OFFICIAL Jan 2011 Half Marathon, Full Marathon, Dopey or Goofy Challenge Thread

Tracking people live! Seen some speedy finishers in our WISH family (Tandy, Beth....probably others). Hope everyone's race has gone the way they would like.

Congrats to everyone. You are all awesome!

I'm most definitely not speedy, but I finished with a PR of 2:57:34! :banana:

Happy with my race experience but seemed like there were a lot of things that were either unorganized or just lack of people around to direct where we were supposed go. The shuffle to the corrals took 45+ minutes. Hubby and I ended up in the last corral (H) despite many other G corralers who said "yes, this is corral G." Didn't find out until we approached the start line to realize we were last and weren't supposed to be. This led to a lot of stopping, dodging, passing and weaving in and out. Post race, getting out of the parking lot was a mess (in our rental car). I didn't expect to get right out, but I saw very few people directing traffic and lots of angry, angry drivers!

On a positive note, portapotty lines weren't too bad overall...and I really like the BioFreeze stops later in the race - had them right where I needed them.
Finished in 2:44 and pretty pleased with my time. I took 10 minutes off last years time - still not as good as my PR for a half but considering I am going back out there tomorrow for Goofy #2. I hope tomorrow the miles just fly by like they seemed to have today.

Good luck any full marathoners out there!!
I had a blast running the half yesterday! I set a new PR of 3:19. I'm not fast, but I enjoyed myself immensely. Thanks Coach, for your words of wisdom here. A lot of other people's questions you answered really helped me as well. Now, on to Disneyland in Sept (first, though, Grandma's Marathon weekend in Duluth, MN where I live in June). This was my third half, and I never have followed a training plan, through my own lack of training. I think I will actually properly train for these coming up and no telling what I might be able to do.

Good luck all you full marathoners!!!!!
Congrats to everyone who finished--no, started--the half. You should be super proud of what you accomplished.

I spent a little time lookin at people's progress, then going back and looking at some old posts. It's amazing to see people's progess, and how so many have overcome obstacles and fear to take on this race. (For my first Disney race, it was definitely a fear thing!)

Well done!

Congratulation half marathoners

Full Marathoner's hope your ahead of your goal (but not too much at this points)
I'm a **MARATHONER** !

I finished with a time of 5:13 (25 minutes slower than my
intermediate goal time). It was very fun seeing the other
two parks (I've done the Disney Half three times).

Congrats to all who worked so hard for this marathon run!
You just don't get to run next to Tinkerbell everyday.

Have a magical day (we need to pack up and head to the airport)!!
I'm a **MARATHONER** !

I finished with a time of 5:13 (25 minutes slower than my
intermediate goal time). It was very fun seeing the other
two parks (I've done the Disney Half three times).

Congrats to all who worked so hard for this marathon run!
You just don't get to run next to Tinkerbell everyday.

Have a magical day (we need to pack up and head to the airport)!!

I'm a half marathoner!!!

I'm really proud of myself!! I finished in 2:47:38. I was shooting for 2:45, but I'm really happy with my result!! (I beat Al Roker, so I'm happy with that!)

Sunday I had a great time cheering on the marathoners as they ran past the Yacht and Beach Club - both before and after breakfast at Cape May. After, we were there until the final marathoner and the bikes came by. So inspired me, I'm doing the full next year!

I'm going to wait a while before Goofy though. I think.
I'm a half marathoner!!!

I'm really proud of myself!! I finished in 2:47:38. I was shooting for 2:45, but I'm really happy with my result!! (I beat Al Roker, so I'm happy with that!)

Sunday I had a great time cheering on the marathoners as they ran past the Yacht and Beach Club - both before and after breakfast at Cape May. After, we were there until the final marathoner and the bikes came by. So inspired me, I'm doing the full next year!

I'm going to wait a while before Goofy though. I think.

I'm planning on signing up for the full next year as well :)
Made it through my first marathon. Even if I missed my goal time by a bit. I had a blast. I think I'm going Goofy next year.
I DID IT:banana::banana::banana:

Just wanted to finish and I did.
My DH was so encouraged he said he would train and do the half with me. :cool1:

Thank you so much for all the helpful advice and tidbits.

Congrats to everyone.:woohoo:
Thanks to all the great advice. In less then a year. I went from the couch to a 1/2 marathon in March '10 and then just did the Marathon yesterday and my wife did her 1st run ever which was the 1/2 on Saturday. My wife saw me and my 3 & 5 year old in the MK and I got see my wife and kids also. I ran the full in 4:51 and was following the 4:30 clif pace team until AKL. Then it went downhill and thank goodness for all the BIO freeze stops.
Again, everyone's helpful advice was great!!!
Congrats everyone!! This was my first half and I did it!!! I didn't do the 2:45 I wanted to but did it in 3:00:09. My friend and I started and finished together. It was so amazing accomplishing such a huge thing, I couldn't even run for 30 seconds last spring and to go from that to running a full 13.1 miles was overwhelming. I cannot thank everyone here enough for all the great advice I received especially Coach Charles.
Congratultions to ALL! :cool1:

I'm signed up for a Dopey Weekend in Jan. Will walk the 5K and 1/2M with DW and then I'll be on my own on Sunday. We walked the 5K this past January and I decided to go for the gusto 1 year later. I always felt my family had good reason to call me Dopey.

I feel that being a Chi walker is an advantage because the low impact style is very easy on my body. The extended time frame in walking a marathon should not be a problem since my bicycle rides of 6 to 10 hours have that covered.

The above post is from 8-25-2010 and it has come to fruition as planned! :thumbsup2

This was our second 5K and first 1/2M at Disney and my first Full Marathon. I have to say that Danny Dreyer's Chi Walking worked well for me allowing a 4:56:28 time for the Full.

DW's 3:31:25 for the Half has her pumped and making plans for the 2011 DL 1/2M and the C2C Medal.
Congrats to everyone who ran the half, full, or both this weekend! It's an accomplishment you should be proud of no matter what time or distance you ran.
Congrats to everyone who participated in WDW Marathon Weekend~! It was an amazing experience and I am so glad I returned after the WIne&Dine Half!

It was so inspiring to watch the Marathoners on Sunday, I walked the last 2.5 miles or so just cheering them on...I started at Studios..took the boat, got off at YC and followed through EPCOT until I couldnt follow anymore!

I walked the WIne and DIne in 2:57 (my first half) and I ran/walked Saturday and my time was 2:33:)


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