Official London / Paris / Disneyland Paris Thread

Excited to be "along" with you guys on this amazing trip. I so wanted to go on this but couldn't talk my hubby into spending the $$$$.

Have an amazing time!
Kevin, hope and John have a memorable adventure. Please let everyone from the ABD 1.0 group traveling with you know that we wish we were there to share the Adventure.
We got in about 30 minutes before John and Kevin and were at the Hotel by 11. Here is my PSA for when traveling overseas. Please do not take your pants off to sleep in your underwear and black socks on the Plane. I am pleading with you all. My eyes are still burning! First class does not equal no class! Pics to follow (but not of the dude in his undies)!

We got in about 30 minutes before John and Kevin and were at the Hotel by 11. Here is my PSA for when traveling overseas. Please do not take your pants off to sleep in your underwear and black socks on the Plane. I am pleading with you all. My eyes are still burning! First class does not equal no class! Pics to follow (but not of the dude in his undies)!

I've never been scared to fly... until now.
Can't wait to read all about your trip! Have a great time!
In the past, I have been tired from flying and I've experienced jet lag (I think), but I have never experienced anything like yesterday.

After landing and getting to the hotel, we met a bunch of folks in the lobby. Some of them had been here a day or two and some were just checking in like us.

After dropping stuff in our room, were invited to lunch by Pete, Walter, Becx and Gavin (they live here). Half of us took a taxi and half of us walked to the West End and enjoyed a terrific lunch at Steak and Co.

It was during lunch that I realized exactly how tired I was. I kept being told that it was too early in the day to sleep and that I should try to make it until at least 7 or 8 pm before going to sleep or I was never going to be able to make it through the night and my sleep pattern would be ruined until I reached retirement age.

After lunch, we walked to Covent Garden for coffee and dessert. Again, I realized that I was nodding. We strolled Covent Garden...bought some trinkets and that was it. I had to go back to the hotel or I was findin a bench and laying down.

The trip back to the hotel was filled with more horror stories about what would befall me if I took an afternoon nap.

We get back and John decides to walk to the little corner store for some bottled water while I checked email.

Needless to say, I was asleep before he got to the elevator.

Upon his retrun, I was woken up with yet more admonitionsnabout napping.

To make this long story shorter....we both fell asleep, woke up around 8ish, order room service and then fell asleep again.

It's 6:53am according to my iPad and I'm getting ready to go visit the Queen at Bckingham Palace.

Slept all night and if we didn't have something to do, I'd go back to sleep.

So much for m glorious first day in London.

I'm going to make up for it today.

More later.

That explains my sleeping patterns as well - sympathetic sleeping (or not sleeping).

Have a great visit with HRM.
Thrilled to be here.

Thrilled you're all only 126 3/4 miles away, by rail... See you Sunday.

In the past, I have been tired from flying and I've experienced jet lag (I think), but I have never experienced anything like yesterday.

Whenever I've come back from Florida it's HELL, there is no other way to describe it!

Becx and Gavin (they live here).

Don't they live in Brum? I think you might need to get used to being in a SMALL country :rotfl2:

Roy :thumbsup2
Glad everyone has arrived safely... Safe travels to those that are yet to come! :goodvibes

Welcome to England! :cloud9:
(I've never had a use for that cloud nine thing before!)

Loving the photos - keep them coming :thumbsup2

Hope you all enjoy Buckingham Palace - another nice sunny day today :goodvibes

Kevin - jetlag from flying USA to UK is always hell for me too. Sleep is definitely the best thing though!
Kevin - we do that flight twice a year. DH can sleep a couple of hours on the plane and then go all day till a normal bedtime and we usually wake a little late the next day. I however can only cat nap on the plane do the drive home and then need to SLEEP - I have a nap (usually 2 hours ish) in the afternoon get up for dinner and then go to bed normal time and sleep a lot more!

As long as you are out and about today and don't go to bed early tonight you will be fine for the rest of trip :thumbsup2
AAAAA! I'm so excited for you and jealous! I'm fascinated with all things British and British history. It is my dream to get there! LUCKY!!
Kevin and John....have a wonderful've looked forward to this for a long time...Enjoy. I will follow along through tomorrow, then on Sunday we leave for Orlando. I will have lots to read when I get back home.

I wish everyone on this ABD trip a great time !!!
I'm following along! I am so excited for all of you, best wishes for a fabulous vacation!
So Jealous! Hope you all had safe flights in, and I cannot wait to hear more about your adventure!
We got in about 30 minutes before John and Kevin and were at the Hotel by 11. Here is my PSA for when traveling overseas. Please do not take your pants off to sleep in your underwear and black socks on the Plane. I am pleading with you all. My eyes are still burning! First class does not equal no class! Pics to follow (but not of the dude in his undies)!

What about sleeping in your underwear and white socks????:rotfl2: Just kidding! I believe I would have gouged my eyes out. In the south we have a saying...Some folks just ain't got no raising!

Have a great trip!
It looks like you guys are having beautiful weather! I hope everyone has a great time!
Jet lag be damned...they are seeing the Queen's eggs today! :)
In the past, I have been tired from flying and I've experienced jet lag (I think), but I have never experienced anything like yesterday.

After landing and getting to the hotel, we met a bunch of folks in the lobby. Some of them had been here a day or two and some were just checking in like us.

After dropping stuff in our room, were invited to lunch by Pete, Walter, Becx and Gavin (they live here). Half of us took a taxi and half of us walked to the West End and enjoyed a terrific lunch at Steak and Co.

It was during lunch that I realized exactly how tired I was. I kept being told that it was too early in the day to sleep and that I should try to make it until at least 7 or 8 pm before going to sleep or I was never going to be able to make it through the night and my sleep pattern would be ruined until I reached retirement age.

After lunch, we walked to Covent Garden for coffee and dessert. Again, I realized that I was nodding. We strolled Covent Garden...bought some trinkets and that was it. I had to go back to the hotel or I was findin a bench and laying down.

The trip back to the hotel was filled with more horror stories about what would befall me if I took an afternoon nap.

We get back and John decides to walk to the little corner store for some bottled water while I checked email.

Needless to say, I was asleep before he got to the elevator.

Upon his retrun, I was woken up with yet more admonitionsnabout napping.

To make this long story shorter....we both fell asleep, woke up around 8ish, order room service and then fell asleep again.

It's 6:53am according to my iPad and I'm getting ready to go visit the Queen at Bckingham Palace.

Slept all night and if we didn't have something to do, I'd go back to sleep.

So much for m glorious first day in London.

I'm going to make up for it today.

More later.


I feel your pain Kevin. I went to London and had the worst jet lag. I had a huge headache that did not go away for the rest of the day and I was so tired. I just wanted to go the hotel as sleep. But no we had to get on the tour bus. I think I feel asleep halfway through the tour but my sister kept waking me up.

The rest of it was good. Say Hello to the Queen. "Victoria" that is you will be seeing alot of her throughout london. Let us know if you visit the area where "Mary Poppin's" Banks home is based on. We didn't get over there.


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