnt any reason why we cant do both? Although I have no idea where the beach is in relation to Hollywood?!??! Maybe Malibu is close?!? anyone?

Ok enough for now, im going to go research bus tours and stuff....ciao for now!


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