October 2017 Discount and code watch

We are AP holders for DLR, but are ready for a return trip to WDW. It will be 2 years since our last family trip to WDW. We are going to rent points and stay at the Poly October 7-13th as it's our son's fall break. Looking forward to an awesome trip, but it will be a little odd navigating the MK as we've become regulars at Disneyland. Looks like we will be getting two APs as my wife and I will be returning in December for a short trip (4 days) coupled with a meeting! If the Poly points don't come through we will be anxiously awaiting the discounts too!
See you all in October!
Also joining on this thread too..our dates right now are 9/30 but after news about Hurricane Matthew, I'm leaning more towards later in October.

So true! In all the years we attended in late Oct to beginning of Nov. we have never encountered what they did.
Just recently discovered DVC point rental. There is a forum about it here on the dis. Got a 7 day Boardwalk Villa studio for October for a great rate. Just throwing it out there for consideration. Has to be prepaid on the reservation date though (in this case 11 months ahead!)

Walking in your foot steps! Got a great deal at WLV for late Oct. I cannot believe I never heard about it beforeo_O
Looking for a week mid October. Just DH and myself.
Celebrating 32 year Anniversary and end of Chemo ending June.

:tink:Congrats on your Anniversary and completing your chemo treatments! Sending pixie dust and warm wishes for a wonderful trip!:hug:
We have been going in October for the past 3 years. Haven't booked yet, waiting for deals to release! Hoping they release in April like last year.
We've tried to rent points for our stay, but one of the days always seems to nix the deal at our desired resorts. We've had luck waitlisitng with someone we know who has DVC, but she hasn't gotten back to me yet. We've done a FW Cabins back-up reservation and hope for the AP discount! We also extended to October 7-14th as we can fly home early Saturday.
Points update...We connected with our DVC source and she has 3 of our 7 nights reserved for October and the other 4 nights we are on the wait list! We have a back up at the Cabins just in case she can't get us off the wait list. We are also using a rental company for a trip in December (1-5) and have them "shopping" the AK Savanna view studio now. It was available as of yesterday, now we need to have someone pick up the reservation for us. We were able to get BCV in October 2015 from a wait-listed reservation. We inquired in March and were pulled from the list in June, so here's to hoping that we have the same luck in 2017!

Hello! We are going in October and would like to get the discount code. Does someone here let others know? I don't know how this works.

Not sure what type of rooms everyone is looking for. I booked a room for the 3rd week of October and was told Port Orleans had very few rooms left as well as other moderates in October due to Caribbean Beach construction. The cast member said guests are choosing other moderates over CBR thus filling them up earlier. Have a feeling this doesn't bode well for a discount code for moderates in October. Sure hope my feeling is wrong.

Has anyone else heard anything?
Not sure what type of rooms everyone is looking for. I booked a room for the 3rd week of October and was told Port Orleans had very few rooms left as well as other moderates in October due to Caribbean Beach construction. The cast member said guests are choosing other moderates over CBR thus filling them up earlier. Have a feeling this doesn't bode well for a discount code for moderates in October. Sure hope my feeling is wrong.

Has anyone else heard anything?

I was thinking the same re: limited availability. POR is sold out for our dates, except Royal Rooms, and POFQ only has Garden View left. We have two possible trips booked, one with a party of 7 (2 rooms at POFQ) and one with a party of 6 (AoA) depending on brother-in-law deciding to go or not. I have noticed that AoA has availability in all suite categories for our dates. I don't expect a discount if we go the POFQ route but I am hoping for something (anything) on the Nemo suite. Actually would just be happy at this point for BIL to make up his mind!
We've had a bit of pixie dust for October and we secured 6 of our 7 days at the Poly DVC. We are still waitlisted for the 7th night, but have a back up the Hyatt MCO in case we are stranded on the waitlist. I was shocked how quickly the reservation released. We won't have to wait for a code or discount for this trip as the Poly DVC studio using a members points is $650 less than a Cabins with the unreleased 25% AP discount. One less stress and now we wait for the 180 day dining window. Good luck to everyone waiting for the discounts.

Hello! We are going in October and would like to get the discount code. Does someone here let others know? I don't know how this works.


Hi Maureen! Yes, the information gets posted here as soon as it becomes available, so be sure to click "watch" and I would set it to "Receive Emails" so it pops up. Good Luck and :welcome:to the DIS!
We'll be visiting Sept 27-Oct 5. I've booked the first four nights already, but looking for the best I can get Oct 1-5. Celebrating my birthday and my husband's first trip to WDW!
I would like to go this Oct to celebrate my daughters 1st, sons 3rd and my well.....up my birthday too. But only if I find a great deal in the end.
I would like to go this Oct to celebrate my daughters 1st, sons 3rd and my well.....up my birthday too. But only if I find a great deal in the end.

How fun! We will be doing the same, my daughters will be turning 1 and 3! We're trying to get that last "free trip" by checking in a week before my oldest turns 3 and it's a week after my baby turns 1 So double birthday celebrations!
Watching for October discounts too! Last visit to WDW was 5 years ago in October for 25th anniversary...so looking to possibly do it again for 30th!


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