Official Spring 2007 Disney Professional Internships Thread

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Had my interview yesterday!
It went well besides when she asked me what I would tell someone that was under the height restriction.. I kinda stumbled through an answer for it.. But she said it went very well.
You just had your interview for a professional internship yesterday?

if so, that's really late!
Darkaugustrain said:
Thanks leilani11! Your right I will notify them. I know that PI that deal with obvious park interest (animals, Merchandise and hotels) will most likely be working within the parks. But does anyone know where PI that are more corporate go? Like is there some large business building where PI dealing in advertising and web development may go?

There's a giant Disney Casting building right on I-4, I'm assuming a lot of corporate PIs (especially HR and business admin) work in that building. But I'm not sure about advertising.
I think some might be in the Casting building, but I know they have other sites. The building that product development is in Kissimmee right off of 192(if I remember the route correctly). I know there's other people in the building that aren't PD, but I'm not sure who else. :banana:
Hey all!
Did anyone receive that package in the mail yet? still waiting...i hope it won't be too much longer :sunny:
Hey Jen!
I'd love to hear more about this place it sounds great!
my # 703-244-8253
Im thinking the packages may be mailed out after the December 15th deadline... after everything is settled and done with? Wishful thinking, I guess!! It's almost here!
Rustyflwr3 said:
Im thinking the packages may be mailed out after the December 15th deadline... after everything is settled and done with? Wishful thinking, I guess!! It's almost here!

I didn't get mine either.. :confused3 What is supposed to be in the package anyway? Does anybody know?
I guess I am the only one with bad news. I have been playing the waiting game all of this time too but I also spent almost $500 traveling to Orlando for a one-on-one interview. They e-mailed me today and said that they were not going to use me in their area after all. I was up for Retail Management. I hope that I am not the only one, just that the others didn't report the news. I can think of others that were on this board that disappeared. My dreams are crushed and I even cried a little.........A LOT !!!!!!!!!! But I am okay now. I will not give up. I still have next time. I have learned that applying for more is better. I wasn't sure that was appropriate at the time. I want to wish all of you good luck. I am truly happy for all of you and know that you will have a great time. I may even meet alot of you soon. I visit about 10 or 12 times a year. Thanks for all of your support. It was so helpful in the painful waiting days. See ya soon.
About the informational packets; here's an email I got from my recruiter:

"You will not receive any type of informational packet in the mail."

I was asking about it so I can have proof for my college. Maybe I can use the email?

zada82, sorry to hear you didn't get it, despite having to do all that work. Don't get discouraged; apply to as many as you feel comfortable applying for and remain positive. They are very competitive.

pixiedust034, I'm going to be doing GR at MK with you. Ad/Lib rocks.
hey zada82
i'm sorry to hear the sad news. but it's an opportunity to grow stronger for the next time! :thumbsup2 if u can dream it. u can do it.
teh fish said:
About the informational packets; here's an email I got from my recruiter:

"You will not receive any type of informational packet in the mail."

So if we aren't supposed to get something in the mail, how come my recruiter told me I would be getting one? (Also, I asked a friend of mine, who used to be a CP/PI recruiter, about when the packets would be mailed, and she said that they get sent in bulk and that the recruiters stuff all of the envelopes. I'm assuming that if we're supposed to get a packet, it'll be sent after Dec. 15 because that's the "official" deadline that areas have to meet).

Also, wouldn't it make sense that we get a packet or something telling us where we need to meet and what we're doing the first day? I don't even know what area I'm in yet, and I'd kinda like to know!
Zada ~ I am so sorry that you got that email. On the bright side, you have a great idea of what the application process and interview process is like, so next time there will be more experience! Please please keep in touch and pm me at any time!! I know you will get one and next time, apply to a lot!!

I received an email about a week ago explaining when I would be meeting with someone at casting and I also got a guide on the Disney Look. I got the same thing in the mail, but Im still thinking I should be getting more. When do I find out where to go for my internship? I will be in Celebration, but that doesn't tell me I am business clothes and what are the hours like, etc.! That is the type of information I am looking for! I sure hope they tell me this before the first day!
Rustyflwr3 said:
Zada ~ I am so sorry that you got that email. On the bright side, you have a great idea of what the application process and interview process is like, so next time there will be more experience! Please please keep in touch and pm me at any time!! I know you will get one and next time, apply to a lot!!

I received an email about a week ago explaining when I would be meeting with someone at casting and I also got a guide on the Disney Look. I got the same thing in the mail, but Im still thinking I should be getting more. When do I find out where to go for my internship? I will be in Celebration, but that doesn't tell me I am business clothes and what are the hours like, etc.! That is the type of information I am looking for! I sure hope they tell me this before the first day!

LUCKY! At least you got something...I'm still so anxious - I want to know where I'm being placed and where I go on the first day.
zada82 said:
I guess I am the only one with bad news. I have been playing the waiting game all of this time too but I also spent almost $500 traveling to Orlando for a one-on-one interview. They e-mailed me today and said that they were not going to use me in their area after all. I was up for Retail Management. I hope that I am not the only one, just that the others didn't report the news. I can think of others that were on this board that disappeared. My dreams are crushed and I even cried a little.........A LOT !!!!!!!!!! But I am okay now. I will not give up. I still have next time. I have learned that applying for more is better. I wasn't sure that was appropriate at the time. I want to wish all of you good luck. I am truly happy for all of you and know that you will have a great time. I may even meet alot of you soon. I visit about 10 or 12 times a year. Thanks for all of your support. It was so helpful in the painful waiting days. See ya soon.

I'm really sorry about the bad news. I didn't get accepted the first time I applied either (ditto on the crying). But there is definitely hope for the second time around. Good luck in everything you do!
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