Official "Friends of the Fort" Weight Loss Group!

Yo Happy Redhead, try Crystal Lite flavoreed tea. Good stuff and non fattening.

Thanks for the idea....I do like Crystal Lite and I simply forgot it existed! The cranberry and soda ideas is a good one too, I'll have to try it.

I also am width challenged. After noticing several friends losing weight, I asked their secret. Seems their doctor had put them on a twice a day injection of a drug called Byetta for pre diabetic reasons. Seems the side effect of the drug is weight loss.
Well I spoke to my doctor about using the drug for weight loss since breaking my leg last year has still slowed me down in the excercise mode. After blood tests and a physical, he prescribed the injection. The first month shed 10 pounds. I don't know how it does it, but it stops the craving for food and snacks.

I'm an adult with ADD (wait...did I mention that before???) and my Doc has me on Adderall. Fortunately one of the side-effects is appetite loss, so that helps!

I haven't had the courage to step on the scales this morning, BUT I WILL!

I need to loose about 20 lbs. I'd be happy with 10, though! :lmao: I had surgery a few years ago, spent A LOT of time on the couch, ate junk and gained 60 lbs!!!!:scared1: Just getting back into my regular routine made me loose some of it, a little effort made me loose some more. Now I have joined Weight Watchers to get off the rest. I LOVE it! Not only am I counting points, but it reminds me to drink water, take vitamins, exercise, etc.! Sometimes I need to be reminded about these things!

I do exercise, but I know I need to step it up. I've chosen things that are fun to do. I love to take walks, do yoga, bellydancing and hula-hooping. I really should get in some weights and try running in addition to my walks.

Thank you thank you thank you!!!! For this thread! Sometimes being held accountable can make ALL the difference!:cheer2:

Dang, we will be HOT for Wild Dis Weekend!!!!!:banana:
Have you tried Stevia? You can find it in most healthfood stores and is great in cold shouldn't give you a headache.I have to stay away from causes you to retain fluid BTW but if it doesn't bother you i highly suggest stevia...also makes a GREAT lemonade!!!:hippie:

Stevia is great! You can get it in liquid form in many different flavors. The Lemon is particularly good in tea! I also like to put chocolate flavored in a glass of skim milk!
everything in my fridge, freezer and cabinets is low fat or fat free, low carb and low sugar...i have adapted to this for many years and it just seems my body has become accustomed to this and now won't let me loose weight. At work I walk long distances all day long...and exercise with my patients and stay VERY busy when I'm there....i think the problem is when I come back to the TT and VEG in front of my computer.I'm on the road for work...can't join a gym because I'm not anywhere for more than 13 weeks at a time...and some places just aren't a good area to walk in like now...When I go home...I work hard all day or run errands...spend little time down except bedtime...far from a couch potato.....i'm feeling very frustrated...I need my JAWS wired shut!!!!!! But I'm also hypoglycemic so I can' do fasting diets..allergic to soy...I want Oprah to HELP!!!:headache: :guilty: :confused: :scared:

Ever think about Curves? They're everywhere and as long as you're a member at one, you can use any of them!
Ami, Are you actually going to the WW meetings? I did the meetings before and loved them. With gas prices and where i live i'm trying it on my own this time. If I don't do as well i may start the meetings back. If i start them back we might as well go together.

Did you have a fun cinco de mayo party sat?
Ami, Are you actually going to the WW meetings? I did the meetings before and loved them. With gas prices and where i live i'm trying it on my own this time. If I don't do as well i may start the meetings back. If i start them back we might as well go together.

Did you have a fun cinco de mayo party sat?

Our party was great! I drove past your house twice on Saturday! How about your party?

I haven't gone to any meetings. I joined WW online and thought if I needed a boost I'd start going. But yeah, if you'd like to go, I'd definately join you! We should also try to get together and walk or something!

Now, I'm not trying to discourage you in any way here! But 50-60 pounds????? Girl, 60 lbs from where? I mean, I know it's all relative and being comfortable in your own body, and stuff. But you look fabulous!
Gee, Thanks but when i lost the 58 pounds i looked more fabulous.:lmao: I've gained 38 pounds back. Remenber i'm almost 6ft. tall so trust me it's there. Mostly in my thighs and backside.:rotfl:

You should have stopped in on sat to see me. I managed to stay home all day on a sat. which is very rare for us. Glad you had a good time.
I do exercise, but I know I need to step it up. I've chosen things that are fun to do. I love to take walks, do yoga, bellydancing and hula-hooping. I really should get in some weights and try running in addition to my walks.

