Official 2012 Princess Half Marathon Thread!

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I will be there! I have never ran a marathon before, but when I read about the Disney Princess 1/2 Marathon, I was inspired to try. Just thinking about running through the Magic Kingdom thrills me! :yay::yay:I have already started training and have 4 different routes marked so I don't get bored. Bringing my sister with me for a girls weekend, but I am going to try and get her to walk/run with me :thumbsup2 Little bit about myself...single mom with three kids. Youngest 7 oldest 18. I spend all my time doing things for I am doing this for ME! Can't wait for next February!
I'm in again. Can't wait! This year's goal was to just finish the race. Next year's goal is to finish a lot faster! I already have a ton of people who are saying they want to do it with me. We might have a huge group! :banana:
I'm going to join you guys in the Marathon! I just started working out (again) in January and I'm up to 9 miles! Well, I just did 9 miles today, but I wanted to quit at 5 miles. I told myself don't quit and turned up some fast music and that helped me get to 9! Anyway, I'm in and looking forward to doing the marathon!
I'm going to join you guys in the Marathon! I just started working out (again) in January and I'm up to 9 miles! Well, I just did 9 miles today, but I wanted to quit at 5 miles. I told myself don't quit and turned up some fast music and that helped me get to 9! Anyway, I'm in and looking forward to doing the marathon!

Just making sure you know this is the half marathon thread not the full marathon. Not sure about the rest of you princesses but 26 miles AIN'T gonna happen!
You all who are running so fast and so far so quickly are amazing to me! It has taken me forever to work up to 10 miles a week (2.5 years!, on and off). 3 miles twice a week and now 4 once, and very slow miles. I am feeling great about it though. Planning on running a 5k in May (hopefully faster than last year) and a 10k in Sept, and then the half next Feb.
A little about myself.
I will be 40 this month! I have never been a distance runner (couldn't even run a mile when I ran track in high school!). But I am totally addicted. Consistency is key for me. And also when I found Galloway running. I finally found something that works, I love running intervals. I plan on following his program but I slow the distance increased down by doubling the program. I live in Michigan and am itching to get running outside again! Still too cold for me. Worried about that with this half being in Feb.
Glad to see so many of us here :)
I'm in! DH and I decided we will definitely be doing this in 2012. We'll be doing a run/walk interval of some sort. Right now it's a walk 2 min/run 1 min, but I'm hoping we can get that to an even amount of running/walking or even more running by next February.
By the way did 3.28 today and used my Garmin 205 and loved it! Got it on sale at REI for $129 and worth every penny ! It looks like a beast it's pretty big, but surprisingly couldn't tell once I was moving. I think it's going to be my new bff......
I'm in! DH and I decided we will definitely be doing this in 2012. We'll be doing a run/walk interval of some sort. Right now it's a walk 2 min/run 1 min, but I'm hoping we can get that to an even amount of running/walking or even more running by next February.

You will be. I started six weeks ago at basically not running at all, moved to 2/1, then 3/2 now I'm at 4/2 in six weeks. I know everyone is different....dig deep, you can do it!
Just making sure you know this is the half marathon thread not the full marathon. Not sure about the rest of you princesses but 26 miles AIN'T gonna happen!

Thanks! I mean the 1/2 marathon. I was talking to my kids as I was writing and forgot to put the 1/2 in there. Yeah, my body will not allow me to do a full marathon.
I'm in! I guess we'll start posting on this thread now -- because it's real, right! My sister, and my DD16 are planning to run it with me next year. While we're a trio (and DD16 is figuring out our costumes), we look forward to meeting y'all and making new friends in this adventure.
I would love to do this, but I'm not a runner. I can walk forever, so is it possible for me to walk it if I can pick up my pace? Like a whole bunch of you, I need to do something for me!
I would love to do this, but I'm not a runner. I can walk forever, so is it possible for me to walk it if I can pick up my pace? Like a whole bunch of you, I need to do something for me!

