Off to the Land Down Under - Days 8 & 9


DIS Veteran
Aug 7, 2001
Trip participants – Colin (43) Me (38) and Zach (8)

Day 7 6th June 2003

I'm going to combine the last 2 days cos I forgot to keep a record of what we did so will be brief.

Today we had a trip booked for Mossman Gorge and more rainforest trekking but we were all so completely knackered, decided to cancel it and spend our last full day just chilling out. We went back to to the Java Cafe for breakfast separately as Zach decided to throw the worst tantrum of his entire life on the bus into PD - The scars from him digging his nails into my arms only faded last week!! One nice lady came up to me after I carried him kicking and screaming off the bus full of sympathy and after checking that I was ok, agreed that I did indeed have a long hard road to travel with him growing up - I could have cried - I was knackered from a 15 min bus trip! Anyway Colin went off to window shop whilst I got Zach's shoes back on and let him chill out on the pavement for a while until we met up for breakfast. Then Zach and I went back to spend the morning by the pool. Later we all went back into town to pick up a few more souvenirs and necessities before going to this gorgeous restaurant for dinnersalsa
I had herb crusted barramundi and Col had gnocchi - lovely.
Then back to the hotel for the last night listening to good old Greg on the piano.

Day 8 7th June 2003

Our last day dawned early and Col went to pick up the car we had booked for the airport run. We checked out and off we went to Cairns Airport to check in early, so we could get shot of the luggage. Then we parked by the car hire place and headed to the mall. Wow - even cheaper here and the food court was amazing!!! Zach had MacD's, I had chinese and Col had a kebab. Walked back to get a taxi from the carhire place out to the airport. We spent about an hour in departures before our flight at 14.30. This was another boring 6 hours, this time on a full plane. Zach slept almost all the way until Singapore at 18.45. We had 4 hours here so we spent the rest of our cash here as they take most currencies in the shops - I got Danny a box set of 5 Disney educationals on CD-Rom for about £15 and 400 ciggies for £12.00. Also got some more toys for the kids with the last of my Sin$. We had a really nice meal here as well. Then at about 23.30 boarded our 12 hour flight home.

Aaaagh!! - Neither Col's nor my screen worked!!! There were no spare seats all together so we waited until Zach got sleepy then swapped around so Col and I could share a screen. I couldn't sleep - as usual on planes. Just sat there feeling my feet swell. Annoyed the heck out of everyone, by walking around every 15 mins, slapping moisturiser on every hour, just trying to fill in the time.
Finally got in about 06.00am, got luggage and through customs in about 20 mins. Collected the car and back home we went.


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