Official Goofy 2016 Thread

I will have to keep an eye out for you. That is where DGF and I will be relaxing post race as well. Only difference is we are going to tackle Chef Mickey's post marathon.

Do other people have a post marathon celebration for goofy weekend? I'm usually concerned about GI issues so I wind up watching what I eat on Friday and Saturday, Sunday night after the marathon those concerns are out the window. We usually celebrate with a dinner at Ohana. If you're theres look for the dude that's made a replica splash mountain out of Shrimp carcasses and that's me.
Do other people have a post marathon celebration for goofy weekend? I'm usually concerned about GI issues so I wind up watching what I eat on Friday and Saturday, Sunday night after the marathon those concerns are out the window. We usually celebrate with a dinner at Ohana. If you're theres look for the dude that's made a replica splash mountain out of Shrimp carcasses and that's me.
I have few food problems before races, but I am still careful. I won't totally relax my eating habits until after the marathon is run. That is going to be tough for me because we check in on the 3rd and I really love some food choices at WDW that will be off my personal menu for that first week.
I have few food problems before races, but I am still careful. I won't totally relax my eating habits until after the marathon is run. That is going to be tough for me because we check in on the 3rd and I really love some food choices at WDW that will be off my personal menu for that first week.
I don't usually have GI issues, but Friday and Saturday I will really be concerned about the volume of food I consume. I won't hit any buffets and if we do TS meals I'll be more inclined to get an appetizer or soup for a meal than a big steak.
I run/ walk for now. Like many, for me Disney races aren't about speed, especially how much they cost!! Even so, these distances are accomplishments, distances to be respected and treated accordingly!

Which brings me to a dilemma I've been pondering. I'm following the Galloway training for the Goofy- it's called the intermediate ( no beginner available!!)
It has Tues. And Thurs 45 min runs, and now I'm into the alternating short 3-4 mile weekend run then the weekend runs of back to back days that are increasing.
My question is, are 2 45 min days during the week really enough to build up the stamina for this endurance event??

I'm 58, I've been running for 2.5 years but last winter killed my running, and this summer I contracted Lyme, so my running hasn't been feeling strong at ALL til this past weekends 13 mile run- 12:20mm (Yay me!)
I shifted the days of the schedule to be able to run with a group I found recently who meet on Wednesdays.
But I keep feeling like I should have another day of running in there...
Have any of you used this training schedule and was it enough? Any feedback gratefully received!

I ran the Goofy Challenge last year and followed Galloway's plan. I had the exact same thoughts. But I followed it exactly and was able to complete both the half and full and enjoyed myself. Now I was not running for time, just to finish. I loved it! Stick with the plan, and similar to what others have shared go into this with a plan to finish, don't worry about time, etc. Enjoy the entertainment and cheering crowds, great music and of course the parks. Wish you lots of luck!
I ran the Goofy Challenge last year and followed Galloway's plan. I had the exact same thoughts. But I followed it exactly and was able to complete both the half and full and enjoyed myself. Now I was not running for time, just to finish. I loved it! Stick with the plan, and similar to what others have shared go into this with a plan to finish, don't worry about time, etc. Enjoy the entertainment and cheering crowds, great music and of course the parks. Wish you lots of luck!

Thanks so much for sharing your experience!! I am following the plan, for my weekday runs I am getting a few more miles in but have basically been following his plan.
I have a couple of half marathons this fall that fit in just right with my long weekend runs! Really loving this stuff right now!!!

Remind me of that when I hit the wall, ya?!?!!
Ha ha ha!
Do other people have a post marathon celebration for goofy weekend? I'm usually concerned about GI issues so I wind up watching what I eat on Friday and Saturday, Sunday night after the marathon those concerns are out the window. We usually celebrate with a dinner at Ohana. If you're theres look for the dude that's made a replica splash mountain out of Shrimp carcasses and that's me.

