OFFICIAL January 2012 5K, Half Marathon, Marathon, Goofy or Dopey Challenge Thread

Back from my stint at Water Stop 6 for the half. Saw lots of WISHers (who didn't all see me--they were concentrating mightily!)

Congrats to everyone who made it through the race. I hope you are pleased, proud and preening like a peacock (I like alliteration!)


Me....I was concentrating. Thanks for volunteering!
Congrats to everyone who finished this morning! We are just leaving the Expo and DH got us moved up to Corral A for the Relay...yay! Good luck in the morning everyone!
First, the good news...half is done. Finished with a comfortable 15:04 pace. Everything feels good. Should be around 100 percent by morning.

Now, the bad news...I'm getting DBF's cold. My throat is starting to hurt. I am headed back for some Zicam and a nap. We have just about every medicine with us, but I'm really worried!

Hope everybody doing the 1/2 had a great experience!
5K done, half marathon done. Hopefully I should be Dopey by tomorrow morning.

I sure hope the bus service is better tomorrow at BWV than it was this morning. Between 3:40 and 4:45 only ONE bus showed up despite there being hundreds of people lined up. I was close to be front of the line and got on the a bus at 4:45. After arriving at Epcot I power walked/ran to the start corrals and just made it into mine (A) as the race started. I wouldnt be surprised if there were many people at BWV in the early corrals who arrived at the bus stop well before 4:00 that missed their start as there were hundreds in line behind me.

I'll be showing up for the bus a little earlier tomorrow morning.
Sending love, thoughts, prayers, pixie dust, and happiness to all you doing the half or the full or both :goodvibes Congrats on all your accomplishments, I am in awe of you doing the full marathon! Good luck everyone :hug:
Thanks to all the volunteers that made this a special event. DD finished the half in 2:13. It was her first half and now she wants to run the marathon and eventually a Goofy. It was great experience for me walking down Main Street and cheering her and the other runners on. Congrats to all who competed in any of the events during Marathon Weekend.
Well, here I am sitting on the ground waiting for transport to the relay spot (We are in a fenced in area outside the marathon start). Transport was great from BWV this AM...walked right onto a bus at 3:40 and made it to Epcot before 4! I am really not looming forward to sitting around for the next 3 hours but that's what we signed up for! Good news is I think I have DH convinced to Goofy with me next year!! Good luck everyone!
I was out there at the poly cheering on the Mickey & goofy runners! Good job everyone.
Well, we finished the Relay and had a great time! DH did awesome with the first 1/2 and came in at 1:55! I had a little trouble with the second 1/2, however! I was on a perfect 8 mile/min pace through miles 1-5 (13-18 on the course) when gi disaster struck and I had to hit the porta pottty....darn Gu! So then I thought, ok, I can still manage a 8:30/mile pace....but, no, at mile 9, I had to hit the porta potty again!!! Yes, I realize this is TMI but is an issue that I have now learnes from and maybe others can as well. After I wasted so much time dealing with my issues, honestly I just lost head wasn't in it and I mentally gave up. I DID finished with a 2:04 time but walked quite a bit and just didn't do my best, which is disappointing! But, my first 1/2 marathon is now in the bag and I can work on training harder for the next one....without Gu! Any suggestions for fuel....I don't like shot bloks either (they are hard to chew). Congrats to all the finishers and hope to see some of you around tonight at Epcot!
On behalf of myself and DH John (John VN ) we would like to thank all the wishers along the course who cheered us on. John did appreciate the twizzlers and the washcloth. Also thank you to the wishers who volunteered to make this weekend great.
John is now a Dopey again.:rotfl2: We had the motorhome at all three events again this year and it worked great.
Chester never got to meet up with you but I think I saw you at the marathon.
Windwalker I think you said go wisher on the 1/2 to my DD and myself just before we got to the ticket booth at Magic Kingdom.

Thanks again to everyone for a great weekend and hope everyone did well and stayed safe.

