Official L Word Thread


Ha Ha! Good one Malaysia! Yes, you could become an internet pirate like me pirate:

What is going on with the show?

Hear me out here, but I am willing to bet big money on Tina having an affair with a man this season. Pay up, ladies!

The only saving grace in this episode was Carmen in the red heels. Holy chiquita....
Do you guys watch the upcoming previews on

They have a pretty funny one for this upcoming episode... Meet Moira... lol...

Unfortunately I cannot access the Showtime web site from outside the US. Does anyone know where else I could get those previews?
Unfortunately I cannot access the Showtime web site from outside the US. Does anyone know where else I could get those previews?

See if you can get here, its a German Site, gives you the option of viewing it in english, or german...
at the top, go to Multimedia
Then pick promos
Then near the bottom are some for Episode 3. The funny one, I thought, is labeled Scene 1 (Shane, Carmen, Jenny, Moira) Episode 303
(Size 6.32 MB)
You can download these..

See if you can get to that site.

I really did not like this episode. I think the whole Jenny/Moira thing is just plain weird.......

I did like the Carmen/Shane scenes though. Shane in a dress with a weave was just too darn funny!

I hope that things get better with all of the characters and that they get back to some stories that actually spark my interest.

Also, what is it with those strange scenes at the beginning of each episode. They used to have something to do with the rest of the episode, but I just can't for the life of me figure out what they have to do with these episodes.

Anybody have a clue?

In the big season preview that was out for months before this season they showed Tina making out with some guy. Maybe the guitar guy or the guy from the play group.
Thanks so much Traci! I was indeed able to watch the scenes from 303.

One of the thing that really has been bothering me as of late with the series is how untrue I feel the writers have been to most main characters. It is one thing to have a character evolve or change or go through a life altering event, but it is another to completely re-imagine their personality, reactions, speech and appearance.
(I know I'm jumpin' in here a bit late, but here goes...)

I'm really glad to see that I'm not the only person who has found the much-anticipated season 3 of the L-Word to be starting off as a bit of a disappointment. The best way for me to describe how I feel is probably to write what I would say to/about each of the characters...

Bette/Tina: Okay, ladies... When you're a lesbian couple trying to get a stamp of approval from the U.S. government, that LAST thing you should be doing is trying anything unconventional or out of the ordinary... You damn hippies. Yes, you have the right to raise your child as you see fit... Just don't expect anybody else to agree with you. Bette, what's "ugly" in your home is a whole hell of alot less important than whether or not your child might poke her own eye out with a sharp, pointy, art object. Baby-proof the house, and deal with it, or don't have a kid. Also... Get a job. Any job. Flip burgers if you have to, just until something you're more "passionate" about comes along. I mean, I get that... I'm an artist myself (theatre), so I totally understand. But you have to be realistic. Not to mention that whole social worker thing again. Yes, she's a mega-witch... But you have to kiss her butt if you want hat baby to be legally yours. And the attachment parenting? God, don't even get me started on that. I've never raised a child and even I'm aware of what HORRIBLE concept that is. Finally, Tina... Please don't go foolin' around with some dude. That's the last thing your family needs right now.

Helena: Why are you even still here?

Alice: Oh, my poor, poor Alice. What have the writers done to you? (And don't just mean your horrendous hair.) Where is that cute, adorable, sweet, funny Alice that I know and love and adore and would probably drop my own partner in a hot minute for if you were real? (No worries, ladies, my partner freely admits she would drop me as well for Shane. :rotfl: ) Why are you now INSANE? And not in any sort of remotely fun way? And WHY WHY WHY have you lost all sense of appropriateness... Inviting the woman who made Bette lose her job to her daughter birthday party? WTH is wrong with you?! In summation... I really really don't like the whole current Alice story arc, and truly hope that it plays itself out quickly and we get the real Alice back. I am not impressed with the imposter AT ALL. In the meanwhile, I suppose I'll just have to transfer my undying devotion over to my second love, Carmen...

Shane/Carmen: ...And speaking of! OMG. How hot was she doing her little dance for Shane in her lingerie? I about fell out of my chair, yes I did. Carmen, you are wonderfully gorgeous as always. However, Shane? Please cut your hair and make it back like it was it Season 2. Thanks. Although you were TOO FUNNY in the dress and weave and heels. I laughed... Oh, did I laugh! In closing... Currently the two of you are the best thing on the show.

Jenny/Moira: You know, I like Jenny. I do. She got on my nerves last season because of the constant writing/carnival/flashback scene things. Every time one would start, my partner and I would both just groan and roll our eyes. But I like weird, crazy, flaky Jenny. I dunno why, but I do. Much to my surprise, I've actually been appreciating the Jenny & Moira storyline. As for Moira, I think it's great to finally have a character that doesn't look like she walked right off of the set of Sex & the City. Finally a character that more of the stone butch "L-words" out there might be able to relate to. I hope they keep her around.