My mother was doing bellydancing and said it was one heck of a workout. She said her stomach muscles were screaming after the first few classes. I am going to look into some of these "alternative" activities that might make excercising more fun. I did just pre buy the Wii Fit system. It is suppose to be awesome. It has yoga, strength, and cardio.

I weighed in this moring:scared1: I also measured. :faint: So I am set to go. Got a question for you all though. I looked all over my coffee can, anyone know aprx. how many calories in just black coffee? I know my creamer, but the coffee itself must have some.:confused3

I told my husband that my goal was 50 lbs. and he said that was too much and I would look sick.:sad2: Nice guy, but he is a liar!:laughing: If I loose 50 lbs it will put me 5 lbs under my DELIVERY weight of my first baby. That's my goal and I am sticking to it! Good Luck everyone and Congrats on starting a healthier life!:dance3:
My mother was doing bellydancing and said it was one heck of a workout. She said her stomach muscles were screaming after the first few classes. I am going to look into some of these "alternative" activities that might make excercising more fun. I did just pre buy the Wii Fit system. It is suppose to be awesome. It has yoga, strength, and cardio.
DH says I should get a pole! :lmao: :lmao:

I weighed in this moring:scared1: I also measured. :faint: So I am set to go. Got a question for you all though. I looked all over my coffee can, anyone know aprx. how many calories in just black coffee? I know my creamer, but the coffee itself must have some.:confused3

Black coffee has no calories. But caffeine inhibits weight loss in some people, so you'll have to watch it and see what happens.

I don't like "creamer" because it's full of chemicals, oils, etc. So, I stick with plain half & half. I know the fat content is high, but for me it evens out because it's very low in sugars and carbs. :)
Gee, Thanks but when i lost the 58 pounds i looked more fabulous.:lmao: I've gained 38 pounds back. Remenber i'm almost 6ft. tall so trust me it's there. Mostly in my thighs and backside.:rotfl:

You should have stopped in on sat to see me. I managed to stay home all day on a sat. which is very rare for us. Glad you had a good time.

Touche! :lmao: I hear you. I think I'd be happy with 10 pounds lost, but I know if I loose the 21 that WW says I should loose, I will be much happier! And much more comfortable in a bathing suit this summer!

When are you planning to come to Chrisitansburg again? We should do the Huckleberry Trail!
My mother was doing bellydancing and said it was one heck of a workout. She said her stomach muscles were screaming after the first few classes. I am going to look into some of these "alternative" activities that might make excercising more fun. I did just pre buy the Wii Fit system. It is suppose to be awesome. It has yoga, strength, and cardio.

I weighed in this moring:scared1: I also measured. :faint: So I am set to go. Got a question for you all though. I looked all over my coffee can, anyone know aprx. how many calories in just black coffee? I know my creamer, but the coffee itself must have some.:confused3

I told my husband that my goal was 50 lbs. and he said that was too much and I would look sick.:sad2: Nice guy, but he is a liar!:laughing: If I loose 50 lbs it will put me 5 lbs under my DELIVERY weight of my first baby. That's my goal and I am sticking to it! Good Luck everyone and Congrats on starting a healthier life!:dance3:

It's true that if you enjoy your exercise routine, you are much more likely to stick with it! Belly dancing is great for the tummy, but also those back muscles you never knew you had!

Supportive hubbies are the best! Mine says he doesn't care if I weigh 100 pounds or 200 pounds...but he loves the glow I have when I feel good about myself!
DH says I should get a pole! :lmao: :lmao:

:lmao: I hear it's wonderful exercise!

Black coffee has no calories. But caffeine inhibits weight loss in some people, so you'll have to watch it and see what happens.