Finished my first and last marathon. I saw looks of WISH support and WS volunteers were great.
I got slower and slower the hotter it got. I drank way more than I had on any training run. Wish I had my iPod as the lack of music was surprising. The Princess has so much more.
Hope everyone had a great time. I won't say mine was great, but I can always say I did a marathon.
Well, we finished the Relay and had a great time! DH did awesome with the first 1/2 and came in at 1:55! I had a little trouble with the second 1/2, however! I was on a perfect 8 mile/min pace through miles 1-5 (13-18 on the course) when gi disaster struck and I had to hit the porta pottty....darn Gu! So then I thought, ok, I can still manage a 8:30/mile pace....but, no, at mile 9, I had to hit the porta potty again!!! Yes, I realize this is TMI but is an issue that I have now learnes from and maybe others can as well. After I wasted so much time dealing with my issues, honestly I just lost head wasn't in it and I mentally gave up. I DID finished with a 2:04 time but walked quite a bit and just didn't do my best, which is disappointing! But, my first 1/2 marathon is now in the bag and I can work on training harder for the next one....without Gu! Any suggestions for fuel....I don't like shot bloks either (they are hard to chew). Congrats to all the finishers and hope to see some of you around tonight at Epcot!

If you can't take Gu (like me) you might want to try Honey Stinger for their energy chews. I can down 5 in 40 seconds, and they're more like the fruit chews kids love. I love the flavors they have and my favorite so far is the Fruit Smoothie.
Congratulation everyone on your races. Hopefully I'll make it down there some day if work schedule permits.
That was the most painful thing I have ever done! Hope I can make it to Boardwalk meetup at 9 in the morning.
Holy crap was that tough! Thanks to my injury, this was the first time I have ran more than 10 since thanksgiving. Did that wall smack me at the 20 mile mark! I was crusing along at a 3:30 pace through 16 miles, then slowed down thru 20, before walking and running my wat to 4 hours. But I made it! It was frustrating to see my ideal times pass me by, and hearing them say "pick up the pace!" was frustrating, but all the voluntes were fantastic. They could see I was struggling, but really encouraged me to cross the finish line running! Thanks to all of you for support the past 6 months!
If you can't take Gu (like me) you might want to try Honey Stinger for their energy chews. I can down 5 in 40 seconds, and they're more like the fruit chews kids love. I love the flavors they have and my favorite so far is the Fruit Smoothie.

Thank you....will definitely give it a shot
I finished my 1st marathon but it was sure harder than I expected! I was maintaining a 13 min/mile pace until a hit the wall and overheated. I thought I was dehydrated so I tried drinking more - big mistake! I think I had some heat exhaustion and likely hyponatremia for over hydrating. It took a few hours for me to feel ok! It was very scary!!!
I walked the last 6 miles and finished just under 6 hours. My "dream" was 5:30 but i was too hot so I'm happy I made it!!
Thanks WiSHers, especially those wet wash cloths outside DHS. They saved me!!!

I'm officially Dopey! I took the 5k and 1/2 easier, then pushed myself during the full a little more than I probably should have. I felt pretty good after the race, but a few hours later I felt like I'd been hit by a train. I was so tired, nauseous, and cold even though it wasn't really cold outside. I made it back from MK right before getting sick, then slept for 10 hours. I feel much better this morning, minus sore leg muscles. I'm in the stage right now where I don't even want to think about running a marathon, let alone Goofy ever again, but who knows how long that will last.

Congrats to everyone on your runs this weekend!
Finished my first full in 5:23. My goal was under 5 but alot in this course was new to me and threw me off. The COLD weather at the start, the HOT weather near the end, the sheer amount of people I had to dodge, go around, slow down and speed up for. I figure with all the zig zagging I ran an extra mile atleast, not to mention the LONG walk to the start.

Just after mile 12, I was running on the grass to get around a group of people and when I stepped back onto the cement I felt something in the back of my left knee, and I kind of hobbled the rest of the way.



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