October Scrapbooking Challenge!!!

One joy of being a CMC is I am never out of adhesive!
I only finished one more, but I have 8 more that are close. I think that's 4 for now, but double digits are coming. :rotfl:
Did we decide that smaller pages counted?? I did notice someone asking about 6 x 6 pages. I completed 68 5 x 7 pages this week! I went on "scrapping alert" that we were celebrating DSIL's 50th b.day. I had less than one week to get this done. And it came out great! She loved it. SO if that counts, I am up to 88 for the month!! (If it doesn't, I'm still at 20 and will probably stay there. Have to sew costumes this week!)...............P
I'd always heard that size did not matter. I did some 4x6's that I counted. They all had 2 to 3 pics and journaling, though. I think if it's something you considere scrapped, it counts.
a finished page is a finished page no matter the size in my book.

Congrats on finishing the album and so many pages. :teeth: Great job!

What a productive month we are having here on the Dis! :banana: :banana:
I finished my dad's book which was 30 pages! Now if I could just work on my books I would really be on a roll!
Got 5 more done today. Lots more tomorrow I hope.

This album is another gift. Gosh I really need to do my own....lol!
I did 2 more last night so that puts me to 28
Hope to do some today, since it is raining!
I finally finished my WDW March 2005 trip. I also think I am current to Easter 2005. WHEW!!! I think I am only 7 months behind. But I am coming up to the time of th year when I take a ton of pictures. Getting from Easter to the 1st day of school won't take too long, but with DS in Football, DD is CC and homecoming plus the first day of school and Halloween coming I am feeling so stressed. I told my self no more swaps so I could spend more time on my pictures. I think I will feel better after football season (professional) cause that is when I get most of my scrapping done, while DH is watching on Sundays.

BTW, I am at 22 pages.
hey just checked my totals. you gave me more credit completed! LOL! Wish I had that many pages done! But it is only 30.
me too 2 more tonight. And I am off tomorrow...woo hoo maybe I can get to a few more.
My total for the month is 32. My goal was 31 (one per day) so I am happy what I have done. Going to a crop on Sat. so I plan to bring my mom's pictures and book and plug away at those and hopfully have a complete ablum for her at Thanksgiving. I hav several pages done already but I figure if I can work diligently (sp?) I can have a 40 page album done by Thanksgiving. Might be wishful thinking.
My relaxing scrapping ady yesterday didn't happen. Only 2 more done. :( Probably it ofr me.
Congratulations goofymom/pop!!!!!

October's challenge winner!


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