So far, I haven't been able to give up my coffee. baby steps......
I don't know about belly dancing, i have to many rolls.:rotfl: I did take a clogging class one time and that was so much fun and alot of exercise. The only problem was i'm not that cordinated and my daughter and neice were in the advanced class and were very good. My class was after theirs so they had to sit and wait on me so hearing them snicker and laugh at every move i made didn't help. Little snots!:lmao:

I will be in c-burg tomm. or wed. not sure yet but would love to do the trail. I'll let you know later on today. Can your short legs keep up with mine? lol. you may get to try out jogging.:rotfl:

My husband says he doesn't care. I believe him since he probably would have divorced me years ago if he did. When your thinner you do feel better about yourself and that tends to make everyone happy around us. When i was at my thinnest it also increased a certain drive (cough, cough) in me. If you know what i mean. That always makes a man happy.:lmao:
I don't know about belly dancing, i have to many rolls.:rotfl: I did take a clogging class one time and that was so much fun and alot of exercise. The only problem was i'm not that cordinated and my daughter and neice were in the advanced class and were very good. My class was after theirs so they had to sit and wait on me so hearing them snicker and laugh at every move i made didn't help. Little snots!:lmao:

I don't know if you've ever watched a belly dancer or not, but all the good ones have rolls!:lmao:

I will be in c-burg tomm. or wed. not sure yet but would love to do the trail. I'll let you know later on today. Can your short legs keep up with mine? lol. you may get to try out jogging.:rotfl:

Let me know when you'll be here! I wanted to try jogging anyway! :rotfl:

My husband says he doesn't care. I believe him since he probably would have divorced me years ago if he did. When your thinner you do feel better about yourself and that tends to make everyone happy around us. When i was at my thinnest it also increased a certain drive (cough, cough) in me. If you know what i mean. That always makes a man happy.:lmao:

Yep! Who needs champagne and oysters????? A little confidence is the best aphrodesiac around! Now if we could just find a way to bottle that!
Good morning and welcome everyone else to the club :)

I also weighed in this morning and am now depressed. I know it had to be done though. I have to hold myself accountable. I also know that I can't measure my progress unless I know where I am starting from.

For breakfast I had a South Beach high fiber bar. I am not a breakfast eater...don't like eating in the mornings...but it is VERY important to eat something when you get up. It gets your metabolism up and going for the day :thumbsup2
Hello All, just checking in : I weighted this morning ( not pretty ). I started not to weight because I didn't want to be depressed but I figured the weight is there no matter if I weight in or not so I might as well.

I had for breakfast one piece of toast on diet bread and jam spead very thinly, one glass of water. I'm saving my calories for lunchon with some friends :scared1: that's going to be hard.

For supper will be chicken stir-fry. So we will see what happens. Good luck to everyone today ! :grouphug:
DH says I should get a pole! :lmao: :lmao:

Black coffee has no calories. But caffeine inhibits weight loss in some people, so you'll have to watch it and see what happens.

I don't like "creamer" because it's full of chemicals, oils, etc. So, I stick with plain half & half. I know the fat content is high, but for me it evens out because it's very low in sugars and carbs. :)

Maybe he should consider getting the pole...:cutie: Wonder how he'd feel about that?:laughing:

I'm not giving up my coffee either. I also use a small amount of half and half. Have tried the no fat variety..but my husband really hates it. For the amount I use(I take my coffee dark, no sugar or sweetner) it's not making me fat. I ran this past my Dr. when my cholestoral came back high. He said for the amount I's not the culprit. More likely in my case..we have a family history of high cholestoral. So I'm on medication and it did bring it down to under 200. Where as my husband who eats the same food in the same house has the Cholestoral of an damn Eskimo(130)...go figure:rolleyes: . I mean I'm happy for him (and my kids..theirs is low also)...but sheesh.:rolleyes1
Anyway with the stays. In particular the morning coffee. There's NO WAY I can start my day without coffee....and you sure wouldn't want to be around me if I didn't have it!:scared: It ain't pretty.!
So far so good! I had strawberries and a low-fat cheese stick for breakfast and left-over shashimi tuna, brown rice and salad for lunch.

What are some things that save your diet?????? For example, if I'm hungry and made bad choices earlier in the day, I like a good veggie soup. It can be filling, but not calorie dense. I also use a very flavorfull goat cheese on soups and salads. A little bit goes a long way. Low fat popcorn has saved me more than once, too when I want something crunchy and salty!


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