Official WDW Marathon Weekend 2013 Thread-Part 2

how do you get a podcast onto your ipod? (i know, i should totally know this).

i find that listening to the radio makes the miles go by faster. basically because i don't know what's coming on next. i think listening to podcasts would be similar - something to concentrate on rather than thinking oh god i've heard this song a million times before.

runrookiecongrats on the mini-dopey! you deserve those two days of rest for sure!

i'm happy to report that my knee is feeling a little better. i'm barely limping. thank goodness. i'm not going to start running yet though. i have a doctor's appt tomorrow and will see what he and my PT guy says before running. so far i've take 8 days off of running.

if i need to take a full 2 or even 3 weeks off of running i think i should be ok...what do you think? i have an 18 miler under my belt from the beginning of november.

i hope everyone had a lovely thanksgiving :)
Wow, took me a while to realize a new thread was started. Oops!!

I'm heading out to do my first 11 ever. Pretty sure I'm gonna die. ;)
...i'm happy to report that my knee is feeling a little better. i'm barely limping. thank goodness. i'm not going to start running yet though. i have a doctor's appt tomorrow and will see what he and my PT guy says before running. so far i've take 8 days off of running.

if i need to take a full 2 or even 3 weeks off of running i think i should be ok...what do you think? i have an 18 miler under my belt from the beginning of november.
Whatever you are advised by Dr. and PT, be sure to start off gently. You don't want to go too much too fast. Walk if you must to get a good warm up. Since you are this close, it would be a shame to hurt it once again. Maybe the advice from your medical team would be walking ok for a time before you get back into your race tempo program. Good luck.
:banana: :cheer2:
I got in 16 miles yesterday; they were quite slow, a few off the minimum pace actually, but they are done. I am hoping to be able to pick up the pace a bit the next LRs. Happy training to all!
:cool1: I did it. 10 miles yesterday, 20 miles today. I am toast right now, but pretty psyched about the accomplishment. I think I can handle Goofy.

Just hoping that its warmer in Florida this time. Yesterday and today were very cold and windy, with snow squalls to boot. I could use some warmer conditions to run in, 50 degrees would be fine. :thumbsup2
Oh I am so glad that is done! My longest run ever...14 miles. This run/walk deal is really hurting my times (up to over 13 minutes/mile average) but my ankle is not screaming at me and I feel really good so I'm just going to stick with it. My goal now (post injury) is just to finish the marathon, ideally with a smile on my face. :)

Would you believe today was the first day I ever ran while listening to podcasts or music? Oh my gosh! It made such a huge difference. I downloaded 3 episodes of NPR's This American Life and the miles flew by. I was pleased that even with listening and running Runkeeper in the background my cell phone battery still had 77% left when I was done. Anyway, I appreciate the suggestions on the Podcasts. I think I will try The Mickey Miles one next.

VernRDH - Wow! 10/20 - impressive! Congrats on a great weekend! I'm in Florida and running temps were perfect - in the 60s.

dumbo_buddy - Not sure what your running style is, but switching to run/walk post injury has made all the difference to me. Good luck with your recovery.

So glad to hear everyone is doing well with their training. Even a mini-dopey in the group! :thumbsup2
Subscribing to the new thread!

I'm a techno peasant and would love to know how to get podcasts on my iPhone too. Kinda embarrassed to admit that. :)

DH is training for the Goofy and doing great.

I am doing the half and did 11.6 miles on Friday. It's technically the longest I've ever gone! (Did 11 mi. training run for ToT 10 miler)
I have to say I'm proud if myself, for a newbie. :)

Hope everyone has great training this weekend!
Mickey Miles is awesome! Sad thing is, I'm almost caught up on episodes, so I'll need to find something else for long runs!
Oh I am so glad that is done! My longest run ever...14 miles. This run/walk deal is really hurting my times (up to over 13 minutes/mile average) but my ankle is not screaming at me and I feel really good so I'm just going to stick with it. My goal now (post injury) is just to finish the marathon, ideally with a smile on my face. :)

I agree, it hurts my times as well, but I felt so much better during and after!
Does anyone have the Garmin 410? I was thinking about purchasing it because I really want a watch with a heart monitor, but the reviews on the battery life weren't that great.
All right...confession time! DH and I were supposed to run our first 20-miler today and not only did we not do that, we didn't run at all!! These are all just lame excuses but we did run 2 races this week (and we won our team trail race yesterday..yay!) and honestly, I just felt like I hadn't spent time with our children in weeks! I typically work 60-80 hours/week, including 2 weekends and between that and running, I just felt like we needed a family day, KWIM? Anyway, I guess we will just jump back in tomorrow and will do 20 next weekend instead of our schedule cutback weekend of 14-16!
All right...confession time! DH and I were supposed to run our first 20-miler today and not only did we not do that, we didn't run at all!! These are all just lame excuses but we did run 2 races this week (and we won our team trail race yesterday..yay!) and honestly, I just felt like I hadn't spent time with our children in weeks! I typically work 60-80 hours/week, including 2 weekends and between that and running, I just felt like we needed a family day, KWIM? Anyway, I guess we will just jump back in tomorrow and will do 20 next weekend instead of our schedule cutback weekend of 14-16!

