No exemption to mask policy.

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The absolute hysteria over this virus is out of control. Children are proven not to be significant vectors for the disease, and distancing is far more important than masks that don’t stop the virus anyway. I am disgusted to see people applauding Disney for this ridiculous position.

You're free to believe what you choose, and Disney is free to do what they need to do in order to protect their guests and their cast members. When the two opinions intersect, given that it's Disney property, Disney wins.
I don't believe for one minute that this father was clueless enough to not know the "no exemption" rules for masks at WDW but then savvy enough record his conversation with the CM and share it with The Blaze. He was out to challenge the rules and he used his 7-year old daughter to do it. Now, that's a disgrace.
The absolute hysteria over this virus is out of control. Children are proven not to be significant vectors for the disease, and distancing is far more important than masks that don’t stop the virus anyway. I am disgusted to see people applauding Disney for this ridiculous position.


What are your thoughts on the outbreak at the camp in Georgia? Below are a few different articles/studies on it in order to not post a single source on it.

CTV article

Medical News Today article

CDC study

Live Science article
It makes me so sad that a call, chat, or even web search could have prevented that child being subjected to her parents ineffectiveness to plan. I have an adult special needs sister that is high functioning and can handle some last minute adjustments, but does better with the whole picture. I never expect exemptions for her that have not been verified first. Even going places we go frequently, I double check to see if any policies have changed so she is not blindsided.

When my 7 year old nephew with autism came to visit last month and we went to the local zoo, I made sure to know which areas we could not take him due to the mask requirement. He has trouble wearing his and his parents know that due to Covid there will be places he cannot go at this time and they are fine with that. Although the main concern is their family, they are also concerned about others people's lack of safety.

Unfortunately, this pandemic has highlighted that too many people are selfish and only care about how they are impacted and not others. It is one of the reasons my sister, on 24/7 oxygen, did not feel safe leaving the house for three months. Once more places required masks, she started venturing out some. The problem is that most people only wear their masks long enough to get in places and then pull them under their nose or chin until the see someone that works there.
That is a bit of an overstatement. Accommodation should be considered if they provide the same or greater level of safety. Both side are actually misinterpreting ADA.

For the families part, they should have proposed a way that their child could access the parks with out creating an health hazard (assuming there is one)

For Disney's side, as blanket one size fits all rule with no path to viable accommodations is also not allowed.

Disney probably did a technical violation by the wording used by the CM, but not a direct violation of the child's rights because no accommodation, that would not create a health risk was requested/proposed, therefore Disney did not deny a reasonable accommodate under ADA.

I don't understand what you're trying to say in your last sentence - is there a way you could clarify, please?

A technical violation is still a violation. Social distancing is a reasonable accommodation if the mask policy is allowed to be exempted. I would have kept any child I had with sensory issues in the middle of my family to prevent any issues with their disability. This would logically mean that an appropriate distance would be maintained between the child who cannot wear a mask and anyone who is not a member of the household (who would be masked). The CM could have said that if the child could not wear a mask then this is the accommodation method. Since they did not, a violation of state law and ADA can be argued.

I personally do not wear a mask due to my own disability. When I am in public I try to maintain social distancing and carry a mask for those few, brief times when I cannot do so. I remove the mask however as soon as I can distance myself again. I will not be planning any trip to Disney until the mandate is relaxed. But that is my choice, one I will not force on anyone.

Social distancing doesn't always work either though. It's the combination of masks and social distancing that work. And there's no guarantee that they could keep her away (and hands off everything) for an entire Disney trip.

The absolute hysteria over this virus is out of control. Children are proven not to be significant vectors for the disease, and distancing is far more important than masks that don’t stop the virus anyway. I am disgusted to see people applauding Disney for this ridiculous position.

I guess you don't follow the news about schools closing down south. Or looked up any of the more recent scientific studies that show how various masks work?
@RaySharpton the last link in your post above, about lawsuit, is one of the DAS lawsuits from 2014 and doesn't directly pertain to the recent incident about the face mask.
@RaySharpton the last link in your post above, about lawsuit, is one of the DAS lawsuits from 2014 and doesn't directly pertain to the recent incident about the face mask.

I agree, but it seems difficult to sue a big company like Disney and win. I was just posting in relation to suing.
while I can see where you are coming from, and would normally agree, I am just honestly just letting people know.

I have my position on the whole mask issue, but that is my position. I respect the position of others and normally prefers not to cause a confrontation.
But why not post in the thread that already exists regarding face masks at Disney. Its usually at or near the top of the board, so its not hard to find.
But why not post in the thread that already exists regarding face masks at Disney. Its usually at or near the top of the board, so its not hard to find.
If you are referring to the "Face mask policy & children with autism" thread here on the disABILITIES Forum, I have tried to keep that to a narrow focus of helping folks with suggestions. I asked OP to start a new thread for this discussion, which I was afraid could derail the other.
I don't understand what you're trying to say in your last sentence - is there a way you could clarify, please?

in most disability law there are procedural violations and violation that infringe on rights.

For procedural violations, there is typically just a letter saying do not do it again and perhaps some compliance checks.

for rights violations the cures are typically much more involved and considered much more serious

In this case there was likely a procedural violation, but since there was no appropriate (and safe) accommodation requested there was not an infringemnt on rights as I read it.
I agree, but it seems difficult to sue a big company like Disney and win. I was just posting in relation to suing.
Most ADA actions do not involve lawsuits but rather simply filing an OCR complaint, which is quite simple and easily done by the public
The father should have contacted Disney ahead of time about this issue and canceled his trip while Disney is being very accommodating about it. There will come a time when masks are not needed. I have COPD and don't like wearing a mask, but I will do so when it is required.

Yep. And I have no doubt that he knew about the mask requirement - he was probably confident that he could come to Disney and bully CMs into doing what he wanted. Spouting off about the ADA, pretending to know what he was talking about...and the CMs handled it perfectly! Never lost their cool, were never rude or dismissive, just told him how it was going to be.
I feel bad for the entire family. Life is difficult enough for many if not all right now. I don’t think this dad was trying to put one over on Disney, nor trying to be difficult. He was reacting to being blocked from the park due to a rule that, to Him... was going to be excepted due to his child’s medical condition. It’s his child, I get it! Perhaps it could have been handled better by Disney. The could have, should haves do nothing in the heat of the moment. I think they likely were fully refunded and should be imho, even if it’s based on a good Will gesture. Things felt like they changed constantly and while here on the DIS , Disney peeps might know every rule and quickly ... not everyone does, even tho they should. and this child... no one said anything tv for all the days at the resort,,bus, pool, store, lobby area etc? Just seems strange to me.
I hope they get to go back at some point post Covid and make Disney Memories. This too shall pass👍

I am seeing more businesses having the Must Wear Mask sign and under that.. BOLDED that if You have a disability and can’t wear it, ok and ADA says we can’t ask you. Clearly giving any and everybody an out. And people Are taking advantage of that. Not saying this is related to above situation at all, but just a point of reference.
Please, Wear ur mask.
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