As long as you can keep a 16 minute mile pace, you're golden!
I am hoping to do it again next year - just want to train more this time and hopefully be able to relax and get some pics this time around! Haven't committed 100% yet but am going to pretend like I am to keep myself motivated!

ALso - wanted to say hi to newfie mom - where in Newfoundland do you live? My hubby and I traveled there (and Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and PEI) in 2000 and absolutely FELL IN LOVE with your amazing province - have been trying to figure out a way to move there someday! It is such an amazingly beautiful place with such wonderful people. We stayed in St. John's and then drove west across to the other side - almost hit a moose and loved every minute of it! We will probably never really move there but are hoping to come back some day and bring our kids so they can experience it, too!

I live in Mount Pearl, and my cousin and friend live in Conception Bay South - all of which are in the St. John's area. I completely agree - we do have a beautiful province :cloud9:. Glad to hear you didn't hit that moose - they usually win that contest :laughing:. Really hope you get to come back and visit again - there's the 84th running of The Tely 10 (mile) road race here in July, if you're interested! Great preparation for the Princess!

A little about me - just turned 45 :eek:, married, and have 2 boys, ages 14 and 11. NOT an active person, which is why the reaction of most people I tell I'm running a 1/2 marathon is to do this...:lmao::rotfl2::rotfl:. We're following the C25K, but discovered that running outside is definitely different than the treadmill, so our times got set back a little. We're hoping to get one outside run a week, and improve our times each week - and then run outside more once the weather improves. We're still in the middle of winter here!

Hey, Princesses, count me in, as well! princess:

I'm SO excited about running in my first half, (and borderline obsessed lately ;)) so I want to use that momentum to not only train but to also reach some other work and health goals along the way! My DH is coming to cheer me on, but our DS17 and DS16 are staying home. Kind of bummed about that but we're also looking forward to our first adults-only trip! Hey, maybe we'll even try table service, woo-HOO! :woohoo:

My race plan is to run the entire way, take pictures with as many characters as possible, get teary-eyed while running through the castle, and possibly wear a tiara!

I'm looking forward to sharing this experience with all of you! :)
My heart and dream is to be there. I had to pull out of this year, I was going just for the 5K but my foot kept me from completing my training schedule.

My sister and I make Girls only trips annually, but I can't talk her into the 5K or anything that as the word marathon in it. I think she would love it because she is a fast, fast walker and much more in shape than I am. She does Turbo Jam all the time. :( I can't because of all that twisting motion.

I am starting back into my training this weekend coming if the doctor tells me on Thursday that my foot is ok. I still have some discomfort but it is nothing like it was. I just do not want to stir something back up. I am reading Chi Running hoping that using that method I can avoid more problems.

If I can I will be there. At the most I am loving reading all the enthusiasm.

I'll be there!!:banana::banana: This was the best experience of my life. I'm so glad that for once, I did something for ME!!! I had a girl's weekend out, I did what I wanted to do, I had meals where I didn't have to worry about feeding someone else. Plus, it was the first time in my life that I STUCK TO SOMETHING!!!! I was a 6 time C25K dropout. Now I actually look forward to my runs. I want to shave a lot of time off (I did 3:17:09).
Since I've done all 3 Princess Halfs thus far, I am definately planning on coming back in 2012. Personally, however, I wish it was back in March vs February so there is a bit more time between Disney trips since we come down for the January races every year as well.
I'm in for sure! Working on getting my sisters/girlfriends to run it with me. I would love to take the whole family and I think my daughters would love to the do the Family 5K but we'll have to see. It's such a big expense to get everyone down there. When do they announce the theme, does anyone know? This will be my first Disney race! :cheer2:
I ran the Princess in 2010 and it was so awesome that on the weekend of the 2011 race, I was legitimately sad that I wasn't there! So I am making early plans to run the Princess half in 2012.
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