I ditched my 20 today as well. My muscle disorder was acting up, it was freezing, and then I cut my foot open by mile 4.
kmg148 said:
Does anyone have the Garmin 410? I was thinking about purchasing it because I really want a watch with a heart monitor, but the reviews on the battery life weren't that great.

If you decide to buy it, Amazon has it for $150 today!!
roomthreeseventeen said:
I ditched my 20 today as well. My muscle disorder was acting up, it was freezing, and then I cut my foot open by mile 4.

Yikes....don't blame for ditching that one! Let's hope for better runs this week!
Got 16 miles in today, 27 total for this week..hoping to get 4 miles in tomorrow, even if it is just walking. This is the most I have ever run in a week before! I know it's not a lot for most of you but this is a big mental win for me! :)

I hope everyone had a great long run if you did yours today--or a good luck if yours is tomorrow!

I'm right where you are in my training. :thumbsup2 Great job! Getting to 30 miles in a week is a big mental hurdle for me. I've done 16 miles twice now.. those 18 and 20 mile runs are just going to be:scared:
So, here's my dilemma: I've been training for Goofy (Dopey, really) since July. I ran my first marathon in October, where I unexpectedly had an acute IT band issue. I finished, but it was purely for selfish, stubborn reasons. Then, less than 2 weeks later I ran the Wine & Dine 1/2 (poorly, I might add). And 13 days after that I ran another 1/2 marathon (inexplicably well; I'm shocked, but I'll take the PR!).

My question is this: how would you schedule long runs from here until January? According to the schedule I made in June, I'm supposed to do 10 miles on Wednesday and 20 on Thursday. At this point, how important is it that I stick to my scheduled plan? Do you think I'd be somewhat okay if I do what I can in the next 4-5 weeks before taper begins? And by that I mean that maybe I just do my long marathon training run and skip the run the prior day.

I don't want to cheat myself out of training for Goofy, but I also don't want to exacerbate my IT band issue (which seems to come and go; lately I've been okay, as long as I'm not rushing down the stairs)

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated!
Does anyone have the Garmin 410? I was thinking about purchasing it because I really want a watch with a heart monitor, but the reviews on the battery life weren't that great.

The 410 was Garmin's first attempt to get rid of buttons. The touch bezel idea was good in theory, but failed in many runner's opinions in execution. The 610 is a better solution for from Garmin; taking all the 410 issues and improving. These include a better charging cradle that is magnetized to hold the watch, a vibrating feature; especially if you power the unit up while entering the corrals - the 610 will let you know it shut back down while the 410 just powers off and the improved touch screen that works with gloves on. Saying that, most folks who did buy a 410 used their 410 for a couple years before moving on.
So, here's my dilemma: I've been training for Goofy (Dopey, really) since July. I ran my first marathon in October, where I unexpectedly had an acute IT band issue. I finished, but it was purely for selfish, stubborn reasons. Then, less than 2 weeks later I ran the Wine & Dine 1/2 (poorly, I might add). And 13 days after that I ran another 1/2 marathon (inexplicably well; I'm shocked, but I'll take the PR!).

My question is this: how would you schedule long runs from here until January? According to the schedule I made in June, I'm supposed to do 10 miles on Wednesday and 20 on Thursday. At this point, how important is it that I stick to my scheduled plan? Do you think I'd be somewhat okay if I do what I can in the next 4-5 weeks before taper begins? And by that I mean that maybe I just do my long marathon training run and skip the run the prior day.

I don't want to cheat myself out of training for Goofy, but I also don't want to exacerbate my IT band issue (which seems to come and go; lately I've been okay, as long as I'm not rushing down the stairs)

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated!

How do you feel about your remaining training schedule? Do you feel like you need the miles? Would you feel underprepared if you cut the miles back? What was your training schedule miles going into the marathon?

It is difficult to make an informed recommendation with just the one data point of your training plan. Though, I am not in the 'do what I can do' camp, either as this breeds complacency and the inevitable 'I will just catch my run tomorrow (or next week). If you feel a need to modify the schedule, write it down and look it over. Only then can you agree with yourself that the modification is a valid modification.

As you think this through, look back at the miles going into the marathon. If you did 20 before that race do not expect Goofy to be much better at a lower training distance. I think before dropping miles I would drop the back to back stuff and just train like this is a marathon coming up. Then you will have the longer run under your belt and feel better prepared mentally.

Feel free to PM with your distances going into the last marathon and what your remaining schedule looks like.
The 410 was Garmin's first attempt to get rid of buttons. The touch bezel idea was good in theory, but failed in many runner's opinions in execution. The 610 is a better solution for from Garmin; taking all the 410 issues and improving. These include a better charging cradle that is magnetized to hold the watch, a vibrating feature; especially if you power the unit up while entering the corrals - the 610 will let you know it shut back down while the 410 just powers off and the improved touch screen that works with gloves on. Saying that, most folks who did buy a 410 used their 410 for a couple years before moving on.

Despite some of the negative reviews on Amazon, I really like some of the features. The only thing I'm worried about is the size. I have a very tiny wrist and I don't want to spend that much money on something this will be really uncomfortable or not fit at all.


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