Off-topic randomness - a place to ramble?

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My DD1yo:
Doesn't like me to make loud blat noises on her belly
Has an obsession with my stinky socks and shoes
Follows me everywhere even to the bathroom
She babbles back to me when I scold her
and... she likes to eat garbage off the floor

Mable said:
My cat:
Doesn't like belly rubs
Has an obsesion with feet
Follows me everywhere even to the WC
She talks back to me when I scold her

Today, I have ABBA Mama Mia stuck in my head. I don't even listen to ABBA. The horror... the horror...
Okay you think you have it bad my little 2 year old dog follows me everywhere and if I move around too much she gets mad and barks and me. She is a little high strung. :)We have been selling our house so when people come we all go sit in the garage with the two other dogs. Quality family time LOL. But when I take her into the house she gets so excited she sound like a squeeling pig. She is so loud I am sure the nieghbours think I am beating her. So it is a race to see how fast I can run into the house before the squeeling gets too loud. Sadly I have yet to win the race. And after we are in the house goes around like a raving lunatic checking out where all the people have been. But just like children she is so cute when she is asleep.
Bezoar, I have to admit, every morning I look forward to your posting in this thread! I LOL when I read them. Your ramblings are so real life! Keep em coming. You start my day with laughter. Its doesn't get much better than that.
Let's play catch-up:

Song stuck in my head- Sweet Home Alabama. No, not entirely that bad, but I only know that one line from the enitre song and it is driving DH nuts! :teeth:

My dog:
Barks at us begining at 7 am until we get up out of bed to feed him.
Barks at the men doing maintenance work outside my sliding glass door.
Barks at the deer that appear outside the same door at 1:00 AM!!!
Howls (he is part Beagle...not a fun time) at random dogs that are taking their owners for a walk at 1:00 AM!!!
Barks at us even after he is fed until we get up out of bed, and then he kindly takes our place with his head on DH's pillow :rolleyes2
My house is currently full with my New York Italian in-laws....they have been here for four days now and this is the first morning where everyone is quiet and too tired from partying to cause any trouble! ;)
Oh no, the pressure. Well, you'll take that back when I post next:

"Woke up. Fell out of bed. Dragged a comb across my head. Brushed teeth. Ate wheaties. Went to work."

Actually, that wouldn't quite be true.

After weeks and weeks, I've finally finished that awful Cinnamon Kruncher's stuff that gave me the code that doesn't even work. Kellogg marketing back-fire: I will never get Cinnamon Kruncher's again. Not even for a VMK doohickey.

Uh oh, getting dangerously on-topic again.

Mom2RinJen said:
Bezoar, I have to admit, every morning I look forward to your posting in this thread! I LOL when I read them. Your ramblings are so real life! Keep em coming. You start my day with laughter. Its doesn't get much better than that.
Hey MissBelle sounds like you little one should meet my little one (American Eskimo/Pappilion) they could spend time barking at each instead. LOL What we have found that helps is white noise. We have an air filter that makes tons of noise so we turn it on and it blocks out the outside noises Or we would never get to sleep not would our little watch dog.
JeanJoe said:
My DD1yo:
Doesn't like me to make loud blat noises on her belly
Has an obsession with my stinky socks and shoes
Follows me everywhere even to the bathroom
She babbles back to me when I scold her
and... she likes to eat garbage off the floor

Today, I have ABBA Mama Mia stuck in my head. I don't even listen to ABBA. The horror... the horror...

I saw ABBA in concert on Friday. :)
you mean the real ABBA??

Cookies!! (there's a chocolate sale today in central plaza just go to a window and say can i have a box of chocolates please then after a while say thanks)
pilikia97 said:
Just out of curiosity, Why does Cardinal want to attack DisAlex? (in the sig):confused3

That is a good question? :confused3
lajones81 said:
I saw ABBA in concert on Friday. :)

It's YOUR fault!

I knew I saw the word ABBA someplace, and it triggered the song stuck in my head. How could you? I thought we were friends!

I have no clue what is up with the Disalex thing. He was in my room and asked if we liked Alex and I said Um, you probably don't want to bash Disalex here. We all heart him in this room. And I never did get to see why he is on the attack. Don't worry Disalex, we got your back! No Bashers in my room. I'm not afraid to use my boot upside his backside. LOL
Mom2RinJen said:
I have no clue what is up with the Disalex thing. He was in my room and asked if we liked Alex and I said Um, you probably don't want to bash Disalex here. We all heart him in this room. And I never did get to see why he is on the attack. Don't worry Disalex, we got your back! No Bashers in my room. I'm not afraid to use my boot upside his backside. LOL

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

We will take care of you disalex, we heart you!
i had to put child safety locks on our kitchen cabinets to keep my siamese cat (Max) out. and now he has figured out how to open a different cabinet. that cabinet won't support the locks, so it's taped. and now he's trying to find other ways to get into trouble. it's like having a child!
I felt the "A Chorus Line" discussion should continue need to hijack another topic about it! :p

Anyways you've just made "I Hope I Get It" the song stuck in my head...that along with "What I did for Love." I thought after that show closed I would never have to experience the terror of those songs ever again! (I played tenor sax/clarinet in the pit orchestra last year for a community college...I got paid for it too!)

I hope you're happy...because I'm not right now...
Cardinal said:
Just out of curiosity, why is it your business?
Well that seems unnecessarily rude. When it is necessary to be rude, I'm not sure, but I'm beginning to get an idea.


Moving right along: DW got the call from daycare that 12mo had a fever of 105 today. She called me, and I volunteered to help stay with the kid at home, after we brought the kid to the pedi.

Of course, it wasn't until AFTER we had the kid in the car heading towards the pedi, when we looked at the note: 100.5. Felt like such an idiot, talking to the clinic people on the phone: "Umm, never mind, uh, yeah, I *am* a licensed pediatrician, actually. Really. No, it hasn't been revoked yet."


So, 2 parents got out of work for a temp of 100.5?!?

And now I'm stuck alone at home with cranky Beast of Doom who is fine, with a piddly temp.

Cranky Beast. Argh. Maybe a tranquilizer would help.
JeanJoe said:
Well that seems unnecessarily rude. When it is necessary to be rude, I'm not sure, but I'm beginning to get an idea.
Oh, you're a comic genius.
You're lucky this board isn't closed down. You'd better go to the Community Boards before I scare you.
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