Official Glass Slipper Challenge Thread

Got my 10 in. :banana::banana: Feeling way more confident about the whole thing now! :)

Thanks for the wonderful support here, everyone!

We are all gonna rock this!!
Got my last long run in today finally. DS decided to go out to play in the snow so I headed down to the treadmill and watched several hours of Olympics!

I'm SO excited now for the weekend! Anyone else pretending this is their own little Olympics or am I the only dork who does that!? (I admit, I have a slight obsession with watching the Olympics every two years.... :)
Is anyone else out there feeling unprepared for this? :confused3

I was doing really well with the training but then business travel and other life events got in the way and my longest run has only been 10miles and that was yesterday. I finished it but boy am I sore today. It was very COLD and the roads were snow/slush covered and by the end I could barely lift my legs... I hope it was the cold and extra difficulty running in snow and not my conditioning.

I don't even have a costume for either the 10k or the Half. I was really excited about being Jesse for at least one of them but just don't have the time or the shopping options to pull that together.

I leave on Tuesday again for another business trip to Seattle then Portland and then that will take me straight to Orlando on Friday the 21st with no home time in between so this will be as good as it gets at this point. Maybe the Expo will have some cute accessories I can try out even though I know I shouldn't be trying something new on race day :confused3

I don't have costumes for the 10K or the 1/2. We went out today and bought superhero tees for the 5K.
I still need to get my last long run in, but I did get up to 11 miles so I feel pretty comfortable with finishing the 1/2.
Thank you everyone for the encouraging words... I really needed to hear that today! So glad that many of you think and have experienced 10 miles being enough for half training.

There is some small hope that I will get some free time while on my trips that I can get out and pull some costumes together but if not, I will see what the expo brings... either way, I will be finishing the Glass Slipper Challenge, costume or not! :cool1:
Just an FYI....The "official where are you staying thread" is all updated! Over 100 people on there!
Anyone else having a bit of trouble focusing on anything non-running/Disney related this week? We leave in 4 days and I am a bit :banana::dance3::cool1:

Anyone here wearing costumes for either of the races? I made an Ariel-inspired tutu this weekend which I love :love: but I'm not sure how it will feel running in it. Plan to wear it tonight for my run to see. It sheds a lot of glitter though. I'm trying to remember the tips from my dancing days - is it hairspray that would help the glitter stay on?

Also, does anyone know who might be on the 10k course? For tink, marathonfoto posted a map of their photographer locations. Why do I feel like princess information is trickling out this year compared to other races? :headache:
I'm starting to pack and I'm so stinking excited!!!:cool1: this is why I love following along with the thread, I really remember last year when everyone was getting ready and wow here we are!! So, so excited to for the race and vacation!!
Anyone else having a bit of trouble focusing on anything non-running/Disney related this week? We leave in 4 days and I am a bit :banana::dance3::cool1:

We leave Wednesday. It's going to be a long day waiting for DS17 to get home from school.
I'm packing today though since everyone is home.
It took me forever to fall asleep last night, I am so worried about forgetting something. When I did sleep I dreamt about running and packing.
::yes:: :thumbsup2 The cheaper, the better!

ITA - I feel like rD is totally overloaded with stuff this time.

I know I know.... but it's not like they didn't know princess was coming up? It's been on the calendar for a year!

PS - the hairspray (mostly) worked and I shed far less sparkles last night during the test run. Still have to trim the length though, and watch the forecast to see if it will actually make an appearance. And even then, might have DH stationed at the TTC and/or GF just in case I want to ditch it and not leave it on the side of the road.
I know! I hope that means some things will be left when I get there tomorrow. I would really like a wine glass and a grey princess tshirt. And maybe the GSC I did it shirt.

Have fun!!!!
But how many times will you be running the inaugural glass slipper challenge? :) That's what I'm telling myself. Haha

Exactly! Inaugural Glass Slipper, Inaugural Kendra runDisney race, Inaugural Kendra Half Marathon... It will never happen again!
How does this work?
I got my GSC bib so how do they know I run the 10k and get my GSC medal?

....Oops...found it in the program

Wanted a new SPI belt and got it and nothing else.


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