Kit & David: RANDOM. I can't imagine they got that close in just the supposed 6 months in between season. Weird. And David is a jerk. Just write him back out of the show. Please.

Dana/Lara: I'm fine with them as a couple, and I supported them the first time they were together. I'm glad to see them happy. My only real issue with this is the OBVIOUS breast cancer set-up they are doing on Dana. I mean... When we finally hear the diagnoses (lord only knows how many more episodes it will take these writers to come to the point), we're not going to feel shocked or sad... We'll just be all like, "DUH!" Bad writing. Bad bad writing.

...And I'm done. Until Monday, at least! :wave2:
Great summary, Billie! Really, awesome and like I said above I love that Moira is on the show, not, however, because I am a stone cold butch, because I'm not! :)
Viki said:
Great summary, Billie! Really, awesome and like I said above I love that Moira is on the show, not, however, because I am a stone cold butch, because I'm not! :)

I'm not either, but I think it's only fair that they be represented. Because let's face it... the majority of lesbians do NOT look like Sarah Shahi or Larel Holloman. LOL But you'd never know that from watching that show, until recently.
hey folks,
sorry but I just read this whole thread and I couldn't resist giving some insider info. I have met the actress who plays Moira a few times (her gf is close to a good pal of mine...). She used to be even cuter than she is now-she had blonde highlights and a goatee a few years ago. Anyway, I know her character will be around for at least a while since she was hired specifically so they'd have a character who transitioned from f to m over the course of the season. Sorry I don't have more dirt.
Elevationist said:
(I know I'm jumpin' in here a bit late, but here goes...)

I'm really glad to see that I'm not the only person who has found the much-anticipated season 3 of the L-Word to be starting off as a bit of a disappointment. The best way for me to describe how I feel is probably to write what I would say to/about each of the characters...

Oh, how I truly appreciate your commentary! I agree to the utmost with everything you said! I LOVE Leisha Hailey (Alice) and am so bummed out about her lameassness this season. And I am also a big Jenny supporter, though more the first season than last season, so hopefully they'll veer her more that way! And most hopefully they show will improve this season! Geesh!
MickeyDee said:
Oh, how I truly appreciate your commentary! I agree to the utmost with everything you said! I LOVE Leisha Hailey (Alice) and am so bummed out about her lameassness this season.

Yeah, I think that's part of my problem with this show so far this season... As I said, I ADORE Alice, and she was huge reason why I was anticipating the shows return. But seeing what they've done to her is such a let-down, man. Gawd.

And abimner, that's great to hear! I look forward to THAT story arc! :)
abminer said:
hey folks,
sorry but I just read this whole thread and I couldn't resist giving some insider info. I have met the actress who plays Moira a few times (her gf is close to a good pal of mine...). She used to be even cuter than she is now-she had blonde highlights and a goatee a few years ago. Anyway, I know her character will be around for at least a while since she was hired specifically so they'd have a character who transitioned from f to m over the course of the season. Sorry I don't have more dirt.

Well, that's great, except why can't we have one butch who STAYS a woman??? I adore BUTCH women, not so much fem men. :) Come on! (I like Shane, but have never found her truly convincing in the Butch role).
Elevationist said:
And the attachment parenting? God, don't even get me started on that. I've never raised a child and even I'm aware of what HORRIBLE concept that is.

ok, jumping in here late, but i have had three children, and practiced attachment parenting with them all. BUT, and this is a big BUT...once again, the L word has gone over the top and completely got attachment parenting wrong. but then again, every other aspect of the pregnancy was portrayed incorrectly too. it's a pet peeve of mine...i am already put into more of a spotlight being a gay mom, and to have a show portray every aspect of it incorrectly ticks me off....just makes the argument that gay people can't parent that much harder to disprove. off my soapbox now :earsgirl:
Elevationist said:
OMG. How hot was she doing her little dance for Shane in her lingerie? I about fell out of my chair, yes I did. :wave2:

Was that hot or what! SO and I are were sitting on the sofa watching that in shock, wow!

Only bad thing is now SO expects me to wear that and do that "little" dance. Yeah right :rolleyes:
icebrat001 said:
Was that hot or what! SO and I are were sitting on the sofa watching that in shock, wow!

Only bad thing is now SO expects me to wear that and do that "little" dance. Yeah right :rolleyes:
HAHA! Sounds like your SO and I think in similar ways. :D
I have to jump in and say that I am so sick of Jenny! Does anyone else notice that they are getting more prude? I have to say I love Carmen and Shane together, I hope that the writers keep them together. As for Alice some of it is funny but come on! Why are they making all these women seem crazy? I have to be honest I am married but I would leave my husband for Carmen anyday. And while I am on the subject please please please bring back Marina. As for Bette and Tina I would lose my mind if I never put my kids down.
I agree - Carmen is incredible! I doubt that Marina's character will be back. I read an article that said the actress wanted more money and the dispute was settled by writing her out of the series.

I'm not getting season three here, yet!?!? So what the heck is attachment parenting? I have no idea. Curious.


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