We usually wind up "rehydrating" at Epcot or Downtown Disney or wherever we can find good beer and tequila. The real celebration is DATW on Monday.
Drink Around The World....Epcot drink run, or more accurately stagger.
I had to mentally run through my list of disney acronyms and realize there wasn't a restaurant with those initials before I thought of drinking around the world.

Hooe everyone's training runs went well this weekend. I had back to back 10 milers on Saturday and Sunday this weekend. It rained the whole time during both runs so both ended with squishy shoes and wet socks.
I had to mentally run through my list of disney acronyms and realize there wasn't a restaurant with those initials before I thought of drinking around the world.

Hooe everyone's training runs went well this weekend. I had back to back 10 milers on Saturday and Sunday this weekend. It rained the whole time during both runs so both ended with squishy shoes and wet socks.

Which training schedule are you following? For that matter- open it up... What trading programs are runners on here following??
I'm using Galloways goofy to finish upright.... That's the first goal!! Lol!
But I have been curious about the plans folks here tend to use.....
Which training schedule are you following? For that matter- open it up... What trading programs are runners on here following??
I'm using Galloways goofy to finish upright.... That's the first goal!! Lol!
But I have been curious about the plans folks here tend to use.....
I create my own training programs, but the base comes from:
Which training schedule are you following? For that matter- open it up... What trading programs are runners on here following??
I'm using Galloways goofy to finish upright.... That's the first goal!! Lol!
But I have been curious about the plans folks here tend to use.....
I kind of make it up, but sort of following the Runner's World Dopey plan I printed off from the rundisney site last year just for an idea on mileage. I change stuff up though based on how I'm feeling. I try to get a speed work in, a solid tempo run, and a long run in and then the other 3 days are easy whatever I feel like. Always 1 day of rest, sometimes 2. Mix in some strength training 2-3 days a week.
Which training schedule are you following? For that matter- open it up... What trading programs are runners on here following??
I'm using Galloways goofy to finish upright.... That's the first goal!! Lol!
But I have been curious about the plans folks here tend to use.....

I'm currently using Hanson's Marathon method. ( I'm on his advanced training plan). Right now I'm running 6 days a week averaging between 50 and 60 miles a week. After the Chicago marathon I'm probably going to stay on that training plan, but I'll just drop one of the midweek training runs. That'll have me averaging in the in the 40-50 mile range. I'm running goofy with a friend and it will be his first marathon. My goal is to be trained up enough that I can encourage him throughout the race.
Which training schedule are you following? For that matter- open it up... What trading programs are runners on here following??
I'm using Galloways goofy to finish upright.... That's the first goal!! Lol!
But I have been curious about the plans folks here tend to use.....
I used Hal Higdon's Novice 1 marathon training plan for Goofy. Changed the scheduled days a few times to do back-to-backs but otherwise followed it to a T. Try to get in some cross/strength training on your non-running days. :)
I used Hal Higdon's Novice 1 marathon training plan for Goofy. Changed the scheduled days a few times to do back-to-backs but otherwise followed it to a T. Try to get in some cross/strength training on your non-running days. :)

I'm running 3 -4 days a week, and I know my weekly mileage isn't what others seem to be doing!!!but honestly, I just don't think I can fit more workouts into my week.... And keep up with Dis!!!! Lol!!

I will say though, While I'm at work I log my 10,000 steps by 1:00!!! That has to count for something!

I did print out Hal's program to try to overlap the two a bit
I'm currently using Hanson's Marathon method. ( I'm on his advanced training plan). Right now I'm running 6 days a week averaging between 50 and 60 miles a week. After the Chicago marathon I'm probably going to stay on that training plan, but I'll just drop one of the midweek training runs. That'll have me averaging in the in the 40-50 mile range. I'm running goofy with a friend and it will be his first marathon. My goal is to be trained up enough that I can encourage him throughout the race.

When are you running that you are able to get this kind of mileage in??


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